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I-MASS and the Semantic web. Gabriel Hopmans Communications Research & Semiotics University of Maastricht. Overview . Foci of attention: I-MASS agents and sketch of components Interface & Agents Semiotics Ontologies & Semantics. IMASS1: Agents at content providers.
I-MASS and the Semantic web Gabriel Hopmans Communications Research & Semiotics University of Maastricht
Overview Foci of attention: • I-MASS agents and sketch of components • Interface & Agents • Semiotics • Ontologies & Semantics
IMASS Agents to let I-Mass growing • For users finding the information: providing scenario’s in the Knowledge Landscape • Content providers providing conceptual schemas Important for use of reference works
I-MASS: scenario and reference works • Reference works: dictionaries, encyclopaedia, thesaurus.. Modeling in INCA-Com • I-MASS Scenario : user asks “Give me access to (paintings) by Leonardo where there are examples of Chiaroscuro“ • Translation to RQL: Select W From {X}first_name{Y}, {Z}paints{W}.contains_technique{Q} Where X=Z and Y=”Leonardo” and Q=”Chiaroscuro”
{X} first name {Leonardo} X = Z Join Z = {daVinci} Z paints W W contains Q
System: Using reference works • Term “chiaroscuro”? Which reference work to be used? • INCA-COM thesaurus, Sort Thesaurus { R:: thesaurus_has_term : __ ::ThesTerm } • Thesaurus in RDF <rdfs: Class rdf:ID=“Thesaurus”/> <rdf: Property rdf:ID=“thes_has_term”> <rdfs:domain rdf:resource=“#Thesaurus”> <rdfs:range rdf:resource =“Thes_term”> </rdf:Property>
Result using AAT • The technique of contrasting light and dark within a picture, especially one in which the forms are largely determined, not by sharp outlines, but by the meeting of lighter and darker areas • Terminological: link terms (synonym Chiaroscuro and Clair Obscur) • Intentional: meaning of sort, extensional: membership of object instance
Recapitulation of INCA-COM: Objects & Sorts • Object has an existence indepen-dent of description; • Every object is classified with one or more sorts; • In principle sorts have an inten-sional and extensional des-cription, describing respectively • meaning of the sort, and • membership of object instances
IMASS : Agents and Interfaces • From the user point of view:(re)presentation, adaptivity .. And • From the content provider point of view ..A need for semiotics
What is Chiaroscuro? Knowledge level 1 User makes just a request in a reference work User ->Query -> Agent Explain term Chiaroscuro KL3 Request to perform action given a proposition. Agents use several ref. Works agents: (Composition), if u find something: propose it User-request-Agent Agent – Request(propose) –Agents User, reference work, semiotic
Interaction Protocols • FIPA ACL 2nd level is Communicative Act based on speech act theory. • Attribute of agent: Knowledge-level (Newell 1982): “communication ability, A knowledge level so that it has the ability to communicate with persons and other agents with language more resembling human-like "speech acts" than typical symbol-level program-to-program protocols” • Interaction Protocols are used to design agents interaction providing a sequence of acceptable messages and a semantic for those messages [Bergenti et al., 2000].
Do these representations mean the same? • See paper Euzenat
Knowledge representation & modeling • The user preferences define how the agents are ‘triggered’. User should be aware how (Semiotics for use and meaning of protocols, ACL trend): Agent Services become webservices • This ‘triggering’ process is predefined by the knowledge engineer. AGAIN SEMIOTICS:“when dealing with exchange of models between people & faithful reproduction of these representations we are concerned with the semiotic level” [Bechhofer et al. ,2001]
Ontologies & Semantics • DAML + OIL is not enough Ontology not only for representation & delivery but also for sharing & exchange • FIPA & AgentCities: Agent enabled webservices: Webservices are evolving rapidly and are compete & lose, FIPA should embrace and extend them.
Ontologies & Semantics: DAML + OIL • DAML + OIL should give semantics to modeling primitives RDFS • DAML+OIL in co-operation: Oil throwed a few principles aboard (modeling language based on frames) • See references 1,2 &3
Semantic web: agents interaction between 2 applications (worldwide) DAML+OIL: DC Inspired by Object Representation framework (although OIL ..) I-MASS: more a closed domain, agents in the application ‘know’ each other already I-MASS can’t wait + focus on reference works Now focus on logic based concepts Semantic web/I-MASS Ontology representation
References: • Daml + OIL is not enough, Bechhofer, Goble and Horrocks, 2001 • Language standardization for the semantic web: the long way from OIL to OWL, Fensel 2001 • Metamodeling architecture of web ontology languages, Pan & Horrocks 2001 • Towards Formal Knowledge intelligibility at the semiotic level, Euzenat 2000 • Querying semistructured (meta) data and schemas on the web: the case of RDF & RDFS, Karvounarakis et al. 2000. ICS-FORTH, RDFSuite • D. Levine, presentation about Webservices vs. FIPA specs