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Cluster Computing Overview

Cluster Computing Overview. What is a Cluster?. A cluster is a collection of connected, independent computers that work together to solve a problem . A Typical Cluster. Many standalone computers All of the cluster can work together on a single problem at the same time

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Cluster Computing Overview

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  1. Cluster Computing Overview

  2. What is a Cluster? A cluster is acollection of connected, independent computers that work together to solve a problem.

  3. A Typical Cluster • Many standalone computers • All of the cluster can work together on a single problem at the same time • Portions of the cluster can be working on different problems at the same time • Connected together by a network • Larger clusters have separate high speed interconnects • Administered as a single “machine”

  4. Some Cluster Acronyms • Node – a machine in a cluster • Sizes • Kb – kilobyte – thousand bytes – small/medium sized email • Mb – megabyte – million bytes – 2/3 of a 3.5” floppy • Gb – gigabyte – billion bytes – good amount of computer memory or a very old disk drive • Tb – terabyte – trillion bytes – 1/30th Library of Congress • Pb – petabyte – 1K trillion bytes – 30 Libraries of Congress • SMP – symetric multi-processing (many processors) • NFS – Network File System • HPC – High Performance Computing

  5. 1984 Computer Food Chain Mainframe PC Workstation Mini Computer Vector Supercomputer

  6. Cray* 2 How to Build a Supercomputer: 1980’s A supercomputer was a vector SMP (symmetric multi-processor) • Custom CPUs • Custom memory • Custom packaging • Custom interconnects • Custom operating system Costs were Extreme: Around ~$5 million/gigaFLOP Technology Evolution Tracking: ~1/3 Moore’s Law Predictions

  7. 1994 Computer Food Chain (hitting wall soon) Mini Computer PC Workstation Mainframe (future is bleak) Vector Supercomputer MPP

  8. Intel® processor based ASCI - Red How to Build a Supercomputer: 1990’s A supercomputer was an MPP (massively parallel processor) • COTS1 CPUs • COTS memory • Custom packaging • Custom interconnects • Custom operating system 1 COTS = Commercial Off The Shelf Costs were High: Around $200K/gigaFLOP Technology Evolution Tracking: ~1/2 Moore’s Law Predictions

  9. NCSA 1990’s Former Cluster • ~1,500 processor SGI de-commissioned • Too costly to maintain • Software too expensive • Takes up large amounts of floor space • (Great for tours, looks impressive, nice displays) • Gradually being taken out when floor space required • Now being used as network file servers

  10. Computer Food Chain (Now and Future)

  11. Loki: an Intel® processor based cluster at Los Alamos National Laborry (LANL How to Build a Supercomputer: 2000’s A Supercomputer is a Cluster • COTS1 CPUs • COTS Memory • COTS Packaging • COTS Interconnects • COTS Operating System 1COTS = Commercial Off The Shelf Costs are Modest: Around $4K/gigaFLOP Technology Evolution Tracks Moore’s Law

  12. Upcoming Teragrid Clusters • Over 4,000 Itanium 2 processors at 4 supercomputer sites • National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) • San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) • Argonne National Laboratory • California Institute of Technology (Caltech). • 13.6 Teraflops computing power (8 teraflops at NCSA) • 650 terabytes of disk storage • Linked by cross-country 40 Gbit network (16 times faster than the fastest research network currently in existance) • 16 minutes to transfer the entire Library of Congress • Some uses: • The study of cosmological dark matter • Real-time weather forecasting

  13. Larger Clusters • Japan wants to top TOP500 with new cluster • 30,000 node cluster planned • “Black” clusters (classified) • NSA used to receive large fraction of Cray production • Larger ones planned • Scaling problems • Scidac federal mandate to solve scaling problems and enable very large clusters deployment • Cooperative widely separated clusters such as SETI

  14. Clustering Today • Clustering gained momentum when 3 technologies converged: • 1. Very HP Microprocessors • workstation performance = yesterday supercomputers • 2. High speed communication • Comm. between cluster nodes >= between processors in an SMP. • 3. Standard tools for parallel/ distributed computing & their growing popularity.

  15. Future Cluster Expansion Directions • Hyper-clusters • Grid computing

  16. Cluster 1 Scheduler Master Daemon LAN/WAN Submit Graphical Control Cluster 3 Execution Daemon Scheduler Clients Master Daemon Cluster 2 Scheduler Submit Graphical Control Execution Daemon Master Daemon Clients Submit Graphical Control Execution Daemon Clients Clusters of Clusters (HyperClusters)

  17. Towards Grid Computing….

  18. What is the Grid ? • An infrastructure that couples • Computers (PCs, workstations, clusters, traditional supercomputers, and even laptops, notebooks, mobile computers, PDA, etc) • Databases (e.g., transparent access to human genome database) • Special Instruments (e.g., radio telescope--SETI@Home Searching for Life in galaxy, Austrophysics@Swinburne for pulsars) • People (may be even animals who knows, frogs already planned?) • across the local/wide-area networks (enterprise, organisations, or Internet) and presents them as an unified integrated (single) resource.

  19. Network Topologies • Cluster has it’s own private network • One or a few outside accessible machines • Most of cluster machines on a private network • Easier to manage • Better security (only have to secure entry machines) • Bandwidth limitations (funneling through a few machines) • Appropriate for smaller clusters • Lower latency between nodes • Cluster machines are all on the public network • Academic clusters require this • Some cluster software applications require this • Harder for security (have to secure EVERY machine) • Much higher network bandwidth

  20. Communication Networks • 100 Base T (Fast Ethernet) • 10 MB/sec (100 Mb/sec) • 80-150 microsecond latency • Essentially free • Gigabit Ethernet • Typically delivers 30-60 MB/sec • ~$1500 / node (going down rapidly)

  21. Message Passing • Most parallel computations cluster software requires Message Passing • The speed of computations is often dependant on message passing speed as much as raw processor speed • Message passing is often done through high speed interconnects because traditional networks are too slow

  22. High Speed Interconnects • Myrinet from Myricom (most popular in large clusters) • Proprietary, Myrinet 2000 delivers 200 MB/sec • 10-15 microsecond latency • ~$1500 / node (going down) • Scales to 1000’s of nodes • SCI • Proprietary, good for small clusters • 100 MB/sec • ~5 microsecond latency • Quadrics • Proprietary, very expensive • 200 MB/s delivered • 5 microsecond latency

  23. Up to 30 Gbits/second first specifications 15 times faster than fastest high speed interconnects Just now starting to be available commercially Industry standard Will be available from numerous companies InfiniBand – Future of Interconnects?

  24. Cluster Software Operating System Choices • Linux • Redhat – most popular • Mandrake – similar to Redhat, technically superior • FreeBSD, OpenBSD, other BSD’s • Technically superior to Linux’es • Much less popular than Linux’es • Windoze

  25. Pre-Packaged Cluster Software Choices • Pre-packaged cluster software • NCSA cluster-in-a-box • NCSA grid-in-a-box • OSCAR • Score • Scyld/Beuwolf • MSC • NPACI Rocks

  26. OSCAR Pre-packaged Cluster Software • Packaged open source cluster software • Designed to support many Unix operating systems • Currently, Redhat Linux • Soon to be released - Mandrake • Supported and developed by: • NCSA • IBM • Dell • Intel • Oak Ridge Laboratories • Most popular open source cluster software package

  27. Score Pre-Packaged Cluster Software • Very popular in Japan • Very sophisticated

  28. Scyld/Beuwolf Pre-Packaged Cluster Software • Different model – treats cluster of separate machines like one big machine – same process space • Oriented towards commercial turn-key clusters • Very slick installation • Not as flexible – separate machines not accessible

  29. NPACI Rocks Pre-Packaged Cluster Software • Based on Redhat Linux • Similar to OSCAR • Competitor of OSCAR • Developed by the San Diego Supercomputer Center and others

  30. OSCAR Overview • Open Source Cluster Application Resources • Cluster on a CD – automates cluster install process • IBM, Intel, NCSA, ORNL, MSC Software, Dell • NCSA “Cluster in a BOX” base • Wizard driven • Nodes are built over network • OSCAR <= 64 node clusters for initial target • OSCAR will probably be on two 1,000 node clusters • Works on PC commodity components • RedHat based (for now) • Components: Open source and BSD style license

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