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Alcohol & Drug Rehab Center Sacramento

Bella Nirvana Center offers Luxury Alcohol and Drug rehab center in California. learn about our personalized treatment programs in Folsom, California.

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Alcohol & Drug Rehab Center Sacramento

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  1. AlcoholDrugTreatmentCenter FolsomSacramento 👑 Areyoustrugglingwithdrugand/oralcoholaddition? 👑 Yes,ThenyouareattheRightplace. 👑 BellaNirvanaCenter,Adrugandalcoholtreatmentcenter. 👑 Here,clientsaremonitoredcloselybythephysician,dailyespeciallywhentheyarealsostrugglingwithwithanxietyanddepression.

  2. HighlightofOurCenter:

  3. 👑 Observationundertrainedandexperiencedphysicians. 👑 Customizedprogramdependingontheavailibilityandcomfortlevelofthepatients. 👑 Patientsunderobservation24/7. 👑 WeAidthepatientswithdualdiagnosis. 👑 Ourexpertstaffincludes: CADCcounselor,RADTtechnicians,Detoxnurseandhealthtechniciansavailable24/7. 👑 Wefocusonmedicalassistedtreatmentforbetter&parmentrecoveryfromsubstanceabuse.

  4. OurService 👑 • OpiateDetoxTreatment • AlcoholDetoxTreatment • StimulantDetoxTreatment • BenzoDetoxTreatment • Medicalillness&Addiction • MentalHealth&Addition • Marijuana Detox Program • Easy Admission • Insurance Accepted

  5. •OpiateDetoxTreatment• 👑 OpiateAddictionisNationalCrisis.WeatBNCAreavailableanytimetohelpintimeofcrisis. 👑 Wealsotakeprideinourout-patienttreatmentprogram, whichiscalledMAT,speciallydesignedtopresentrelapse.

  6. •AlcoholDetoxTreatment• 👑 DrinkingAlcoholexcessivelyaffectsyourbodyinmanyways. 👑 HereatBNCwehelpourpatientsgothroughthewithdrawalsmoothly.Patientsaremonitoreddailybyphysician.

  7. •StimulantDetoxTreatment• 👑 Methamphetamine&cocainearearapidlygrowingproblemworldwide.Ourexpertdoctorsarehelpingpatientstoovercomeaddiction,andhelpthemresumeanormalLife.

  8. •BeznoDetoxTreatment• 👑 WhenDetoxingfromBenzodiazepineriskofseizureisveryhighwhichneedstobemonitoredveryclosely,whichisourspecialty. 👑 Don’tDetoxByyourself athomewithoutAny monitoring.Itcanbe Life-threatening.

  9. •Medicalillness&Addiction• 👑 WhilepatientsaredetoxingatBNC,DoctortreattheirmedicalproblemsuchasDM,HTN,Liverdisease,Renalfailuresimultaneously.

  10. •MentalHealth&Addiction• 👑 OurteamphysicianarehelpingpatientswithTheirmentalillness,suchasAnxiety,Depression,BipolarDisease,PTSD.NoaddictiontreatmentiscompletewithouttreatingMentalillness.

  11. AboutUs: • Bella Nirvana Center creates a customized treatment plan for every patient in need. It is established to help in educating and helping patients to understand the process recovery in a better manner. Some of the discussions include: • How is a patient affected by substance abuse? • How to deal with cravings of drugs and alcohol • Is addiction a chronic disease like Diabetes, HTN, …. • Conceptualizing the idea of co-occurring mental disorder in the process • How to deal with relapse prevention • How to inspire oneself and others towards a positive journey • How to lead a sober and happy life

  12. Our Major Services At A Glance • Alcohol & Drug Rehab Center Sacramento • Opioid Detox Program Sacramento,Folsom • Benzo Detox Program Sacramento,Folsom • Marijuana Detox Program Sacramento, Folsom • Methamphetamine Detox Program Sacramento,Folsom • Residential Treatment Center Sacramento, Folsom

  13. 👑 ContactUs 👑 📞 916-222-2181 🖱 bnc@bellanirvanacenter.com 🌎 http://www.bellanirvanacenter.com

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