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Project organisation. Kick - off meeting Crete , 9-10 April 2013 Mateja Softić, Alianta d.o.o. In this presentation:. Project partnership Project bodies and roles How will we work together Project Meetings and Study visits Communication flow Project monitoring More about :
Project organisation Kick-offmeeting Crete, 9-10 April 2013 Mateja Softić, Alianta d.o.o.
In this presentation: Project partnership Project bodiesandroles Howwillweworktogether Project MeetingsandStudyvisits Communicationflow Project monitoring More about: Contractualobligations Financialand administrative management Reportingprocedures willbepresentedbyMsTsveta Aleksandrova andMs Stanka Klemenčič
Workingtogether in (andfor) GreenPartnerships:
Workingtogether in (andfor) GreenPartnerships: Who? What? (By) When? Forhowmuchmoney?
Theaimofthispresentation: To presentthewaywewillorganisetheimplementation ofourproject so that: weassure a unified approach used by all project partners for implementing activities and delivering all outputs and results. weavoidconfusion, easetheadministrationandenablefocus on thecontent everyoneunderstandstheirrole andresponsibilities in theproject there is a clearandefficientflowofinformationwithinthepartnershipandtowardsoutsidestakeholders weproducehighqualityoutputs,and achieveprojectresultsthatwillaffect a positivechange in thelong run
Project bodiesand partner roles: Project Management Team KGZS MB & Alianta SteeringCommittee 1 representativeofeachproject partner AdvisoryBoard WP Leaders: KGZS MB, KyotoClub, AREANATejo, TUC Externalpartners Project participants Partnersparticipating in activities LocalActionGroups ActivityLeaders Expertgroupscoordinators Pilot Activitycoordinators LocalPartnerships
Project managementteam: KGZS MB: Veronika Valentar, Project Manager Stanka Klemenčič, FinancialManager Alianta – externaladvisors: Urška Dolinar Mateja Softić Role: overallprojectcoordination responsiblefortheoverallqualityoftheproject chairingtheSteeringCommitteeandAdvisoryBoard
Rolesofprojectbodies: SteeringCommittee: maindecision-makingbody jointsteeringofprojectworkandcooperation meets 7 timesduringtheprojectduration AdvisoryBoard: responsibleforinternalqualityassurance jointplanningofworkingmethodology qualitycontrolandreviewofprojectoutputs
Rolesaccording to project structure: WorkPackageLeaders: plan theworkoftheworkpackages reposnsiblefortheoverallqualityofoutputswithin one workpackage ActivityLeaders: planning, organisationandcoordinationofeachactivity responsibleforguidingpartners in implementingtheprojectactivitiesandproducingprojectoutputs
Rolesaccording to project structure: ExpertGroupcoordinators: exchangeofknowledge, experienceandexpertiseforthepurposeofachievingprojectresults made up ofpartnersexperienced in specificfieldof EE or RES Pilot ActivityCoordinators: responsiblefortheplanningandimplementationoftheir pilot activities in line withtheapproved AF
Howwillweworktogether: Steering Committee meetings Trainings (workshops) for partners in WP3 Best practices brought togetherandexchanged at studyvisits Ideas shared and upgraded Proposals recommended and shared Events with stakeholders Project promotion
Project meetings: 7 meetingsin theprojectlifetime Locations: Crete (M1 M4) Portugal (M10 M7) Outside MED area (M5 M9-11?) BosniaandHerzegovina (M15) Cyprus (M20) Montenegro (M24) Slovenia (M29) Jointplanningofworkandoverviewofwork done Partner workshopsin WP3 (combinedwithmeetings) Obligatoryparticipationofallpartners
Studyvisits: Togetherwitheachprojectmeeting Part ofthecontentoftheprojectandobligatoryforpartners Not a touristactivity Shouldprovideknowledge, examplesthatcanbe used bypartnersforourjointwork 7 studyvisitsplanned 1 visitoutsideofthe MED programme – Ideas?
Communicationflowwithinthe partnership: Steering Committee meetings (obligatory) Workshopsfor partners StudyVisits Regularphone (skype) conferences Regulare-mailcommunication WP leaders/activityleaders are responsible to knowthe status of WP/activity projectcontact list – updatedregularly IMPORTANT! Communicateanychanges, delaysetc. on time Beproactive!
Project monitoring: Content WORK PROGRAMME • What you have to do? • How does it have to be done? • How are we doing with the implementation? • Monitoring the project indicators • Who to contact for what? INSTRUCTIONS AND OUTPUT STANDARD CHECKLISTS INDICATOR TABLE CONTACT LIST INFORMATION FLOW: PARTNER ACTIVITY LEADER/WORK PACKAGE LEADER LP
Project monitoring: Finances • What is myplannedbudget? • Financialmonitoring? • Reportingrules DETAILED PARTNER BUDGET; SUBSIDY CONTRACT, IPA CONTRACTS SYSTEM FOR MONITORING FINANCIAL PROGRESS PREPARED BY LP UPCOMING PRESENTATIONS MORE INFORMATION ABOUT PROJECT ORGANISATION: GreenPartnershipsImplementationHandbook – preparedbythe LP
Thankyouforyourattention! Let’s make GreenPartnershipswork!