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What does it mean to genuinely be yourself? It’s an interesting question because true authenticity looks different on each and every person. That’s what authenticity is, after all. It’s the truth of who we are beneath it all—beneath the layers and the masks we use to disguise ourselves. <br>So why is being yourself so difficult? <br>Who is it we’re hiding from? What are we so afraid of?
ConquerYourFearOfBeingYourselfTo Live A More AuthenticLife What does it mean to genuinely be yourself? It’s an interesting question because true authenticity looks different on each and every person. That’s what authenticity is, after all. It’s the truth of who we are beneath it all—beneath the layers and the masks we use to disguiseourselves. So why is being yourself sodifficult? Who is it we’re hiding from? What are we so afraidof? If we could unlock the secret to being our authentic selves no matter the situation or circumstance, we could be happier. Healthier. Better balanced. Moreconfident. So, here’s why being yourself can be so challenging—and how to overcome those challenges to start living your most authenticlife.
Why Being Yourself Is So Difficult Going out into in the world often requires us to use different social masks. And the mask we put on depends on where we’re going and who we’re going to bewith. Maybe you’ve noticed this about yourself, too. You act one way when you’re around your family, and a different way when with friends. You act differently at work than you do when you’re at home byyourself. Altering your behavior to suit the social context you’re in is entirely normal. It’s an adaptive response to the world around you. But this is also where things gettricky. That’s because some of us forget who we are beneath the social layers and masks. We lose touch with our most authenticselves. And this is exactly why being yourself can be so difficult. We get lost in the expectations others have of us. We get anxious around those we don’t know. And the result? We hide. We deflect. We stop being who we trulyare.
4 Tips To Being Yourself And LivingAuthentically Shaking off your fear of being yourself isn’t going to happen overnight. It’s a process. But if you want to work on being yourself more often to live a more authentic life, there are a few key strategies you canuse. 1. Reconnect with your innerchild When we’re kids, we don’t give much thought to society’s expectations of us. We have no boss to report to, no daily obligations to deal with. The biggest dilemma in our day is whether to wear our dinosaur socks or our unicornones. Kids are uninhibited by social roles. On the playground, we’re free to be whoever we want to be.Butsomewherealongtheway,welosethat. Oneofthebestwaystobeginlivingmoreauthenticallyisbyreconnectingwithyourinner
child. What did you want to be when you grew up? Did you have a favorite show? What was your favorite breakfastcereal? Spend some time with your inner kid and you’ll be well on your way to becoming your most genuineself. Trust your instincts Many of us second guess our decisions. This can become a chronic problem that leads to self-doubt and a lack ofconfidence. Learning to trust yourself and your instincts takes time. But a big part of it is putting a stop to the back and forth second-guessing that happens before and after adecision. Try this: the next time you need to decide where to go for dinner, pick the first place that comes to mind and stick with it. No back and forth. No second guessing. Noflip-flopping. Trust your instincts! You know what you’redoing. Stop SayingYes People pleasingis one of the reasons we lose touch with who are. We want others to be happy so we sacrifice our own wants and needs in the face of what theywant. Being considerable, respectful, and accommodating is one thing. But this can really spiral out of control. So, practice saying no every so often. And don’t panic. You’re not going to lose friends over it. If you do—they likely weren’t a true friend to beginwith. Practiceself-acceptance Unapologetically being yourself isn’t easy. One of the biggest steps we can take to live more authenticallyistoacceptwhoweare,rightnow,inthismoment. Not the person you want to be or the person you hope you’ll become in six months. But the person you are rightnow.
As Marisa Peer, Author of Mindvalley’s Uncompromised Life Programsays, “If you don’t like yourself, nothing else really matters.” And it’s true. If you’re unable to love the person you are, you won’t be comfortable revealing that self toothers. Being yourself means reconnecting with who you were, but it also means acknowledging how far you’ve come and accepted the person you aretoday. Listen to your instincts. Respect your wants and needs. Practice self-acceptance. You’ll be well on your way to being yourself in any and every situation to unlock your most authentic life.