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Hilbert Space Embeddings of Conditional Distributions -- With Applications to Dynamical Systems

Hilbert Space Embeddings of Conditional Distributions -- With Applications to Dynamical Systems. Le Song Carnegie Mellon University Joint work with Jonathan Huang, Alex Smola and Kenji Fukumizu. Hilbert Space Embeddings. Summary statistics for distributions:. (mean). (covariance).

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Hilbert Space Embeddings of Conditional Distributions -- With Applications to Dynamical Systems

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  1. Hilbert Space Embeddings of Conditional Distributions--With Applications to Dynamical Systems Le Song Carnegie Mellon University Joint work with Jonathan Huang, Alex Smola and Kenji Fukumizu

  2. Hilbert Space Embeddings • Summary statistics for distributions: (mean) (covariance) (expected features)

  3. Hilbert Space Embeddings • Reconstruct from for certain kernels! Eg. RBF kernel . • Sample average converges to true mean at .

  4. Hilbert Space Embeddings Structured Prediction Embed Conditional Distributions p(y|x)  µ[p(y|x)] Dynamical Systems

  5. Embedding P(Y|X) • Simple case: X binary, Y vector valued • Need to embed • Solution: • Divide observations according to their • Average feature for each group What if X is continuous or structured?

  6. Embedding P(Y|X) • Goal: Estimate embedding from finite sample • Problem: Some X=x are never observed… Embed p(Y|X=x) for x never observed?

  7. Key Idea • If and are close, and will be similar. Generalize to unobserved X=x via a kernel on X

  8. Conditional Embedding Conditional Embedding Operator

  9. Conditional Embedding Operator generalization of covariance matrix

  10. Kernel Estimate • Empirical estimate converges at

  11. Sum and Product Rules Can do probabilistic inference with embeddings!

  12. Dynamical Systems Hidden State Maintain belief using Hilbert space embeddings observation

  13. Advantages • Applies to any domain with a kernel Eg. reals, rotations, permutations, strings • Applies to more general distributions Eg. multimodal, skewed

  14. Evaluation with Linear Dynamics • Linear dynamics model (Kalman filter optimal): Trajectory of Hidden States Observations

  15. -1 -2 x ~ h ~ N(0,10 I), N(0,10 I) Gaussian process noise, Gaussian observation noise 0.35 RKHS 0.3 RMS Error Kalman 0.25 0.2 2 4 6 Training Size ( Steps)

  16. -2 x ~ G h ~ (1,1/3), N(0,10 I) Skewed process noise, small observation noise 0.24 RKHS 0.22 RMS Error Kalman 0.2 2 4 6 Training Size ( Steps)

  17. -2 -2 -2 x ~ h ~ 0.5N(-0.2,10 I)+0.5N(0.2,10 I), N(0,10 I) Bimodal process noise, small observation noise 0.175 RKHS 0.17 Kalman 0.165 RMS Error 0.16 0.155 0.15 2 3 4 5 6 Training Size ( Steps)

  18. Camera Rotation Rendered using POV-ray renderer

  19. Predicted Camera Rotation Dynamical systems with Hilbert space embeddings works better

  20. Video from Predicted Rotation Video Rendered with Predicted Camera Rotation Original Video

  21. Conclusion • Embedding conditional distributions • Generalizes to unobserved X=x • Kernel estimate • Convergence of empirical estimate • Probabilistic inference • Application to dynamical systems learning and inference

  22. The End • Thanks

  23. Future Work • Estimate the hidden states during training? • Dynamical system = chain graphical model; how about tree and general graph topology?

  24. -2 -1 x ~ h ~ N(0,10 I), N(0,10 I) Small process noise, large observation noise 0.5 RKHS 0.4 RMS Error Kalman 0.3 2 4 6 n Training Size (2 Steps)

  25. Dynamics can Help 2.5 2 Trace Measure 1.5 1 -3 -2 -1 0 log10(Noise Variance)

  26. Dynamical Systems Hidden State Maintain belief using Hilbert space embeddings observation

  27. Conditional Embedding Operator • Desired properties: • Covariance operator: generalization of covariance matrix

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