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NEOPLASIA. Suimin Qiu, MD, PhD, Norbert Herzog, PhD, Valerie Bauer, MD Suimin Qiu, MD, PhD Associate Professor Division of Surgical Pathology The University of Texas Medical Branch. PATH 6266: NEOPLASIA. Neoplasia The new and abnormal development of cells that may be benign or malignant

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Presentation Transcript

  1. NEOPLASIA Suimin Qiu, MD, PhD, Norbert Herzog, PhD, Valerie Bauer, MD Suimin Qiu, MD, PhD Associate Professor Division of Surgical Pathology The University of Texas Medical Branch

  2. PATH 6266: NEOPLASIA • Neoplasia • The new and abnormal development of cells that may be benign or malignant • Malignant Tumors • Carcinoma • Breast Cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer • Sarcoma • Liposarcoma • Osteosarcoma • Chondrosarcoma • Leimyosarcoma • Lymphoma • Diffuse large B cell lymphoma • Hodgkin lymphoma • Leukemia • Acute lymphoblastic leukemia • CML t(9;22) • AML-M3 t(15;17)

  3. EMT: Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition or Transformation E-cadherin Ras PI3K/AKT Snal/Snug TGF- Integrin α1β2 Wnt Hedgehog family

  4. Adenoma to Carcinoma Pathway Normal Adenoma Cancer APC loss K-ras mutation Chrom 18 loss p53 loss Normal Epithelium Hyper- proliferation Early Adenoma Intermediate Adenoma Late Adenoma Cancer

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