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1) The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Department of Biochemistry and Environmental Chemistry (PL) 2) Radboud University Nijmegen, Department of Aquatic Ecology & Environmental Biology (NL).
1) The John Paul II CatholicUniversity of Lublin, Department of Biochemistry and Environmental Chemistry (PL)2) RadboudUniversity Nijmegen, Department of Aquatic Ecology & Environmental Biology (NL) Short-term versus long-term effects of summer flooding on floodplainbiogeochemistry; interacting role of soil use and water quality Artur M. Banach1, Leon P. M. Lamers2,Zofia Stępniewska1and Jan G. M. Roelofs2
*Severity assessment is on 1-3 scale Class 1: large flood events: significant damage to structures or agriculture; fatalities; and/or 1-2 decades-long reported interval since the last similar event. Class 2: very large events: greater than 20 yr but less than 100 year recurrence interval, and/or a local recurrence interval of at 10-20 yr. Class 3: Extreme events: with an estimated recurrence interval greater than 100 years. 1 also in Hungary; 2 also in Romania, Slovakia and Czech Republic; 3 also in Slovakia and Hungary; 4 also in Slovakia Source:Darthmouth Flood Observatory (modified).
Kosiorów, a former floodplain Grassland with Deschampsia cespitosa and Holcus lanatus as dominant plant species Present use: agriculture Kosiorów Hayland – mowing and fertilization Pasture – grazing at low density HAY PAS Middle Gorge of the Vistula River
Scenario I Short-term flooding: 5 weeks Scenario II Long-term flooding: 40 weeks 2 meadows,20 sods from eachsub-location temp. = 17°C, RH=60%. 16 h day-light temp. = 5-41°C, natural light Treatments (n=4) Cm – moist control Cfl – flooded control N – Cfl+1mmol l-1 NO3- S – Cfl+1mmol l-1 SO42- SN – Cfl+S+N Analysis: pore watersurface water Experimental Design Data processing
Short-term effects on vegetation P Pasture: before flooding algae during flooding after flooding P Hayland: before flooding algae during flooding after flooding
Long-term effects on vegetation Pasture P fl+sulphate fl+both fl+nitrate flooded control P Hayland
Soil characteristics Concentrations are given in µmol l-1 of bulk soil. PO43- [µmol L-1] P mobilization during flooding was a redox-related process... ...connected with Fe reduction PO43- [µmol L-1]
Phosphate mobilization Nitrate reduction
Phosphate mobilization Nitrate reduction
Flooding timing • Soil characteristics as main drivers - P mobilization due to redox related Fe reduction • Die-off most of plants • The interaction of soil characterstics and water quality - P mobilization due to both redox related Fe reduction and the effect of water components • Die-off most of plants mostly in heavily fertilized sods and luxurious growth of Carex on less ferilized.
Inundation – theinteraction of land use and water quality Eutrophication, die-off of the non adapted vegetation, algal blooms SO42- uptake PO43- , NH4+,Mn2+, Fe2+ Reduction of NO3-, Mn4+, Fe3+ toxicity FeSx H2S + alkalinity ← SO42- Anaerobic decomposition of soil organic matter
Inundation of agricultural soils led to severe eutrophication regardless of theperiod of flooding. • Soil characteristics (result of cultivation way) play a key role in the observed response. • Water quality is additional key-factor significantly affecting biogeochemical nutrient cycling, especially on long-term. • Floodplain vegetation development was only possible on less fertilized meadow regardless of thefloodwater quality. • For successful flood protection and nature development measure scenario II would be more appriopate. • However, additional measures such as P-immobilization by Fe additionor topsoil removal may be needed. • There isa need for further investigations. Conclusions and remarks
Thank you for your attention A. M. Banach, K. Banach, E. J. W. Visser, Z. Stępniewska, A. J. M. Smits, J. G. M. Roelofs, L. P. M. Lamers: Effects of summerflooding on floodplainbiogeochemistryin Poland; implications for increasedfloodingfrequency. Biogeochemistry, 2009, 92:247–262. A. M. Banach, K. Banach, R. C. J. H. Peters, R. H. M. Jansen, E. J. W. Visser, Z. Stępniewska, J. G. M. Roelofs and L. P. M. Lamers: Effects of long-term flooding on biogeochemistry and vegetation development infloodplains; a mesocosmexperiment to studyinteractingeffects of land use and waterquality. Biogeosciences, 2009, 6:1–15.