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Characteristics That All Facebook Messenger Chatbots Need

The chatbots of Facebook Messenger generate up to 80% better engagement compared to other channels (like email marketing or Facebook posts). Not only that, in terms of paid social, chatbot adverts deliver up to 50 times better return-on-assets. Overall, Facebook Messenger marketing is a big win for marketers.<br>

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Characteristics That All Facebook Messenger Chatbots Need

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  1. Characteristics That All Facebook Messenger Chatbots Need BLO GSPOT

  2. Haveyouevertriedoutmessagingachatbot? Perhapsyou'vetried subscribingtoanaccountthatsendsouttidbitsofnewseveryday, or maybeyouwerejustboredandavailedariddle-a-day. Perhapsyou've triedtosendaninquirytoabrandandreceivedanautomatedresponse. ThosetypesarewhatwecallFacebookchatbots, andthey'retakingthe platformtoamarketingstorm.  ThechatbotsofFacebookMessengergenerateupto80% better engagementcomparedtootherchannels (likeemailmarketingor Facebookposts). Notonlythat, intermsofpaidsocial, chatbotadverts deliverupto50timesbetterreturn-on-assets. Overall, Facebook Messengermarketing isabigwinformarketers. BLO GSPOT

  3. Ifyouwanttobeanearlyadoptertoreaptherewardsof chatbots, herearesomebasiccharacteristicsthatyourbot shouldhave. 1. Itshouldusenaturallanguage. Usersneverwanttofeel liketheyaretalkingtoarobot. Yourchatbotneedstobe empathic. Likeforexample, ifauserstatesaproblem, the botshouldbeabletorecogniseitandofferan "I'msorry!". It'salsoaplusiftheycanuseemojisandGIFs. 2. Itshouldbeemotionallyintelligent. Itshouldbeableto senseauser'smoodandreplyaccordinglyandknow whentohandoveraconversationtoalivesupportagent.

  4. 3. It should be smart and analytical. It should be able to respond to multiple languages, and it should be smart enough to predict what a user may need next and give a suggestion whenever possible. 4. It should be user-focused. A chatbot should be sensitive in anticipating users' needs and next possible questions. They should be able to offer solutions before the users even ask. It will be a plus if the bot is equipped with multiple answers that a user can quickly tap.

  5. Source: https://digitalmarketingauthority.blogspot.com /2018/11/characteristics-that-all-facebook.html

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