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Critical Lens Literature Review

Critical Lens Literature Review. Period Two. Lord of the Flies , William Golding. Characters: Roger, Jack (antagonist), Ralph (protagonist), Piggy and Simon (die) Imagery: death of Piggy/Simon, lord of the flies, hunting

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Critical Lens Literature Review

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  1. Critical Lens Literature Review Period Two

  2. Lord of the Flies, William Golding • Characters: Roger, Jack (antagonist), Ralph (protagonist), Piggy and Simon (die) • Imagery: death of Piggy/Simon, lord of the flies, hunting • Setting: WWII (evacuated from England), plane crashes on a deserted island • Conflict (external): boys vs. beast, Ralph vs. Jack, boys vs. each other, savagery vs. civilization, Piggy vs. boys who pick on him • Symbolism • Pig’s head—savagery • The Beast—evils in society--fear • Fire—civilization/hope • Piggy’s death—death of knowledge • Conch--democracy • Glasses—knowledge

  3. “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell • Plot: Hunting other humans (smartest, can fight back) • Imagery: Depiction of the setting (the island, jungle/trap), hiding in the tree, the sounds, the dogs • Characterization: General Zaroff hunts humans—he’s crazy, trophy room, fancy vocabulary, Ivan (the guard), Rainsford (protagonist) • Conflict (external): Zaroff vs. the huntees, Zaroff vs. Rainsford • Conflict (internal): Rainsford versus his idea of hunting (trying to stay calm and sane)

  4. To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee • Plot: Tom Robinson is accused of rape by a white woman (MayellenEwell), defended by Atticus Finch • Boo Radley (neighbor who never comes out of his house, but saves the kids from Bob Ewell), Scout (narrator), Jem (brother), Dill (friend) • Setting: Great Depression, Alabama • Conflict (external): Atticus vs. the town, Tom vs. the town (racism) • Conflict (internal conflict): Atticus vs. decision

  5. Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck • Lenny (big and slow) and George (hard-working, Lenny’s best friend, ranchhand, intelligent) • Curly (egotistical, angry, a jerk) and Curly’s wife (flirtatious, loves the attention) • Foreshadowing: Lenny accidentally kills the puppy, Lenny touches the girl’s dress • Setting: California, the Great Depression • Lenny and George run away from Curly, George kills Lenny in order to protect him (he dies happy, thinking about their dream of the ranch)

  6. Night, by Elie Wiesel • Memoir about the Holocaust • Symbolism: • Night/darkness: a world full of horror, a world without a benevolent God • Fire: the power of the Nazis • Imagery: desperation/survival—ugly truth about humanity • Theme: • Don’t give up hope, even in the face of unspeakable horrors. • Family means everything; even in the face of death, family can help you survive.

  7. Animal Farm, George Orwell • Allegory: seems to be about life on a farm, but is really about politics • The animals represent significant political figures (Stalin [corrupt, exploitive leadership], Lenin/Marx [source of the ideals that Stalin corrupted], Trotsky [the idealist], Molotov [propaganda]) • Theme: • The working class must be aware of what their leaders tell them. • Power can corrupt anyone. • Society tends to divide itself into social classes.

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