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This workshop provides an overview of CARICOM, the role of SBR, definitions in the 2008 SNA, characteristics of SBR, and sources of data. It highlights the key role of SBR in providing quality data for NA compilation and business statistics. The workshop covers topics such as the economic structure, activity changes, mergers, break-ups/splits, takeovers, relationships, and the use of SBR for economic surveys.
CARICOM OVERVIEW • Role of SBR • Definitions in the 2008 SNA • Characteristics of SBR • Sources of Data;
Role of SBR • Key role of SBR in providing quality data for NA compilation but also business statistics; • SBR is the main source of business demography keeping track of births and deaths of businesses; • Provides information on the changes in the economic structure, activity, mergers, break-ups/ splits, takeovers, relationships etc.; • SBR is a frame used for the conduct of economic surveys including the grossing up of results; • Generally for administrative use and for use by businesses (potential).
Definitions in the SNA 2008 • Enterprise: • Units engaged in production are recognized by the 2008 SNA as enterprises; • An enterprise is the view of an institutional unit as a producer of goods and services. • The majority of enterprises may engage in only one sort of production; • Large enterprises, may be few in number that undertake many different kinds of production, • Exercises a degree of autonomy in decision-making and it use of current resources.
Definitions in the SNA 2008 • Kind of Activity Unit (KAU): • A kind-of-activity unit is an enterprise, or a part of an enterprise, that engages in only one kind of productive activity or in which the principal productive activity accounts for most of the value added. • Enterprises often engage in productive activity at more than one location, and for some purposes it may be useful to partition them accordingly.
Definitions in the SNA 2008 • Local Unit: • A local unit is an enterprise, or a part of an enterprise, that engages in productive activity at or from one location. • Establishment: • An establishment is an enterprise, or part of an enterprise, that is situated in a single location and in which only a single productive activity is carried out or in which the principal productive activity accounts for most of the value added. • Establishments are sometimes referred to as local kind-of activity units (local KAUs).
Characteristics of SBR • Identification variables (identity number, name of enterprise, address, Geographic location such as region, ED No., email (optional?), telephone/fax etc. name of owner/contact person; • Legal Status (Public company, Private Limited Liability, Partnerships, Co-operative societies, non-profit-making bodies, Sole proprietorship etc; • Country of Ownership ( locally, foreign owned and percentage ); • Links with other registers common (unique) identifier /administrative number;
Characteristics of SBR • Stratification variables (Industry (code), principal economic activity (latest ISIC/ country adaptations), number of employees, institutional sector; sales turnover); • Demographic variables (births (YBO)/date of incorporation, date of changes in economicactivity, deaths (Year) - active/inactive) • Type of Statistical Unit (e.g. Enterprise group, enterprises, establishments, Local Units, KAUs enterprise, relationships);
Sources of Data • Sources are both statistical and administrative and can include the following; • Census of Businesses; • Population and Housing Census Visitation Records • Surveys of businesses, other economic and household surveys (listing records); • Taxation registers/records (VAT, Corporation/Income Tax); • Various business directories such as telephone/yellow pages etc.; • Business associations, media etc