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Public Advice Traveling Help DSD Course – Project final Presentation School of Innovation, Design and Engineering Malardalen University Jan 15 th , 2008. Contents. Introduction Project final Presentation Team Members Project Analysis Development Model Milestones

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Public Advice Traveling HelpDSD Course – Project final PresentationSchool of Innovation, Design and Engineering Malardalen UniversityJan 15th, 2008

  2. Contents • Introduction • Project final Presentation • Team Members • Project Analysis • Development Model • Milestones • Architectural decisions • Risk Management • Effort Metrics • Financial Metrics • Communication • Requirement Compliance • Testing • Project Experiences • Score Approach • Demo

  3. Project Analysis – Development Model Requirement, Design and implementation were in parallel rather sequential. Individual working with short meetings. Responsibilities and roles Conclusion: Helped in multi tasking and proper initial planning Reorganized ourselves to long working under same roof. Faster problem solving Conclusion: Experienced better implementation phase RUP Agile 3

  4. Project Analysis - Milestones Conclusion • Most tasks were on time. • Implementation and testing were delayed by 1 week. • Prototype development should be complete before implementa- tion starts to avoid delay. 4

  5. Project Analysis – Architectural Decisions As a result of our research into requirements we were guided on how to make decisions as to our system architecture. • Software selection • L.A.M.P • GoogleMaps API • Project Architecture • User Interface Layer (UIL) • Business Object Layer (BOL) • Data Access Layer (DAL) 5

  6. Project Analysis - Risk Management • Time shortage • Competence in technology • Key resource leaving the team • Miscommunication • Design Flaw • Database server crash • SVN server crash • Choose of wrong technology • Installation problem • Server unavailability Conclusion • Many of the risks were fore seen. • Lack of competence in technology created installation problem Risk Analysis 6

  7. Project Analysis - Effort Metrics Weekly effort metrics Conclusion • Equal work distribution through out the software development weeks. • Work Distribution among team members was equal except for holidays. Person effort metrics 7

  8. Financial metrics & Communication Financial metrics • The cost well within the budget. • Estimated as 25hrs/week. Actual should be 20hrs/week. Communication • Miscommunication was regarded as one of the risks. But did not prove so. • 241 messages, 65 files uploaded to btwmdh@googlegroups.com. • All barriers of cultural differences were broken to work as a team.

  9. Project Analysis – Requirement Compliance • Dropped tasks • Integration of management • Partially Implemented • Add advice types • Conflict management 9

  10. Project Testing Requirements Testing 2014-10-25 10

  11. Project Experiences Positive Experiences • Communication • Planning design • Cultural differences • Team Work • Real distributed environment • Equal workload through all weeks of development Possible improvements • Technical improvements • Documentation • Time management • Better risk analysis • Early prototype development • Time allocation for testing 2014-10-25 11

  12. Score Approach Communication with Customer • Score Supervisior recommended to find • potential user • From Common people requirement are • collected on basis of Survey and Interview by • feedback 2014-10-25 12

  13. Score Approach • Problem solving approach in Requirement Engineering • Analysis Search and Conclude (ASC) approach to • review problems • It contains simple steps that are based on reviewing problems in peers ASC (Analysis, Search and Conclude) 2014-10-25 13

  14. Score Approach Additional requirements • PATH advice management system • Adding Advice features such as Bar, Road information • according to user. • Problem faced in writing the SCORE Report • Ambigious about expectation of Steering Group about SCORE Report • No previous Experience of Writing Score Report for International • Conference • At the Beginning Lack Team work when only 2 member working on • Score report • Learning from Score Report • Able to Analyze and find ASC approach • Team work comes handy in all phase of software life cycle. 2014-10-25 14

  15. Demo

  16. Thank you& Any Questions? 16

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