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T. 90/212 425 47 52 ( Pbx ) info @ nes - logistics .com. Success. NES has been founded as custom brokerage in 2001 as name NES and taken a very goods place in the market in a short time and started to service in every city in Turkey.
T. 90/212 425 47 52 (Pbx) info@nes-logistics.com
Success NES has beenfounded as custombrokerage in 2001 as name NES andtaken a verygoodsplace in the market in a short time andstartedto service in everycity in Turkey. NES BROKERAGE has raisedthetargetwiththeexperiencedstaffandbeencombinedwith NES LOGISTICS EOOD in 2008 . Bytheway NES LOGISTICS has expendedthetrailersupplychainwithpartners in EU membersandabletoarrangeregulartransportswithhightechcommunitorsimplemented, foreignplatenumberedtrailerswhichhavepriority at customgatesandtoday NES LOGISTICS became a veryimportantactor on fullandpartialloading transport withfastandconfidental service. NES LOGISTICS has preparedthecomputersoftwaresitselfandprovidetocustomersfastandconfidental service. T. 90/212 425 47 52 (Pbx) info@nes-logistics.com
Time The bestprofit in transport sector is securedwith time planningandtrust. Ourcompanyalwayseffordsthecustomersneedsandprovidesfastandlogicalsolutionstofulfillthepurposes. Wehavegot 20 self-ownedvehiclewith BG platenr. besidesthatouragenthave 120 vehicletoo. In total wehave 140 newtrailer . Weareyoursolution parter withouragentwhicharebestcompanys in Europe . Wesupplyfastservicesandcombinedtransportationduetocustomerneedsandprovideeveryserviceswithourexperiencedstaffsandutilities. Thereforeweprovidesolution in a veryshort time. T. 90/212 425 47 52 (Pbx) info@nes-logistics.com
Service NES LOGISTICS provides optimum storageserviceswithagreedwarehousesandboundedwarehousesanywhereyouneed. Our Yenibosna warehouse is 2500 m2 andonly 10 km toHalkalicustoms. Inourwarehousesweprovideloading, offlaoadingandhandlingservices, inventorycheckandmanagement, packaging, depalletizingandlabellingwithfollowinglatesttechnologicalimprovedstoragesystems. Besideswithourcustom broker departmentweprovide Customclearanceforyourimports Consultancefor Transit Trade, CustomsandForeignTrade Immunityfromtaxes of FreeZonesAreas. Fiktif boundedwarehouse, temproraryimportationandreturngoodscustoms T. 90/212 425 47 52 (Pbx) info@nes-logistics.com
Process OurCompanyservesinternationalfreightsand in allcustoms in Turkey forourimport & export associatedpartnerssince the set up in 2001. Headoffice is located in Istanbulandwehave a reliable service withourexperiencedstaff in allthecustoms in Turkey especiallyIstanbul, Gebze, Derince, Bursa, Izmir, Ankara, Edirne andCerkezkoy. There is a fluentlyinteractiveconnectionbetweenheadofficeandbranchoffices. With 20 yearedsectorexperiencedstaffsweprovidediversity in logistics service andalsoimprovelogisticsfoundationwithtechnologicalimprovementsforhighfluance of informationanddocumentation. T. 90/212 425 47 52 (Pbx) info@nes-logistics.com
Branch Office nESLOGISTICS OOD UL “IVAN VAZOV” NO: 21 OFIS 5 RAZGRAD / BULGARIA T: +359 84 522567 F: +359 84 522567 E-mail : info@nes-logistics.com Head Office nESLOGISTICS CUMHURİYET MAH. AŞIK VEYSEL CAD. AKKAVAK SOK NO : 1 D : 6 34290 KÜÇÜKÇEKMECE/İSTANBUL T: +90 (0) 212 425 47 52 ( Pbx ) F : +90 (0) 212 425 47 45 E-mail : info@nes-logistics.com.tr Web :www.nes-logistics.com.tr Contact Us Branch Office ATATÜRK CADDESİ NO:398 K:6 D:319 35220 ALSANCAK / İZMİR T: +90 (0)232 421 46 45 Gsm+90 (0)533 250 85 12 +90 (0)555 289 52 24 E-mail : info@nes-logistics.com Branch Office HALKALI GÜMRÜK ÇIKIŞ KAPISI YANI KONTEYNERLER 34290 HALKALI / ISTANBUL T: +90 (0) 212 678 49 42 F : +90 (0) 212 678 49 36 E-mail : info@nes-logistics.com.tr Branch Office ATATÜRK MAHALLESİ SÜLÜN CADDESİ EKİNCİOĞLU İŞ MERKEZİ NO: 6 K : 1/4 34750 KÜÇÜKBAKKALKÖY/İSTANBUL (GÜMRÜK GİRİŞ KAPISI KARŞISI) T: +90 (0) 216 456 66 13 F : +90 (0) 216 456 66 13 E-mail : info@nes-logistics.com.tr
Transit Time Poland ; 3 - 4 gün Italy ; 3 – 4 gün Netherland ; 4 - 5 gün Belgium ; 4 -5 gün Germany ; 4 - 6 gün France ; 6 - 7 gün CekRepublıc ; 3-4 gün Serbia ; 3 gün Bulgaria ; 1-2 gün England ; 8-10 gün T. 90/212 425 47 52 (Pbx) info@nes-logistics.com
T. 90/212 425 47 52 (Pbx) info@nes-logistics.com