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Facebook Advertising: Instagram

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Facebook Advertising: Instagram

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  1. Facebook Advertising: Instagram

  2. Asmuchassixtypercentof Instagramuserssaythatthey discoveraboutproductsand servicesonInstagram. Instagramis animage-drivensocialplatform thatmakesithighlypowerfulto advertiseyourbusiness. Therearea billionphotoslikedonInstagram eachday. 

  3. Today’sgenerationisallaboutexpressing themselves, connectingwithlike-mindedpeople, beinginspiredandtakingaction. Peoplecometo Instagramtomakethishappen. Brandscansucceed withInstagramadvertisingiftheycangettothe heartoftoday’sgenerationbyinspiringthem, they aremorelikelytoengagewithyourbrandwhich couldleadtoconversionandevenadvocacy. Ifyour audiencecanidentifywithyourbrand, theyare morelikelygoingtobuyyourproductsandeven promotethembysharingyouradsonInstagramif theyhaveagoodexperienceorencounterasa customer.

  4. Instagramsupportsadsinvideo, photo, carousel andstoriesformats. Photoadscancomeinsquare orlandscapeformat. Clean, simpleandcreative canvastellsstoriesinrichformat. CarouselAdsallow youraudiencetoexploremoreaboutyourbusiness throughseveralphotosorvideosinasinglead. StoriesAdsareinterstitialphotosandvideosthat runinbetweenstoriesthatusersareinterestedin. Recently, Instagramannouncedthatadswillnowbe abletopublishuptothreepiecesofcontentina singlestory. AccordingtoInstagram, thisgives advertisersmorefreedomonsequentialstorytelling usingphotoandvideocontent. 

  5. Somepopularpracticesbysuccessful Instagramcampaignsinclude consistentposting, sharingbehind-the- scenesofbusiness, showcasingyour brandwithoutthehardsell (featuring yourproductsandservices, havingcalls toaction, showingpersonality, engagingandconnectingandfollowing backyourfollowersusinghashtags, and sharingcelebrationswithyour customers. 

  6. To place an ad on Instagram, do the following in Ads Manager as provided by Facebook. 1. Go to Ads Manager 2. Click Create an Ad 3. Select the Reach, Video views, Conversions, App installs, Lead Generation or Traffic objective 4. In the Ad Set section, click Placements 5. Choose the Edit Placements, then select the Instagram 6. Click Stories 7. Complete the rest of the steps and continue developing your ad campaign 8. When you're okay with your changes, click Review Changes to publish

  7. Audience Network You can increase your conversions up to 15% by placing ads on Audience Network. Audience network is a network of apps and websites on the Facebook platform that displays Facebook ads. According to Facebook, forty percent of the top 500. Apps are connected to Audience Network. This is a great opportunity to spread your reach to other places where potential customers are spending their time. Audience Network supports the following objectives through video ads: brand awareness, reach, engagement and increase in video views. It also supports traffic; app installs, conversions and product catalog sales. Ads outside of Facebook will behave depending on the type of objective chosen by advertisers. For example, if the advertiser is aiming for traffic, the ad will open a link in a new browser window. If their object is to increase app installs, the ad will prompt the user to install an app or launch an existing app on their mobile device. 

  8. Source D I G I T A L M A R K E T I N G A U T H O R I T Y

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