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REAL Time Coaching: Changing the Game as we know it

By John Reinhardt. REAL Time Coaching: Changing the Game as we know it. HEADZONE took an interesting approach to create this product. They did not see any problems with the performance of the athletes; but, they saw that the way they were being coached was flawed.

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REAL Time Coaching: Changing the Game as we know it

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Presentation Transcript

  1. By John Reinhardt REAL Time Coaching: Changing the Game as we know it

  2. HEADZONE took an interesting approach to create this product. They did not see any problems with the performance of the athletes; but, they saw that the way they were being coached was flawed. Introduction to Headzone and Rtc

  3. The task was simple; find a way for coaches to talk to their athletes in the water, but what HEADZONE created was something that had never been seen before in the world of surfing. Introduction to headzone and the rtc

  4. HEADZONE’s response to this inefficient way of coaching was producing the RTC. RTC, which is an acronym for Real-Time-Coaching is a waterproof helmet with a built in radio transmitter that surfers can wear to receive advice and information from their coaches on shore. Introduction to HEADZONE and RTC

  5. The entire coaching system is complete with the UHF handheld device for the coach. http://www.headzone.com/headzone_helmet3.htm This coaching system certainly provides the competitive edge. RTC helmet and uhf handheld

  6. Real-Time-Coaching

  7. Table Analysis (for surfer)

  8. Table Analysis (for coach)

  9. What RTC allows for is for coaches to inform the surfers where the incoming sets of waves will be breaking and how far and fast they should paddle. The driving forces that are setting RTC and the UHF aside from other sport technologies are its abilities to transfer precious information to the athletes in the water that other surfers aren’t receiving. Why RTC gives surfers such a competitive Edge

  10. Face to Face coaching is now a thing of the past. http://www.headzone.com/sports_coaching_gallery.htm

  11. Coach’s View Surfer’s View Side by side comparison

  12. Hutchinson, Initials. (2009). Neoprene. Farlex. Retrieved (2010, April 20) from http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/neoprene Poynton, Initials. (2010, January 8). Headzone sports coaching and communication systems. Retrieved from http://www.headzone.com/index.shtml References

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