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Chapter 8

Chapter 8. Beyond Feelings. The Basic Problem. 01. The Basic Problem: “Mine Is Better”. Our things are not an extension of ourselves … either are our thoughts. 02. Video: I Am. Egocentric People. Ego-speak. “God! Libya! Gadaffi !”. Ego-think. 03. Ethnocentric People.

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Chapter 8

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 8 Beyond Feelings The Basic Problem 01

  2. TheBasic Problem:“Mine Is Better” Our things are not an extension of ourselves…either are our thoughts 02 Video: I Am

  3. Egocentric People Ego-speak “God! Libya! Gadaffi!” Ego-think 03

  4. Ethnocentric People • Ethnocentric people believe: • their group is fundamentally and completely superior to other groups • the motivations and intentions of other groups is suspect 04

  5. Controlling “Mine-Is-Better”Thinking Critical thinkers control mine-is-better thinking because… • our preferences can prevent us from identifying flaws in our own ideas • our preferences can prevent us from seeing and building on other people’s ideas • it creates a willingness to uncritically accept ideas that match our own • it leaves us open to manipulation by people within our group 05

  6. Chapter 9 Errors of Perspective 06

  7. Errors of Perspective …influence the way we evaluate issues, create expectations & bias our thought patterns 7 Errors of Perspective: --poverty of aspect --unwarranted assumption --the either/or outlook --mindless conformity --absolutism --relativism --bias for or against change 07 …are like wearing glasses with smudges on the lenses but not knowing!

  8. …the limitation that comes from taking a narrow perspective rather than a broad view on problems & issues. Poverty of Aspect College Baseball’s Psychology Major 08

  9. Unwarranted Assumptions • Draw 4 straight lines so that they pass through all 9 dots. • Do not lift your pen/pencil. • Do not touch any dot more than once. 09 …ideas that are taken for granted rather than produced by conscious thought.

  10. …the expectation that the only reasonable view of any issue is either total affirmation or total rejection. The Either/Or Outlook If homosexuality is wrong and abortion is wrong then… 10 Some ideas fall in a gray area

  11. …conformity that is unreasonable and/or unreasoning. Mindless Conformity VIDEO: Asch’s Elevator Experiment VIDEO: Asch’s Line Length Experiment 11

  12. …the belief that there must be rules but no exceptions. Absolutism Can you think of any exceptions to this commandment? 12

  13. Relativism …the belief that the existence of exceptions proves there can be no rules. 13

  14. Bias for or Against Change …lacking a balanced perspective on change, believing that change is always bad or always good. Bias FOR Change Bias AGAINST Change 14 14-2 8-8

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