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Chasing 13 with new experiments at nuclear reactors. Thierry Lasserre Saclay NuFact04, Osaka July 26 2004. solar + KamLAND + reactor ?. atmospheric + K2K + MINOS – Superbeams …. superbeam + reactor . sin 2 (2 13 )<0.20 (CHOOZ) 13 ? (small angle)
Chasing 13with new experiments at nuclear reactors Thierry Lasserre Saclay NuFact04, Osaka July 26 2004
solar + KamLAND + reactor ? atmospheric + K2K + MINOS – Superbeams … superbeam + reactor sin2(213)<0.20 (CHOOZ) 13 ? (small angle) Hierarchy sign(m232 ) ? CP violation phase ? MSW-LMA m212~O(10-4/-5) eV2 sin2(212)~0.8 (large angle) m232~2-3 10-3 eV2 sin2(223)~1 (maximal angle) The neutrino sector [m221- 12]– [m232 - 23]– sign(m232) - 13- But no absolute mass scale coming from oscillation experiments --> & 0 decays ? T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
Measurement at reactors& complementarity with LBL T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
e x Best current constraint: CHOOZ e disappearance experiment Pth= 8.5 GWth, L = 1,1 km, M = 5t (300 mwe) R = 1.01 2.8%(stat)2.7%(syst) World best constraint ! @m2atm=2 10-3 eV2 sin2(2θ13)<0.2 (90% C.L) M. Apollonio et. al., Eur.Phys.J. C27 (2003) 331-374 T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
13& reactor experiments • <E> ~ a few MeV only disappearance experiments sin2(213) measurement independent of -CP • 1-P(e e) = sin2(213)sin2(m231L/4E) + O(m221/m231) • weak dependence in m221 • a few MeV e + short baselines negligible matter effects (O[10-4] ) sin2(213) measurement independent of sign(m213) 13 & beam experiments LBL disappearance : sin2(223) 2 solutions : 23 & /2-23 |m213| 2 solutions m1>m3 or m3>m1 Appearance probability : sin2(2 13 ) reactor P(e) ~ K1 sin2(23 ) sin2(213 ) + K2 sin(223 ) sin(13 ) sign(m231) cos() K3 sin(223 ) sin(13 ) sin () beam • K1,K2,K3: constants known with experimental errors) • dependence in sin(223), sin(23) 2 solutions • dependence in sign(m231) 2 solutions • -CP phase [0,2] interval of solutions P(e) T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
0.07 0.05 P( e) 0.03 sin correlation T2K measurement 0.01 0.14 0.1 0.06 0 sin2(213) CP- phase induced ambiguity T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
0.07 0.05 P( e) T2K measurement 0.03 0.01 reactor measurement 0.14 0.1 0.06 0 sin2(213) 23 induced ambiguity LBL + reactor combination might help to solve the 23 degeneracy T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
Improving CHOOZ is difficult ! T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
Near detector Far detector 50 years of reactor neutrino experiments … 1956 Discovery of neutrinos @Savannah River - First detection of reactor neutrinos 1990’s Reactor neutrino flux measurements 1995 Nobel Prize to Fred Reines 2002 Discovery of massive neutrinos and oscillations confirmed by KamLAND From discovery to metrology ! G. Mention (APC) T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
e e,, One nuclear plant & two detectors D1 = 0.1-1 km D2 = 1-3 km Nuclear reactor 1,2 core(s) ON/OFF : ok 4 cores ON/OFF : no ! Near detector 5-50 tons > 50 mwe Far detector 5-50 tons > 300 mwe • Isotropic e flux (uranium & plutonium fission fragments) • Detection tag : e + p e+ + n, <E>~ 4 MeV, Threshold ~1.8 MeV • Disappearance experiment: suppression+shape distortion between the 2 detectors • 2 IDENTICAL detectors (CHOOZ, BOREXINO/CTF type, KamLAND) • Minimise the uncertainties on reactor flux & spectrum (2 % in CHOOZ) • Cancel cross section uncertainties • Challenge: relative normalisation between the two detectors < 1% ! T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
Improving CHOOZ is difficult … @CHOOZ: R = 1.01 2.8%(stat)2.7%(syst) • Statistics • Increase luminosity L = t x P(GWth) x Np(target) • Increase fiducial volume & exposure • ~2700 events in CHOOZ but >40,000 for the next experiment σ < 0.5% • Experimental error • 2 detectors cancel neutrino flux and cross section systematic uncertainty [~2%] • Identical detectors decrease detector systematic uncertainties [<1%] • Movable VS non movable detectors : cross calibration, but error might be increased ? • Backgrounds (S/N~25 in CHOOZ ; Goal S/N >100 in the new experiment) • Uncorrelated background (measurement in-situ) – Correlatedbackgrounds ( induced) • Underground site required: >300 m.w.e for the far site to improve CHOOZ • S/N equivalent for Near and Far detector (near detector could be shallower) • Reactor ON/OFF measurement 1, 2, 4, or up to 7 reactor cores ? T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
Anti-e tag: e + p e+ + n, Q~1.8 MeV Threshold • Prompt e+, EP=1-8 MeV, visible energy • Delayed neutron capture on Gd, ED=8 MeV • Prompt(/) - Delayed(/) pulse shape discrimination Time correlation: 30sec Space correlation: < 1m3 Reactor antineutrino detection delayed event: prompt event: Or Gd capture (8 MeV) T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
Gd = 100 % n Gd e+ e+ n n Interaction e+ e+ n H = 0 % H Why two identical detectors … Fiducial volume Acrylic vessel Gd ~0.1% scintillator unloaded spill in/out effect signal No signal A ~1% irreducible systematic error from the spill in/out effect Boundary effect 2 identical inner vessels Scintillator doped with 0.1% Gd MUST be perfectly stable over the life time of the experiment (>5 years) T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
Observable: e+ spectrum (Double-CHOOZ configuration) m2atm = 2.0 10-3 eV2 sin2(213)=0.04 sin2(213)=0.1 sin2(213)=0.2 sin2(213)=0.04 sin2(213)=0.1 sin2(213)=0.2 Events/200 KeV/3 years E (MeV) E (MeV) Near Detector: ~ 1.8 106 events -Reactor efficiency: 80% -Detector efficiency: 80% -Dead time: 50% Far Detector: ~ 34 000events -Reactor efficiency: 80% -Detector efficiency: 80% T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
Far/Near energy bin ratio @1,05 km Example of e oscillation at reactor(Double-CHOOZ configuration ) Rate + shape information if 13 not too small Note: optimum baseline ~1.5km T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
X 2 Double CHOOZ & KASKA (10 tons) Detector size scale Reactor/13 Example ~20 t CHOOZ 5 t Borexino 300 t KamLAND 1000 t Angra, Daya-Bay, Braidwood T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
90% C.L. sensitivity if sin2(213)=0 @m2=2.0 10-3 eV2 σbkg σbkg σbkg T2K 1% Huber, Lindner, Schwetz & Winter: hep-ph/0303232 G. Men tion & T. L. 0.1% reactor 1 (2 RNU) reactor 2 (40 RNU) RNU = Reactor Neutrino Unit : 1 RNU = 1031 free H GWth year • Reactor1 (0.5 km, 2.3 km): ~13 tonsPXE x 10 GW x 3 years sin2(213)<~0.02, 90% C.L • Reactor2 (0.5 km, 2.3 km): ~270 tonsPXE x 10 GW x 3 years sin2(213)<~0.01, 90% C.L T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
sin2(213) at LBL & reactors @m2=2.0 10-3 eV2 (3 ktons ?) Double-CH1313Z CHOOZ alone 90% C.L Huber, Lindner, Schwetz & Winter (‘extremum’ of projection of the 2 manifold on the sin2(213) axis) T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
Current proposal for new reactor experiments … T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
Nuclear reactors in the world T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
World momentum • December 2002: First European meeting, MPIK Heidelberg • April 2003: Second European meeting, PCC, Paris • May 2003: First international workshop, University of Alabama, US • October 2003: Second international workshop, TUM, Germany • March 2004: Third international workshop, Niigata, Japan • Next workshop in Brazil, January 2005 125 authors, 40 Institutions White Paper Report on Using Nuclear Reactors to search for a value of theta 13 hep-ex/0402041 T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
Which site for the experiment ? Penly Chooz Cruas Braidwood Daya bay Krasnoyarsk Kashiwasaki Diablo Canyon Taiwan Angra One reactor complex Two underground cavities @0.1-1 km & ~1-2 km T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
The Krasnoyarsk site: Kr2Det Russian Research Center “KurchatovInstitute” Single reactor core • P=1.6 GWth • ON/OFF cycle [50 days ON & 7 days OFF] No civil construction >50 tons detectors • Near: >50 tons – 115 m – 600 mwe • Far: >50 tons - 1.1 km - 600 mwe Sensitivity • 0.5% systematic error • sin2(213) < 0.015 (m2 =2.5 10-3 eV2, 90% C.L.) Prospects • Visit in summer 2003 cancelled by Russian authorities • Site not available for “political” reasons Completely underground facility was used by the Soviets for weapons production. T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
1st generation: sin2(213)~0.01-0.03 2nd generation: sin2(213)~0.01 + shape only analysis Current proposals Double-Chooz Braidwood Daya bay Kaska Angra T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
Braidwood (Illinois) Two reactor cores • P=2 x 3.6 GWth Civil construction • Flat topology • Near & Far: 120m shafts (10m diameter) • + laboratories (25-35 M$) Two 50 tons detectors • Near: 25-50 tons – 300 m – 450 mwe • Far: 25-50 tons – 1.5-1.8 km - 450 mwe • Movable detector (move on the surface, lift with crane) 3 years Sensitivity • 0.5% systematic error • No signal: sin2(213) < 0.01 (90% C.L.) Prospects (not yet approved) • Construction in 39 month - running in 2009. Cost ~45 M$ • Geological studies ongoing T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
Braidwood (Illinois) ANL, Chicago, Columbia, FNAL, Kansas, Oxford, Pittsburgh, Texas Civil construction Detector sketch T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
Daya Bay Four reactor cores • P=4 x 2.9 = 1.6 GWth • + two new cores for 6 GWth in 2011 Civil construction • Near: 1 km tunnel + laboratory • Far: 2 km tunnel + laboratory ~10 tons detector modules • Near: 25 tons - 300 m – 200 mwe • Far: 50 tons - 1.5-1.8 km - 700 mwe • Movable detector concept Sensitivity • 0.4% systematic error • sin2(213) < ~ 0.01 (90% C.L.) ? Prospects (not yet approved) • 2004-05: R&D, 2006-07: Construction • 1 Near detector running in 2008 • Geological & safety studies ongoing T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
Daya Bay IHEP, CIAE, Tsinghua Univ., Hong Kong Univ., Hong Kong Chinese Univ, (Berkeley, Caltech) R&D Near detector: 2 x 10 tons modules Far detector: 4 x 10 tons modules 3 years of data taking sin2(213) < ~ 0.01-0.02 (90% C.L.) T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
Kaska (Kashiwasaki, Japan) Seven reactor cores • P=24.3 GWth • 2 near detector mandatory Civil construction • 2 Near: ~70 m 6m shafts + laboratories • Far: ~250 m 6m shaft + laboratory Multiple detectors • 2 Near: 8 tons – 300-400 m – 100 mwe • Far: 8 tons - 1.3-1.8 km - 500 mwe Sensitivity • 0.5% systematic error • sin2(213) < 0.025 (90% C.L.) Prospects (not yet approved) • 2004-05: R&D, 2006-07: Construction. Running in 2008. Cost ~20 M$ • Geological studies ongoing – Prototype to be built for R&D. T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
KASKA (Japan) Tohoku Univ., Niigata Univ., Rikkyo Univ., KEK, Kobe Univ. Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. Sensitivity (3 years): sin2(213)<0.026 @90% C.L T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
Double-Chooz (France) Chooz-Near Chooz-Far Near site: D~100-200 m, overburden 50-80 mwe Far site: D~1.1 km, overburden 300 mwe T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
Double-Chooz features Twin reactor cores • N4 type P=2x4.2 GWth Civil construction • Near: 20x10x5m experimental hall • Artificial overburden Two 10 tons detectors • Near: 100-200 m – 60-80 mwe • Far: 1.05 km - 300 mwe 3 years Sensitivity • 0.6% systematics • No signal: sin2(213) < 0.02-03 (90% C.L.) • Signal: sin2(213) > 0.04-05 (3σ) Prospect (approved & funded in France) • 2007: far detector running • 2008: near detector running • Cost ~7Meuros + civil constr. @DAPNIA Near detector site (to be built) Existing Far detector site T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
The CHOOZ-far detector Shielding: 0,15m steel 7 m target: 80% dodecane + 20% PXE + 0.1% Gd (acrylic, r=1,2m, h = 2,8m, 12,7 m3) -catcher: 80% dodecane + 20% PXE (acrylic, r+0,6m – V= 28,1 m3) 7 m Non scintillating buffer: scintillator+quencher (r+0.95m, , V=100 m3) 7 m PMT supporting structure Muon VETO: scintillating oil (r+0.6 m – V=110 m3) @DAPNIA CHOOZ existing pit T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
Reactor induced systematics 2 detectors cancellation of the reactor physical uncertainties T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
Detector induced systematics M. Apollonio et. al., Eur.Phys.J. C27 (2003) 331-374 A single scintillator batch will be prepared to fill both detectors with the same apparatus T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
Relative Normalisation: Analysis • @CHOOZ: 1.5% systematic error - 7 analysis cuts - Efficiency ~70% Sélection cuts - positron energy [energy threshold] • - e+ position/géode (30cm) [position reconstruction] • - neutron energy [energy cut - calibration] • - n pos./géode (30 cm) [position reconstruction] • - distance e+ - n [position reconstruction] • - t e+ - n [neutron capture on Gd] • - n multiplicity [level of accidental background] • Goal Double-CHOOZ: <0.5% systematic error - 2 to 3 analysis cut Sélection cuts • - neutron energy • (- distance e+ - n ) [level of accidentals] • - t e+ - n T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
sin22θ13 = 0.08 sin22θ13 = 0.14 90% C.L. 3σ C.L. Sin2(2θ13) = 0.04 Attempt to compare Double-Chooz with T2K (3σ discovery potential) Double-CHOOZ starts with two detectors in January 2008 T2K starts at FULL intensity in January 2010 Assumption From Huber, Lindner, Schwetz (hep/0405032) T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
Letter of Intent + Univ. Alabama - Univ. Louisiana - Univ. Tennessee - Univ. Drexel – Argonne T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 - Th. Lasserre
Double-Chooz & IAEA • IAEA :Intenational Agency for Atomic Energy • Missions: Safety & Security, Science & Technology, Safeguard & Verification Control that member states do no use civil installations with military goals (production of plutonium !) • Control of the nuclear fuel in the whole fuel cycle * • Fuel assemblies, rods, containers *(*Anti-neutrinos could play a role!) • Distant & unexpected controls of the nuclear installations * • Why IAEA is interested to antineutrino ? • IAEA wants the « state of the art »methods for the future ! • Cost issue … 10,000$/day/inspector … • AIEA wants a feasibility study on antineutrinos • Monitoring of the reactors with a Double-Chooz like detector ? • Monitoring a country – new reactors “à la KamLAND” • Double-CHOOZ-IAEA: CEA/Saclay + Subatech Nantes + Kurchatov • Perform new antineutrino spectrum @ILL reactor • Use Double-Chooz near as a ‘prototype’ for nuclear reactor monitoring • Other studies like large and very large underwater antineutrino detectors … T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
Towards evidence of non vanishing • T2K: 10 years running (0.75MW beam & Super-Kamiokande) • Reactor (second generation): 103 104 GWth.ton.year Reactor [103 GW.t.y] @ ~1km 200 tons 10 GWth 5 years H. Minakata & H. Sugiyama, hep-ph/0309323 Regions consistent with the hypothesis =0 (90% CL) By the reactor-LBL combined measurement T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
2nd generation project: Angra (Brazil) Argonne + Brazil : CBPF, UNICAMP, USP, PUC-RIO Single reactor core • P=4.1 GWth • A new core is being built (2006) Civil construction • Near: 6x6x60m tunnel + 10x10x12m exp. hall • Far: 6x6x450m tunnel + 10x10x12m exp. hall • + emergency shafts Two >100 tons detector • Near: 300 m – 50 mwe ? • Far: 1.35 km - 600 mwe • Non movable detectors concept Sensitivity • 5 years >103 GWth.t.y • sin2(213) < 0.01 (90% C.L.) • 1% systematic error • Shape only analysis T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -
Conclusion & outlook • A new reactor neutrino experiment could provide an evidence of the oscillation in the (1,3) sector in 2009 • Reactor & LBL programs provide independent and complementary measurements of 13. But current proposals have low synergy … Of course reactor experiments won’t replace the rich LBL program. However, a preliminary value of 13 might help to design the best CP- detector: • Several projects of reactor experiment & strong world momentum • First generation :sensitivity sin2(213)~0.02-0.03 - Rate + Shape • Motionless detectors: Double-Chooz (funded in France), KASKA • Movabledetectors: Daya-bay, Braidwood • Second generation : sensitivity sin2(213)<0.01 - Shape only (>103 GWth.tons.years): • Motionless detectors: Angra T.L. (Saclay) - NuFact04 -