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Recording of Phrases Linguistic Objective

“Intercultural Dialogue to Develop Creativity and Innovation” Second Multicultural Comenius Meeting Cyprus, 10-13 January 2010. Recording of Phrases Linguistic Objective. Instructions. Click on a flag: To find the words in the country’s language, by clicking once the speaker

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Recording of Phrases Linguistic Objective

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  1. “Intercultural Dialogue to Develop Creativity and Innovation”Second Multicultural Comenius MeetingCyprus, 10-13 January 2010 Recording of Phrases Linguistic Objective

  2. Instructions Click on a flag: • To find the words in the country’s language, by clicking once the speaker Click on a word / phrase: • To find the word/phrase in ALL countries’ languages, by clicking once the speaker Cyprus Meeting 10-13 Jan 2010

  3. Intercultural Dialogue to Develop Creativity and Innovation C y p r u s United Kingdom Hi / Hello Yes / no E s t o n i a What do you do? S p a i n To Your Health How Are You? Germany R o m a n i a Good Night Thank You You Are Welcome Good Morning G r e e c e Welcome P o l l a n d L i t h u a n i a H u n g a r y Cyprus Meeting 10-14 Jan 2010 3 I t a l y Cyprus Meeting 10-13 Jan 2010

  4. ΓΕΙΑ ΣΟΥ (gia sou, hi/hello) ΤΙ ΚΑΝΕΙΣ; (ti kanis?, what do you do?) ΠΩΣ ΕΙΣΑΙ; (pos ise?, how are you?) ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΩ (efharisto, thank you) ΠΑΡΑΚΑΛΩ (parakalo, you are welcome) ΚΑΛΟΣΩΡΙΣΕΣ (kalosorises, welcome) ΚΑΛΗΜΕΡΑ (kalimera, goodmorning) ΚΑΛΗΝΥΚΤΑ (kalinihta, goodnight) ΣΤΗΝ ΥΓΕΙΑ ΣΟΥ (stin ygia sou, to your health, cheers) ΝΑΙ/ΟΧΙ (ne, yes / ohi, no) ΛΕΞΕΙΣ ΣΤΑ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ(Words in Greek) Index Cyprus Meeting 10-13 Jan 2010

  5. TERE! (hi/hello) MIDA SA TEED? (what do you do?) KUIDAS LÄHEB? (how are you?) TÄNAN! (thank you) POLE TÄNU VÄÄRT! (you are welcome) TERE TULEMAST! (welcome) TERE HOMMIKUST! (goodmorning) HEAD ÖÖD! (goodnight) TERVISEKS! (to your health) JA/EI (yes / no) SÕNAD EESTI KEELES(Words in Estonian) Index Cyprus Meeting 10-13 Jan 2010

  6. HALLO (hi/hello) WAS MACHST DU GERADE? (what do you do?) WIE GEHT ES DIR? (how are you?) DANKE (SCHÖN) (thanks / thank you) BITTE (SCHÖN) (you are welcome) WÖRTER AUF DEUTSCH(Words in German) (HERZLICH) WILLKOMMEN ((a warm) welcome) GUTEN MORGEN (good morning) GUTE NACHT (good night) PROST (to your health) JA/NEIN (yes / no) Index Cyprus Meeting 10-13 Jan 2010

  7. HELLO (hi/hello) MIT CSINÁLSZ? (what do you do?) HOGY VAGY? (how are you?) KÖSZÖNÖM (thank you) SZÍVESEN (you are welcome) ÜDVÖZÖLLEK (welcome) JÓ REGGELT (goodmorning) JÓ ESTÉT (goodnight) EGÉSZSÉGEDRE (to your health) IGEN/NEM (yes/no) SZAVAK MAGYARUL(Words in Hungarian) Index Cyprus Meeting 10-13 Jan 2010

  8. PAROLE IN ITALIANO (Words in Italian) • CIAO • (ciao, hi/hello) • COSA FAI NELLA VITA? • (cosa fai nella vita?, what do you do?) • COME STAI? • (come stai?, how are you?) • GRAZIE • (grazie, thank you) • PREGO • (prego, you are welcome) • BENVENUTO • (benvenuto, welcome) • BUONGIORNO • (buongiorno, good morning) • BUONANOTTE • (buonanotte, good night) • CIN CIN • (cin cin, to your health) • SI/NO • (si, yes / no, no) Index Cyprus Meeting 10-13 Jan 2010

  9. LABAS (labas // hello) MANO VARDAS EVALDAS (mano vardas Evaldas // my name is Evaldas)) KUO TU VARDU? (kuo tu vardu? // what is your name?) KAIP GYVENI? (kaip gyveni? // how do you do?) KAIP SEKASI? (kaip sekasi? // how are you? ) ACHIU (ačiu // thank you) PRAŠAU (prašau // please) SVEIKI (sveiki // welcome) LABAS RYTAS (labas rytas // good morning) LABANAKTIS (labanaktis // good night) TAIP (taip // yes) NE (ne // no) SUDIE (sudie//good bye) LET’S SPEAK LITHUANIAN(Words in Lithuanian) Index Cyprus Meeting 10-13 Jan 2010

  10. SŁOWA PO POLSKU(Words in Polish) Cześć (češč, hi/hello) Czym się zajmujesz? (čym śe zajmuješ, what do you do?) Jak się masz? (jak śe maš, how are you?) Dziękuję (Ʒekuje, thank you) Proszę bardzo (proše bardzo, you are welcome) Witaj/witajcie (vitai/vitaiće, welcome) Dzień dobry (Ʒeń dobry, goodmorning) Dobranoc (dobranoc, goodnight) Na zdrowie (na zdrovie, to your health) Tak/Nie (tak, yes / ńe, no) Index Cyprus Meeting 10-13 Jan 2010

  11. Salut! (salut, hi/hello) Ce mai faci? (tʃemai fatʃi, what do you do?) Încântat de cunoștință! (ɘncɘntat de kunoʃtintzɘ, how are you?) Mulțumesc! (multzumesc, thank you) Cu plăcere! (ku plɘtʃere, you are welcome) Bine ați venit! (bine atzi venit, welcome) Bună dimineața! (bunɘ dimineatza, goodmorning) Noapte bună! (noapte bunɘ, goodnight) Sănătate! / Noroc! (sɘnɘtate / norok, to your health) Da / Nu (da, yes / nu, no) Cuvinte românești(Words in Romanian) Index Cyprus Meeting 10-13 Jan 2010

  12. HOLA; (´ola, hi/hello) ¿QUÉ HACES?; (ke´athes, what do you do?) ¿CÓMO ESTÁS?; (´komues´tas, how are you?) GRACIAS (´grathias, thank you) DE NADA (de´nada, you are welcome) BIENVENIDO (bienbe´nido, welcome) BUENOS DÍAS (bu´enos´dias, good morning) BUENAS NOCHES (bu´enas´noches, good night) A TU SALUD (atusa´luth, to your health) SI/NO (si, yes / no, no) PALABRAS EN ESPAÑOL(Words in Spanish) Index Cyprus Meeting 10-13 Jan 2010


  14. Hi / Hello Cyprus/ Greece Lithuania YIA SOU Labas Estonia TERE! Poland Cześć Germany Romania Salut! HALLO Hungary Spain HOLA; HELLO HELLO Italy United Kingdom CIAO Index Cyprus Meeting 10-13 Jan 2010

  15. What Do You Do? Cyprus/ Greece Lithuania KAIP GYVENI TI KANIS? Poland Czym się zajmujesz? Estonia MIDA SA TEED? Germany Romania Ce mai faci? WAS MACHST DU GERADE? Hungary Spain ke´athes MIT CSINÁLSZ? WHAT DO YOU DO? Italy United Kingdom COSA FAI NELLA VITA? Index Cyprus Meeting 10-13 Jan 2010 15

  16. How Are You? Cyprus/ Greece Lithuania KAIP SEKASI? POS ISE? Poland Estonia KUIDAS LÄHEB? Jak śe maš? Încântat de cunoștință! Germany Romania WIE GEHT ES DIR? Spain Hungary ´komues´tas HOGY VAGY? HOW ARE YOU? Italy United Kingdom COME STAI? Index Cyprus Meeting 10-13 Jan 2010 16

  17. Thank You Cyprus/ Greece Lithuania Ačiu EFHARISTO Poland Estonia TÄNAN! Ʒekuje Mulțumesc! multzumesc Germany Romania DANKE (SCHÖN) Spain Hungary KÖSZÖNÖM ´grathias Italy United Kingdom Thank You? GRAZIE Index Cyprus Meeting 10-13 Jan 2010 17

  18. You Are Welcome Cyprus/ Greece Lithuania PRAŠAU PARAKALO POLE TÄNU VÄÄRT! Poland Estonia Ʒekuje Germany Romania BITTE (SCHÖN) Cu plăcere! Spain Hungary SZÍVESEN de´nada YOU ARE WELCOME Italy United Kingdom PREGO Index 18 Cyprus Meeting 10-13 Jan 2010

  19. Welcome Cyprus/ Greece Lithuania SVEIKI KALOSORISES TERE TULEMAST! Poland Estonia vitai/vitaiće HERZLICH, WILLKOMMEN Germany Romania Bine ați venit! Spain Hungary ÜDVÖZÖLLEK BIENVENIDO Italy United Kingdom WELCOME BENVENUTO Index 19 Cyprus Meeting 10-13 Jan 2010

  20. Good Morning LABASRYTAS Cyprus/ Greece Lithuania KALIMERA TERE HOMMIKUST! Poland Estonia Dzień dobry Germany Romania Bună dimineața! GUTEN MORGEN Spain Hungary JÓ REGGELT BUENOS DÍAS GOOD MORNING Italy United Kingdom BUONGIORNO Index Cyprus Meeting 10-13 Jan 2010 20

  21. Good Night Cyprus/ Greece Lithuania LABANAKTIS KALINIHTA HEAD ÖÖD! Poland Estonia Dobranoc Germany Romania Noapte bună! GUTE NACHT BUENAS NOCHES Spain Hungary JÓ ESTÉT Italy United Kingdom GOODNIGHT BUONANOTTE Index 21 Cyprus Meeting 10-13 Jan 2010

  22. Cheers / To Your Health Cyprus/ Greece Lithuania -- STIN YGIA SOU TERVISEKS! Poland Estonia Na zdrowie Sănătate! / Noroc! Germany Romania PROST Spain Hungary EGÉSZSÉGEDRE A TU SALUD TO YOUR HEALTH/ CHERS Italy United Kingdom CIN CIN Index 22 Cyprus Meeting 10-13 Jan 2010

  23. Yes / No Cyprus/ Greece Lithuania TAIP / NE Ne / Ohi JA/EI Poland Estonia TAK/NIE Da / Nu Germany Romania JA / NEIN Spain Hungary IGEN/NEM SI /NO Italy United Kingdom YES / NO SI / NO Index 23 Cyprus Meeting 10-13 Jan 2010

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