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ROMANS AT A GLANCE A Study of the Apostle Paul’s Epistle to the Romans CHAPTER 3

ROMANS AT A GLANCE A Study of the Apostle Paul’s Epistle to the Romans CHAPTER 3. JEWISH OBJECTIONS. Romans 3:3-4.

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ROMANS AT A GLANCE A Study of the Apostle Paul’s Epistle to the Romans CHAPTER 3

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  1. ROMANS AT A GLANCE A Study of the Apostle Paul’s Epistle to the Romans CHAPTER 3

  2. JEWISH OBJECTIONS Romans 3:3-4 The Jews: "God has promised blessings to us Jews. Now if some don't receive those blessings because of unbelief, doesn't that mean God has broken His promise and is unjust?” (Rom 3:3) Paul: “Not at all! God is always just even if every man is unrighteous. As a matter of fact, there is a sense in which the unrighteousness of man serves to establish or bring into focus the righteousness of God.” (Rom 3:4, Ps 51:4) OBJECTION 1 JEL–ROM 3-1

  3. JEWISH OBJECTIONS Romans 3:5-6 The Jews: "But if our unrighteousness demonstrates the righteousness of God, wouldn't He be unjust to punish us for our sins? Wouldn't He be unfair to condemn us for our sins when we, by our sin, show God to be just.” (Rom 3:5) Paul: “Of course not! If that were true then God could not judge anyone, or condemn anyone of sin.” (Rom 3:6) OBJECTION 2 JEL–ROM 3-2

  4. JEWISH OBJECTIONS Romans 3:7-8 The Jews: "If good things come as a result of my sins (e.g., God's justice, mercy, and grace are revealed), then why am I criticized and condemned for my sins. Instead, I ought to be praised! Indeed, even as you have proposed, Paul, I ought to sin more that more good may come.” (Rom 3:7) Paul: “I never said any such thing! The condemnation of those who slander me is just!” (Rom 3:8) OBJECTION 3 JEL–ROM 3-3

  5. JEWISH OBJECTIONS Romans 3:9-18 The Jews: "Paul, if we do have some advantages as a result of being God's chosen people, are we better off than the Gentiles?” (Rom 3:9) Paul: “Not at all. I have already said plainly that you Jews are under the condemnation of sin just like the Gentiles. Even your own prophets have said that the Jews are under the condemnation of sin.” (Rom 3:10-18) OBJECTION 4 JEL–ROM 3-4

  6. Romans 3:10-19 THE FINAL WORD ONJEWISH SINFULNESS What did the law say? “There is none righteous, no not one . . .” (Rom 3:10-18) To whom does it say this? “. . . to those that under the law . . . ”; that is, the Jews (Rom 3:19) What is the result? The Jews' boasting mouths are shut up and they are shown to be guilty before God. (Rom 3:19) JEL–ROM 3-5

  7. Romans 3:20 JUSTIFICATION • The establishment of a person as just by acquittal from guilt • To judge, regard, or treat a person as righteous and worthy of salvation • The legal and formal acquittal from guilt by God; the pronouncement of the sinner as righteous JEL–ROM 3-6

  8. Romans 3:20 WHAT IS LAW? Law is the expressed and binding will of God JEL–ROM 3-7

  9. Romans 3:20 THE JEWS' PROBLEMWITH LAW 1. They did not want to admit that they had violated law (Rom 2:17-3:20) 2. They sought justification by works of law (Rom 9:31-32) 3. They 'stumbled' at the thought of a crucified Christ (Rom 9:32-33; 1Cor 1:23) JEL–ROM 3-8

  10. LAWKNOWS ONLY ONE DEMAND . . .FLAWLESS OBEDIENCE Romans 3:20 • Gal 3:10 “. . . cursed is every one who does not abide by all things which are written in the . . . law . . .” • Gal 5:3 “ . . . every man who receives circumcision . . . is obligated to keep the whole law.” • Jam 2:10 “For whoever keeps the whole law, and yet stumbles in one point, he has become guilty of all.” JEL–ROM 3-9

  11. MAN DOES NOT KEEP THE LAW FLAWLESSLY Romans 3:20 Rom 3:9 “ . . . Both Jews and Greeks are all under sin.” Rom 3:10 “. . .There is none righteous, not even one.” Rom 3:23 “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” JEL–ROM 3-10

  12. THE REAL PURPOSE OF LAW Romans 3:20 1. TO IDENTIFY SIN AND TO MAKE US KNOW THAT WE ARE SINNERS • Rom 3:20 “ . . . through the law comes the knowledge of sin.” • Rom 7:7 “. . . I would not have come to know sin except through the law; for I would not have known about coveting, if the law had not said, ‘You shalt not covet.’” • Rom 7:13 “. . . it was sin, in order that it might be shown to be sin by effecting my death through that which is good [i.e. the law], that through the commandment sin might become utterly sinful.” • Rom 5:20 “And the law came in that the transgression might increase.” JEL–ROM 3-11

  13. THE REAL PURPOSE OF LAWContinued Romans 3:20 “ But the Scripture has shut up all men under sin, that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe . . . Therefore the law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ, that we may be justified by faith.” (Gal 3:22, 24) 2. TO INDUCE US TO TURN TO CHRIST FOR SALVATION 3. NOT TO RELIEVE MAN OF GUILT OR THE PENALTY FOR SIN “ . . . by the works of law no flesh will be justified in His sight; for through the law comes the knowledge of sin.” (Rom 3:20) JEL–ROM 3-12

  14. GOD PROVIDES A BETTER WAY Romans 3:19-31 WE CAN NEVER BE JUSTIFIED THROUGH WORKS OF LAW • We're not good enough • Law was never intended for this purpose GOD HAS PROVIDED ANOTHER WAY FOR US TO BE JUSTIFIED • Does not depend on our keeping the law flawlessly •  Justification is given as a free gift to those who believe in Jesus Christ BUT JEL–ROM 3-13

  15. THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD Romans 3:21-25 1. Has now been revealed (3:21) 2. Is “apart from the law” (3:21) 3. Was “witnessed by the law and the prophets” (3:21) 4. Is “of God” (3:22) 5. Is “through faith in Christ Jesus” (3:22) 6. Is for “all those who believe” (3:22) 7. Is a free gift (3:24) 8. Is by God's grace (3:24) 9. Is “through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus” (3:24) 10. Is made possible through the propitiatory sacrifice of Christ; the shedding of His blood (3:25) JEL–ROM 3-14

  16. GOD IS JUSTAND THE JUSTIFIER . . . Romans 3:24-26 God sent Christ to pay the penalty for us who could not pay the price ourselves. Christ appeased the demands of the law for punishment by giving His own life on the cross. He bought us back from the sentence of death with His blood. In this way, the mercy of God was demonstrated along with His justice. How can God be true to His own nature of fairness and justice if He allows those who are guilty of sin to escape punishment? GOD IS JUST (He cannot ignore sin but must exact the full penalty for violations of law) GOD IS MERCIFUL (He justifies sinners; that is, He acquits men of their sins and regards them as innocent) JEL–ROM 3-15

  17. THE SYSTEM OF FAITH VS.THE SYSTEM OF WORKS SYSTEM OF FAITH • Active faith required • Salvation by grace through Christ • Boasting excluded (3:27) • Forgiveness for imperfections • Both Jews and Gentiles can be saved SYSTEM OF LAW • Perfect law-keeping required (2:13; Gal 3:10) • Salvation by meritorious works (4:1-5) • Allows for boasting (4:2-4) • No forgiveness • No one can be saved (3:20) JEL–ROM 3-16

  18. SUMMARYRomans Chapters 1 through 3 • All men are under law • But they do not live consistent with that law • It is not possible for them to be justified by law • So they stand inexcusable and condemned before God • But God has revealed a plan for justifying man, not on the basis of law-keeping, but on the basis of faith in Jesus Christ • This justification is available to all who will believe on Jesus • It is possible because Christ paid the penalty for us and redeemed us with His blood • This arrangement allows God to be both just and merciful JEL–ROM 3-17

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