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Yahoo-Google-Microsoft. Partnership and Corporate Governance. Corporate Governance. Leadership and management of a business are directly accountable to its owners (e.g., shareholders)

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  1. Yahoo-Google-Microsoft Partnership and Corporate Governance

  2. Corporate Governance • Leadership and management of a business are directly accountable to its owners (e.g., shareholders) • Government and business leaders are enacting laws, writing regulations and establishing policies and guidelines Huber, M.W., Piercy, C.A., McKeown, P.G. & Norrie, J.L. (2008). Introduction to Business Information Systems. Mississauga: John Wiley & Sons.

  3. Microsoft Take-over Offer • Made offers to the company • Offered $33 per share • Rejected by Jerry Yang, asking for more money – substantially undervaluing Yahoo • Wants $37 per share • Shares falling down in price

  4. Lawsuits • Wayne County Employee’s Retirement System of Michigan, which owns approximately 13,600 of Yahoo’s shares, filed a lawsuit

  5. Google • Search advertisement alliance with Yahoo • Yahoo had been counting on the Google Inc. deal to boost its finances and placate shareholders still incensed by management's decision to reject the $47.5-billion takeover bid from Microsoft six months ago.

  6. Government Stepping In… • U.S Justice Department reported issues due to Anti-Trust laws • Google backed out of partnership with Yahoo

  7. New Suggestions to Takeover • Jerry Yang suggested Microsoft to renew its bid on Yahoo • Microsoft chief executive, Steve Baller, not interested acquisition • However possibly partnership • “We made an offer, we made another offer, and it was clear that Yahoo didn't want to sell the business to us and we moved on. We are not interested in going back and re-looking at an acquisition. I don't know why they would be either, frankly. They turned us down at $33 (U.S.) a share.”

  8. Credits • http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20081107.wyahoomsft1107/BNStory/Business/home • http://mashable.com/2008/02/13/yahoo-shareholder-lawsuit/ • http://www.buttonland.com/free_powerpoint_templates/business_ppt_background.jpg • http://www.watblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/google-yahoo-microsoft.jpg

  9. Analogy of the News • “I love it. To me it's like relationships. Yahoo thought they could do better and tried to hook up with Google, spurning Microsoft's advances. Then, the parents stepped in and told them that they couldn't be with each other. So, Google backs away, ‘cause they know they're hot [stuff], and they don't need Yahoo. But Yahoo's in trouble. She's passed her prime and that clock is ticking. So, people ask Microsoft if they'll make another play now that she's back on the market. And Microsoft goes "forget that [female dog]. I made a play for her, and she turned me down over and over. I won't rule out the possibility of hitting it, but a relationship ain't happening". Yahoo says that Microsoft should try again, but MS responds "look, I'll hit it. but I think a relationship is a thing of the past". - Edited due to profanity http://www.redflagdeals.com/forums/showthread.php?t=657386

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