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MEIC/ELIC Meeting 10/07/2011. Updates Ongoing MEIC Design Work Mike Sullivan Visit Start Cost Estimate Exercise EIC-related workshop in Japan Detector R&D proposals Base EIC Requirements from science point of view (related to accelerator section of EIC white paper)
MEIC/ELIC Meeting 10/07/2011 • Updates • Ongoing MEIC Design Work • Mike Sullivan Visit • Start Cost Estimate Exercise • EIC-related workshop in Japan • Detector R&D proposals • Base EIC Requirements from science point of view • (related to accelerator section of EIC white paper) • Discussion of science related to exclusive processes • (related to GPD’s and exclusive reactions section)
Ongoing MEIC Design Work • MEIC Intermediate Design report editing ongoing • see http://casa.jlab.org/meic/meic_reports.shtml • Highest priority for next period: electron cooling design • plan to have ~50 page document by next EICAC • Engaged Dave Douglas to work on cooler design • October 31 – November 4: visit Mike Sullivan • Extended Interaction region design – validation Synchrotron/neutron backgrounds – quantitative calculation • (including revised look at IR beam pipe design) • Interaction Region magnets – conceptual sketch • (solenoid + return yoke, dipole, e- and Ion FF quads) • October 31 • 1:00 – 5:00 MEIC Detector and IR Design Mini-Workshop • November 1 • 2:30 – 4:30 IR Magnet Discussion (w. Brindza & Biallas)
Start of MEIC Cost Estimate • Ramping up to start cost estimate • Plan is to look at rough count and estimate for all components • Pick out three highest cost drivers (civil, SC ion magnets, ?) • and do a more thorough estimate for those • If close to step one, good guess for rough cost estimate • Bill Schneider found agreeable to look at cost estimates of highest cost drivers as consultant • Project management (Dennis Miner) involved from start to make sure we have all adders (contingency, overhead, escalation, management) in to come with cost as DOE sees it. • Plan to do this over October-December period
Workshop at RIKEN on Future Directions in High Energy QCD The aim of the workshop is to deliberate on different possibilities and identify some key areas of high energy QCD for us to collaborate and contribute. - theoretical progress and challenges in heavy-ion physics - theoretical developments in high-energy QCD processes - present status and future challenges of non-perturbative QCD - achievements of QCD-related topics from past and recent experiments - challenges for high-energy QCD experiments at hadron facilities - physics case & opportunities at new QCD facilities with special focus on role of Japan - how Japanese accelerator communities can contribute on the future EIC project
Workshop at RIKEN on Future Directions in High Energy QCD October 20 (Thu) *** morning-1: 9:00-10:40 9:00- 9:20 HidetoEnyo "opening address" 9:20-10:00 Berndt Mueller "Future challenges of heavy-ion physics" 10:00-10:40 Feng Yuan "Future challenges of spin physics" *** coffee break: 10:40-11:00 *** morning-2: 11:00-12:40 11:00-11:30 Stefan Bathe "Experimental status and outlook of heavy-ion physics at RHIC" 11:30-12:00 Kieran Boyle "Experimental status and outlook of spin physics at RHIC" 12:00-12:40 Alexei Prokudin "Theoretical status and outlook of spin physics" *** lunch: 12:40-13:40 *** afternoon-1: 13:40-15:30 13:40-14:20 Barbara Jacak "PHENIX upgrade overview" 14:20-15:00 J.H. Lee "STAR upgrade overview" 15:00-15:30 Takao Sakaguchi "Heavy-ion physics with PHENIX upgrades" *** coffee break: 15:30-15:50 15:50-16:20 Ralf Seidl "Spin physics with PHENIX upgrades" 16:20-17:00 Shinichi Esumi "sPHENIX upgrade at midrapidity" 17:00-17:40 Itaru Nakagawa "sPHENIX upgrade at forward rapidity"
Workshop at RIKEN on Future Directions in High Energy QCD October 21 (Fri) *** morning-1: 9:00-10:20 9:00- 9:40 Tetsufumi Hirano "Theoretical status and outlook of heavy-ion physics" 9:40-10:20 Kazunori Itakura "Theoretical status and outlook of small-x physics" *** coffee break: 10:20-10:40 *** morning-2: 10:40-12:20 10:40-11:20 Zein-EddineMeziani "QCD at JLab-12GeV" 11:20-11:50 Yoshiyuki Miyachi "Status and outlook of COMPASS experiment" 11:50-12:20 Hiroaki Ohnishi "QCD at J-PARC" *** lunch: 12:20-13:20 *** afternoon-1: 13:20-15:20 13:20-14:00 Osamu Jinnouchi "QCD with LHC pp collision" 14:00-14:40 Brian Cole "Heavy-ion experiments at LHC" 14:40-15:20 AbhayDeshpande "EIC project overview" *** coffee break: 15:20-15:40 *** afternoon-2: 15:40-17:40 15:40-16:20 Rolf Ent "detector design and physics at EIC“ 16:20-17:00 Matthias Burkardt "Spin physics at EIC" 17:00-17:40 JianweiQiu "eA physics at EIC" *** dinner at RIKEN cafeteria: 18:00-20:00
Workshop at RIKEN on Future Directions in High Energy QCD October 22 (Sat) *** morning-1: 9:00-10:20 9:00- 9:40 TakuIzubuchi "Approach to heavy-ion and spin physics with lattice QCD" 9:40-10:20 Koji Hashimoto "Approach to heavy-ion and spin physics with AdS/CFT" *** coffee break: 10:20-10:40 *** morning-2: 10:40-12:00 10:40-11:20 Yoshitaka Itow "LHCf experiment" 11:20-12:00 Toru Iijima "QCD at KEKB and Super KEKB" *** lunch: 12:00-13:00 *** afternoon-1: 13:00-14:20 13:00-13:40 Thomas Ullrich "eA experiment at EIC" 13:40-14:20 KatsuoTokushuku "QCD at HERA and LHeC" *** coffee break: 14:20-14:40 *** afternoon-2: 14:40-16:20 14:40-15:20 Thomas Roser "eRHIC design and R&D" 15:20-16:00 Andrew Hutton "MEIC design and R&C" 16:00-16:20 "summary of the workshop"
Generic Detector R&D for an EIC • Approved Detector R&D items after 1st call/meeting • (see also https://wiki.bnl.gov/conferences/index.php/EIC_R%25D) • DIRC-based PID for the EIC Central Detector • Catholic U A, Old Dominion U, GSI/Darmstadt, JLab • 2) Proposal to test improved radiation tolerant Silicon PMTs • JLab Radiation Detector & Imaging Group • Letter-of-Intent for detector R&D towards an EIC detector • BNL-based collaboration, includes U of Virginia • To be submitted in response to 2nd call for proposals • 1) Incorporate tracking information in pipelined trigger • electronics/DAQ • JLab Fast Electronics Group • Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detectors for a Vertex Tracker in EIC • Saclay, MIT • Development of a Spin-Light Polarimeter for the EIC • Mississippi State U, ANL, U Michigan?, Stony Brook U?
EIC White Paper Steering Committee Goal: Community-wide science paper on the US EIC for the next LRP Overall Editors: A. Deshpande (Stony Brook), Z-E. Meziani (Temple), J. Qiu (BNL) Gluon Saturation in e+A: plan to add two editors for nuclear QCD topic T. Ullrich (BNL) and Y. Kovchegov (Ohio State) Nucleon spin structure (inclusive e+N): E. Sichtermann (LBNL) and W. Vogelsang (Tubingen) GPD's and exclusive reactions: Discussion today M. Diehl (DESY) and F. Sabatie (Saclay) TMD's and hadronization and SIDIS: H. Gao (Duke) and F. Yuan (LBNL) Electroweak physics: K. Kumar (U Mass) and M. Ramsey-Musolf (Wisconsin) Accelerator design and challenges: need for one-page requirements A. Hutton (JLab) and T. Roser (BNL) Detector design and challenges: E. Aschenauer (BNL) and T. Horn (CUA) Senior Advisors: A. Mueller (Columbia) and R. Holt (ANL)
EIC: Critical Capabilities • Base EIC Requirements per Executive Summary INT Report: • range in energies from s ~ 400 to s ~ 5000 & variable • fully-polarized (>70%), longitudinal and transverse • ion species up to A = 200 or so • high luminosity: about 1034e-nucleons cm-2 s-1 • multiple interaction regions • upgradable to higher energies But MEIC and eRHIC get to such luminosity in different ways: • JLab science point of view: • High luminosity at appropriate s and • proton energy, over large range • t range of 0-2 should not correspond • to infinitesimally small angles • Minimize reliance on Roman Pots • full acceptance of detector (do not • hit peak fields in focusing quads) • Ease of particle identification • Ease of polarized beam Luminosity x 1032/cm2/s
EIC: Critical Capabilities • Base EIC Requirements per Executive Summary INT Report: • range in energies from s ~ 400 to s ~ 5000 & variable • fully-polarized (>70%), longitudinal and transverse • ion species up to A = 200 or so • high luminosity: about 1034e-nucleons cm-2 s-1 • multiple interaction regions • upgradable to higher energies Need to expand on this for page of science-driven requirements for Andrew/Thomas Should give: at what Ecm maximum luminosity? what luminosity acceptable at Ecm edges? what is acceptable in terms of Ee/Ep?
From MEIC Intermediate Design Report: • High-Level Machine Requirements • The highest-level machine requirements for an MEIC for Nuclear Science are the following: • Full coverage in s from a few hundred to a few thousand GeV2 will allow the MEIC to address nuclear science between JLab 12 GeV and HERA energies. • The lower end of this s range provides overlap with JLab 12 GeV (smax = 20 GeV2) and COMPASS (smax = 360 GeV2). • With smax= 4400 GeV2 and a conservative assumption of ymax= 0.8, the MEIC will have kinematic reach down to x = 2.8×10-4 at Q2 = 1 GeV2, overlapping with full-energy HERA data for y < 0.14 and low-energy HERA runs for y < 0.28. • At least two primary (high-luminosity) interaction points (IPs) on separate straight sections. • Space for a secondary IP on one or both straight section is an advantage. • High luminosity of about 1034 e-nucleons cm-2 s-1. • As many (e.g., exclusive) processes greatly benefit from a high luminosity at lower c.m. energies, a high luminosity is important over the full kinematic range. • The maximum luminosity should optimally be reached in the middle of the accessible s range, i.e., somewhere in the region of s = 1000-2000 GeV2. • The synchrotron and residual-gas backgrounds in the detector region have to be minimised to allow high-luminosity operation at the primary interaction points. • A fully hermetic detector integrated into the interaction regions and collider design. • A key factor in reaching full hermeticity is the capability to detect mesons and baryons down to small angles (about 0.5°) before the ion beam final-focusing quads (FFQs), and up to this same number after the FFQs. Detection prior to the FFQs will comprise both the detector endcap and dedicated small-angle detection (including a dipole magnet). • A strong dipole magnet downstream of the ion FFQs should allow to peel off recoiling particles (spectators or diffractive products) at near-zero angles and energies deviating from the ion beam energies.
From MEIC Intermediate Design Report (continued): • High-Level Machine Requirements • Ion species up to A = 200 or so (Au, Pb). • Fully-polarized (>70%) electrons and light ions (p, d, 3He, etc). • Both longitudinal and transverse polarization directions for ions, and longitudinal polarization direction for electrons are needed for the spin program. • A possibility to reverse the ion spin with a frequency of at least 10 Hz is important for reducing the systematic uncertainties. • Simultaneously storing bunch trains with approximately equal total charge of the opposite electron helicities is also essential for systematics. • Different electron and ion bunches should collide in every turn. • Electron energies from 3 to 11 GeV. • Low electron energies are important for the reach in s, but reliable detection of the scattered electron becomes difficult if the beam energy gets too low. • Apertures need to be designed with high-current 3 GeV operation in mind. • The design should make effective use of CEBAF after the 12 GeV Upgrade. • To reach a full coverage in s, it should be possible to operate the machine with a continuous or closely spaced set (< 1 GeV) of electron beam energies. • Proton energies from 20 to about 100 GeV. • The available proton energies can be discrete if needed (1-10 GeV steps). • Apertures need to be designed with 20 GeV proton operation in mind. • Ion energies from 12 to about 40 GeV/u. • A design upgradable to higher energies, up to at least 20 GeV for electron and 250 GeV for protons and 100 GeV/u for heavy ions.