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Local Shelter Plan Preparation: An Overview. Rowena P. Dineros Policy and Programs Development Group Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council. Outline of the Presentation. I. Overview What is a Local Shelter Plan (LSP) Importance of LSP Legal Basis for the LSP
Local Shelter Plan Preparation: An Overview Rowena P. Dineros Policy and Programs Development Group Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council
Outline of the Presentation I. Overview • What is a Local Shelter Plan (LSP) • Importance of LSP • Legal Basis for the LSP II. Local Shelter Plan Preparation • Data Gathering • Situational Analysis • Setting of Vision and Goals • Implementation Plan/LGU Commitment • Monitoring and Evaluation
What is a Local Shelter Plan? • It is a roadmap to address the housing requirement for both the informal and formal sector of a city or municipality. • Specifically, LSP provides information on the ff: • present local housing situation (identification of housing problems, upgrading and future housing needs); • household’s affordability and local resources such as land, provision of basic services and finance; and • contains the main shelter strategies and corresponding implementation plan (i.e details of action to attain housing objectives).
Importance of Local Shelter Plan • Provides the LGU with a better perspective of the housing situation; • Helps focus efforts of different agencies concerned in the delivery of shelter to achieve better coordination; • Ensures realistic target setting; • Enables the LGU to plan and implement their specific mandates based on RA 7279 (UDHA) and RA7160 (LGC); and • Facilitates the linkage between the LGU’s shelter plan and Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP).
Legal Basis for the LSP • Local Government Code (LGC) of 1991 tasked the LGUs with provision of shelter and basic services; • R.A. 7279 or the Urban Development and Housing Act (UDHA) mandated LGUs to come up with their CLUP and a Local Shelter Plan is an input to CLUP; and • 2011-2016 Philippine Development Plan (PDP) emphasized the importance for the improvement of the LGUs capacity in urban and shelter planning, implementation of local housing program.
What are the procedural steps to be undertaken in the preparation of a local shelter plan? Pre Workshop Activity • Data Gathering Actual Workshop (2-3 day) • Situational Analysis ( Includes Shelter Needs Assessment) • Formulation of Goals and Objectives • Generation of Main Shelter Strategies • Implementation Plan • Monitoring and Evaluation
Data Gathering Commence the preparation of the LSP and involves retrieving documents and gathering information from different agencies that will be the basis for computation or input for analysis.
Situational Analysis • Current local housing situation and problems (population, area, housing stock, basic services profile, institutional profile, and available resources profile); • Potential growth areas like the population, new industries/commercial areas, subdivision development and infrastructure projects; and • Shelter Needs Assessment includes Affordability Analysis, Resource Analysis, and Matching with Affordability and Resources
Setting of Vision and Goals • VISION is articulation of a desired condition towards which actions are directed, e.g . A housing unit for every household in Luna. • GOALSmust be smart: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bounded. It must be geared towards the vision and consistent with the CLUP. e.g. To provide decent, affordable, adequate and secure shelter for every resident in order to become the most livable municipality in the Province of Apayao by 2020.
Strategies formulation • A housing strategy is a set of programs or actions which will achieve the housing vision, goals, objectives and targets. • A good strategy must be guided by the ff: what- is to be achieved; how- it is to be achieved including the resources require, institutional arrangements; who- is responsible; and when- the time frame.
Implementation Plan/LGU Commitment Implemetation Plan
Monitoring and Evaluation • The LGU should monitor the implementation of the shelter strategies and programs. Regular reports evaluating the progress will provide the basis for the review of the shelter plan. • Lessons learned must also be shared within the LGU and to neighboring cities/municipalities. Resettlement of families in Danger Areas
Training Methodology and Duration • Methodology: Lectures, lecture-discussions, workshops/ calculations, presentations • Duration: 3 days training/workshop and writeshop and 1 day panel presentation (details shown in Programme of Activities)
Information Details -JEJOMAR C. BINAY Vice-President and HUDCC Chairman Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council 15/F Banco De Oro Plaza Paseo De Roxas, Makati City Tel/Fax Nos. 8114116 -Dir. Ronald G. Fontamillas Policy and Programs Development Group Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Counci; 9/F Banco De Oro Plaza Paseo de Roxas, Makati City Tel/Fax Nos. 8114172