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Strana et Illicita - Senatorial Decree, 35 CE. History, Christianity and the Transformation of the Classical World 100 BCE – 100 CE. A . Century of Turmoil. Social Wars 91 BCE optimates v. populares Spartacan Revolt 73 BCE
Strana et Illicita- Senatorial Decree, 35 CE History, Christianity and the Transformation of the Classical World 100 BCE – 100 CE
A. Century of Turmoil Social Wars 91 BCEoptimates v. populares Spartacan Revolt 73 BCE New Men in power 59 BCE- 1st Triumvirate Crassus, Pompey, Caesar
B. Crossing the Rubicon • Julius Caesar d. 44 BCE- Gallic conquests • & Cleopatra- Ptolemies
C. The end of the Republic 1. Second Triumvirate 42 BCE - Octavian, Marc Antony, Lepidus - Battle of Actium 31 BCE
Age of the Emperors Octavian changes name to Caesar Augustus “Invisible Monarchy” Senate remains, but republic is lost
D. The Roman Soul in Crisis • Mystery Cults- secret rituals- required initiation- ecstatic response / presence of god- eternal life • Monotheism? Gaia – “Mother Earth” Cicero106-43 BCEStoicism – duty to one’s role divine providence
A. Traditions in conflict Judah the Maccabee Hasmoneans 165-63 BCE- Hebrews v. Hellenism- cosmopolitan v. traditionalist Seleucid Kingdom
B. Hebrew Resistance to Rome • Pompey & the Pirates • Judea 63 BCE Pompey in the Temple of Jerusalem
3. Division- Sadducees qualified interaction written law- Hasidim cultural purity Pharisees prophetic visions life after death Hillel the Elder “Golden Rule” Zealots (6 CE)
4. Grassroots fervor - John the Baptist “generation of vipers!” Critic of Hebrew leaders
C. Joshua ben Joseph ca. 6-30 CE • Populist- Jewish tradition- miracle worker Messiah (?)
Progressive - Sermon on the Mount [Matthew] - appeal to/for the powerless, despised “spirit of the law”
A. The Cult of Christ • Maintained cult as Jewish sect - circumcision; Torah - conversion to Judaism - baptism; eucharist James
Messiah?- Again with the Gentiles - stumbling block: the crucifixion • We’re not with them- Roman / Hebrew War, 66-73 CE- Gospels: blame the Jews Masada
Pagans for Jesus- mythologyOsiris, Tammuz, Dionysus, Horus - women & slaves - the End is near (look busy) 5. Appeal and threat - Decius r. 249-251
B. Paul of Tarsus 5-67 CE • Paul’s vision - completion of Jewish history - scripturally based: “Old” (Hellenized Jews) “New” Testament Gospels (second-hand)Epistles (letters of instruction)Acts (Church history)Revelation (crisis literature)
Break from Hebrew tradition - salvation was gift (grace) - salvation open to non-Jews - salvation dependent on faith, membership, & ritual MYSTERY CULT
Hierarchy - patriarchates - bishops; presbyters; deacons/deaconesses - ecclesiae Roman model Limited role of women (1 Corinthians)- subordinate to Church- subordinate to husbands
Roll call of the damned – 1 Corinthians - creation of the “other”- paganism; fornicators (homosexuality ?) - Roman decline - echo of Augustus emphasized Greco-Roman concept of jurisprudence - spirit and letter of the law
Salvation always in peril – the Devil - Zoroastrianism Ahura Mazda – singular; all goodevil exists independently - demons n’stuff - problems of perfection
Paul organized early Christianity and made it appealing to a wide array of people... …but it was Roman oppression that gave Christians an added sense of identity through shared hardship
Why an Emperor? • [Rhetorical] defense of Republican virtues • Reform / civic peace • The Pax Romana31 BCE - 192 CE
A. Invisible monarchy • What’s in a name? - Consul, Augustus 27 BCE, Governor - Imperium Maius, imperator - princeps civitatus • Reform the Senate 3. Build Equestrian class
B. Army reform • Addition by subtraction - 60 to 28 legions - dispersal - Praetorian Guard
2. The Legionnaires - standing army / navy - long tours - chance for promotion - veterans benefits • The Auxiliaries - chance for citizenship Army was a crucial instrument in spreading influence
C. Make the world “Rome” Little Romes - fusion of cultures - loyal patricians - bureaucracy
D. Moral Regeneration • The “family values” Emperor - tax breaks for kids - stiff penalties for adultery, the unmarried “virtue” 2. Pontifexmaximus - “Cult of the Genius of the Emperor” What links the Empire together?