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SUSY_DILEPTON TRIGGERS: studies and proposed updates

SUSY_DILEPTON TRIGGERS: studies and proposed updates. M.Giordani,B.Heinemann,G.Pauletta, M.Rossi ,P.Wittich. OUTLINE. Status before shutdown and major concerns SUSY trigger studies up to the shutdown: Stability of x-sections x-sections vs. L (cm -2 s -1 ) Overlap studies

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SUSY_DILEPTON TRIGGERS: studies and proposed updates

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  1. SUSY_DILEPTON TRIGGERS: studies and proposed updates M.Giordani,B.Heinemann,G.Pauletta, M.Rossi,P.Wittich Exotic Trigger Meeting

  2. OUTLINE • Status before shutdown and major concerns • SUSY trigger studies up to the shutdown: • Stability of x-sections • x-sections vs. L (cm-2s-1) • Overlap studies • Studies for new proposal: • x-sections • Typical signal efficiency • Conclusions Exotic Trigger Meeting

  3. SUSY TRIGGERS PRE-SHUTDOWN • Major concerns: • large inclusive L2 cross section of complementary paths • possible growth factor effect @ high luminosity • Trigger group interim countermeasure: • L2_CEM12_PT8 changed to L2_CEM8_PT8_DPS (June 2004)  Trigger studies for better understanding rates  8 core and 10 complementary paths (CDF6074) L2 COMPLEMENTARY: L2_CMUP6_PT8 L2_CEM12_PT8 L2_CEM8_PT8_CES3_&_TRK8 Exotic Trigger Meeting

  4. L2 X-SECTIONS (nb) vs. time On average (σEXC is the effective x-section of the L2 path) e.g. L2_CEM12_PT8 σTOT σEXC L3 Monitor dataset~50pb (MONITOR_L3TAG_PS200) Exotic Trigger Meeting

  5. L2 X-SECTIONS (nb) vs. L (cm-2s-1) L2_CMUP6_PT8 L2_CEM8_PT8_CES3_&_TRK8 σTOT σTOT σEXC σEXC • Inclusive muon: • No major growth factor • Used by variety of physics group (not only exotic) • Electron+track: • σtot rises • Adds very little to global L2 bandwidth L3 Monitor dataset~40pb (MONITOR_L3TAG_PS200) Exotic Trigger Meeting

  6. L2 X-SECTIONS (nb) vs. L (cm-2s-1) L2_CEM12_PT8 σTOT • Inclusive electron: • No growth factor in σtot • Growth in σEXCLdue to dynamically prescaled competing triggers • Effective σ≤ 100nb σEXC L3 Monitor dataset~6pb (MONITOR_L3TAG_PS200) Exotic Trigger Meeting

  7. L2 OVERLAPS • Inclusive electron: L2_CEM12_PT8 • 50% overlap with L2_CEM16_PT8 (conservative) • Electron+track: L2_CEM8_PT8_CES3_&_TRK8 • 75% overlap with L2_CEM8_PT8_CES3_&_TRK5_DPHI10 • 60% overlap with L2_CEM12_PT8 • 35% overlap with L2_CEM16_PT8 ALMOST NO CHANGE IN OVERLAPS WITH LUMINOSITY Exotic Trigger Meeting

  8. SUSY TRIGGERS NEW PROPOSAL  14 paths Pros :to take advantage of a largest acceptance Cons :L3 more structured  Evaluated x-sections for new primitives Exotic Trigger Meeting

  9. CEM PATHS ELECTRON_CENTRAL_PS5K_L1_CEM4_PT4 ~25μb @ L = 90 × 1030 cm-2 s-1 σTOT Total L2 x-section for CEM paths: (4 || 8 || 12 || 16) •  400 nb using CEM12 • 320 nb using CEM12_ISO3 • 376 nb using CEM12_ISO6 • 300 nb dropping CEM12 Exotic Trigger Meeting

  10. CMUP PATHS MUON_PS1000_L1_CMUP6_PT4 ~8μb @ L = 90 × 1030cm-2s-1 σTOT σEXC Exotic Trigger Meeting

  11. CMX PATHS MONITOR_PS200_L3TAG & L2_AUTO_L1_CMX6_PT8_CSX ~220nb @ 90 × 1030 cm-2s-1 σTOT σEXC For the time being there is no CMX4_CMX4 path because no corresponding L1 bit is available Exotic Trigger Meeting

  12. TYPICAL SIGNAL EFFICIENCY • Considered: 2 typical signal samples with low pt multilepton signatures • Chargino and neutralino production3l • Gluino and squark production2l • Trigger behaviour roughly deduced from offline quantities. Examples: • CEM4: a central tight electron, ET>6GeV,PT>4GeV • CMX4: a muon with a CMX stub in the same wedge with PT>4GeV Exotic Trigger Meeting

  13. CHARGINO and NEUTRALINO PRODUCTION Acceptance for different trigger scenario for events with 3 HEPG leptons anywhere in η 16 instead of 12 reduces the acceptance by 4% 4 = 2 low pt leptons 8 = medium-pt lepton + track 12or16 = high-pt inclusive lepton Exotic Trigger Meeting

  14. GLUINO and SQUARK PRODUCTION Sample of 19k events: mgluino = 260 GeV/c2 msquark ~ 300 GeV/c2 mneutralino1 ~ 36 GeV/c2 mchargino ~ 80 GeV/c2 Trigger acceptance for events with 2 leptons from a SUSY particle 4 = 2 low pt leptons 8 = medium-pt lepton + track 12 = high-pt inclusive lepton Exotic Trigger Meeting

  15. CONCLUSIONS -1- • Before the shutdown • SUSY dilepton complementary path healthy: • No appreciable growth factors • No solid reason for removing L2_CEM12_PT8 • New Proposal • New L2 muon primitive x-sections are reasonable • About CEM path: • CEM12_ISO3 reduces x-section by 20%, but inefficient @ high luminosity • Dropping CEM12, total L2 CEM path x-section reduced by 25% Exotic Trigger Meeting

  16. CONCLUSIONS -2- • Typical signal studies • Chargino and neutralino production • Dropping the 12 paths and keeping the 16 paths produces a undesirable 4% acceptance reduction • Dropping anyone of the4, 8, 16 paths will seriously impact the acceptance • Squark and gluino production • Dropping the 8 paths affects most the trigger acceptance (7%) • Need to evaluate inclusive lepton trigger vs. 12 paths Exotic Trigger Meeting

  17. Back-up Exotic Trigger Meeting

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