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Understanding Abstract Nouns Lesson

This lesson teaches students to differentiate between concrete and abstract nouns and identify abstract nouns in sentences.

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Understanding Abstract Nouns Lesson

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  1. Learning Objective We will use abstract nouns. What are we going to do? CFU Activate Prior Knowledge • A noun is a word that names a person, place, or thing. • A noun is concreteif it can be experienced with the five senses. • Examples: desk, pear, cup Students, you already know how to use concrete nouns. Now, we will use abstract nouns. Make Connection On your whiteboard, write an example of a concretenoun.

  2. Concept Development • Anabstractnounnames an idea. • Anabstract nouncannot be experienced using the five senses (sight, sound, touch, smell, taste). Abstract Nouns CFU Which is an abstract noun? How do you know? A bravery B desk Why is freedom an abstractnoun? Why is treesNOT an abstract noun? Explain. In your own words, what is an abstract noun? An abstract noun is ________.

  3. Skill Development/Guided Practice • Anabstractnounnames an idea. • Anabstract nouncannot be experienced using the five senses (sight, sound, touch, smell, taste). How did I/you determine the abstract noun? CFU Use abstract nouns. 2 Read the sentence and the noun choices. Determine1 the abstract noun (circle) Place the abstract noun in the sentence. (write) Read the sentence aloud. 1 2 3 1. _____________ is great to have. (money/love) 2. _____________ is important to people. (freedom/food) 3. The explorers had a lot of _____________. (ships/courage) 4. ______________ is needed when fighting a war. (a soldier/bravery) 5. Thanksgiving was a ____________ created by the settlers and Native Americans. (tradition/feast) 6. _____________never helps anybody. (Anthony/anger) 7. There are many ___________ in the world. (religions/children) 8. Playing sports will help you build ___________. (friendships/muscles) 4 Love Freedom courage Bravery tradition Anger religions friendships 1 figure out Vocabulary Write a sentence using an abstract noun.T : _______________________________________________________________S : _______________________________________________________________ Love is one of the most important things in life. Answers will vary.

  4. Skill Development/Guided Practice (continued) How did I/you determine what the question or prompt is asking? How did I/you determine the ELA concept required? How did I/you determine the relevant information? How did I/you answer the question? How did I/you determine if all parts of the question have been answered? CFU 1 2 3 4 Identify abstract nouns in the sentences below. (Circle) If an abstract noun is present, explain why it is an abstract noun. “_____ is an abstract noun because____.” 5 “Bravery is an abstract noun because it cannot be experienced using the five senses (sight, sound, touch, smell, taste).” 1. The soldiers were given an award for bravery after the war. 2. The kids had so much energy that their mom told them to go outside to play. 3. The kids ran around the playground. 4. Cindy planted roses in her garden. 5. Fireworks are a tradition in America. 6. Sarah’s kindness makes her a good friend. “Energy is an abstract noun because it cannot be experienced using the five senses (sight, sound, touch, smell, taste).” “Tradition is an abstract noun because it cannot be experienced using the five senses (sight, sound, touch, smell, taste).” “Kindness is an abstract noun because it cannot be experienced using the five senses (sight, sound, touch, smell, taste).”

  5. Relevance • Anabstractnounnames an idea. • Anabstract nouncannot be experienced using the five senses (sight, sound, touch, smell, taste). Using abstract nouns will help you write about ideas instead of things. 1 • Ideas: The settlers showed a lot of couragecoming to California. • Things: The settlers found a lot of gold in California. Using abstract nouns will help you do well on tests. 2 Sample Test Question 39. Which sentence uses an abstract noun? A Barry found his ring in the couch. B Ellen worked hard on her report. C Darius showed bravery during the storm.. D Madeline did not feel well. Does anyone else have another reason why it is relevant to use abstract nouns? (Pair-Share) Why is it relevant to use abstract nouns? You may give one of my reasons or one of your own. Which reason is more relevant to you? Why? CFU

  6. Anabstractnounnames an idea. • Anabstract nouncannot be experienced using the five senses (sight, sound, touch, smell, taste). Skill Closure Use abstract nouns. Read the sentence and the noun choices. Determinethe abstract noun (circle) Place the abstract noun in the sentence. (write) Read the sentence aloud. 1 2 3 4 1. _____________ is important for a policewoman. (bravery/food) 2. _____________ is needed for sailing. (a ship/courage) Bravery Word Bank Word Bank Courage abstract noun idea determine Access Common Core Mr. Sanchez asked his students to write sentences using abstract nouns. Martha and Quinton wrote the following sentences. Martha wrote: Quinton wrote: Whose sentence did not use an abstract noun? How do you know? Friendship is important for children. George ate some crackers. Quinton’s sentence does not use an abstract noun. It uses two concrete nouns, George and crackers. Summary Closure What did you learn today about using abstract nouns? (Pair-Share) Use words from the word bank.

  7. Independent Practice • Anabstractnounnames an idea. • Anabstract nouncannot be experienced using the five senses (sight, sound, touch, smell, taste). Use abstract nouns. Read the sentence and the noun choices. Determinethe abstract noun (circle) Place the abstract noun in the sentence. (write) Read the sentence aloud. 1 2 3 4 1. Eating turkey and mashed potatoes is a _____________ at Thanksgiving. (tradition/meal) 2. Martin Luther King Jr. worked for _____________. (churches/freedom) 3. It takes _____________ to stand up to bullies. (muscles/courage) 4. Native Americans used ____________ when hunting for food. (bravery/arrows) tradition freedom courage bravery freedom courage bravery tradition anger friendship Select any two abstract nouns from the list to write two sentences. S:________________________________________________________________S:________________________________________________________________ Answers will vary. Answers will vary.

  8. Periodic Review 1 1. Jamelle was impressed by the _____________ of the statue. (beauty/arms) 2. Jane’s _____________ makes her a great friend. (kindness/car) 3. The young boy had a lot of _____________, which kept him up all night. (candy/energy) 4. ____________ is/are important in track and field. (speed/shoes) beauty kindness energy Speed Access Common Core Which sentence contains an abstract noun? A Two students have a friendship. B Two students played with a basketball. C Two students like to have lunch together. Identify the abstract noun in the answer above. Abstract noun ______________ Write your own sentence using the abstract noun. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ friendship Answers will vary.

  9. Periodic Review 2 1. _____________ stopped Helga from climbing to the top of the tree. (fear/a branch) 2. Hugh’s _____________ helped him do well on the test. (pencil/knowledge) 3. If it weren’t for our bad _____________, we would have won the game. (field/luck) Fear knowledge luck Access Common Core The third-graders are told to identify (underline) all the abstract nouns in the paragraph below: American Soldiers American soldiers have shown courage in war. They fought in big battles. The soldiers help protect our freedom. Bravery is important for a soldier. Sonia says that there are two abstract nouns. Steven says that there are three abstract nouns. Do you agree with Sonia or Steven? Explain. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Write a sentence with one of the abstract nouns that you identified in the paragraph. _____________________________________________________________________________ Steven is correct. There are three abstract nouns: courage, freedom, and bravery. Answers will vary.

  10. Periodic Review 3 1. The _____________ at the restaurant was wonderful. (soup/service) 2. Her _____________ was a little fuzzy. (memory/teddy bear) service memory Access Common Core • Robert needs to write two sentences using abstract nouns. The teacher has a noun wall in the classroom for the students to use as reference. • Robert is happy because he sees two abstract nouns. • Write the two abstract nouns that Robert found: • Abstract noun #1: ________________________ • Abstract noun #2: ________________________ • Write two sentences using the abstract nouns: • 1. _____________________________________________________________________________________ • 2. _____________________________________________________________________________________ anger tradition Answers will vary. Answers will vary.

  11. EDI – Cognitive, Teaching, and English Learner Strategies Cognitive Strategies Teaching Strategies Language Strategies Content Access Strategies

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