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Punnett Squares And Meiosis!

Punnett Squares And Meiosis!. Meiosis: A type of cell division in which a diploid cell (two copies of each gene) divides to form a haploid cell (one copy of each gene). = SPERM and EGG!. T. t. Tt. Recessive t - not curved allele. Dominant T - curved thumb/allele. T. t. Tt.

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Punnett Squares And Meiosis!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Punnett Squares And Meiosis!

  2. Meiosis: A type of cell division in which a diploid cell (two copies of each gene) divides to form a haploid cell (one copy of each gene). = SPERM and EGG!

  3. T t Tt Recessive t - not curved allele Dominant T - curved thumb/allele T t Tt Recessive t - not curved allele Dominant T - curved thumb allele

  4. Punnett Square: A method to determine the likely genotypes and phenotypes of offspring eggs T t Tt TT T Curved thumb Curved thumb sperm tt Tt t Straight thumb Curved thumb

  5. How to fill in a punnett square

  6. Using the Punnett Square below, correctly cross a heterozygous brown haired person with a homozygous blonde haired person. B b Bb x bb Bb b bb B = brown hair allele b = blonde hair allele bb b Bb

  7. b b B b Bb Bb bb bb Phenotype: 2 brown hair and 2 blonde hair Genotype: 2 Bb and 2 bb

  8. Solve the following problems: GIVE THE PHENOTYPE & GENOTYPE! Cross EE x ee (brown eyed person with blue eyed) Cross a wrinkled seed with a homozygous round seed (W = wrinkled w = round) Cross a heterozygous tall person with a heterozygous tall person. Cross a homozygous tall person with a short person

  9. Mendel’s Laws

  10. Law of Segregation Two alleles separate from each other during meiosis! Each homologous chromosome pair separates during the formation of the sperm and egg (meiosis!)

  11. Law of Segregation

  12. Law of segregation

  13. Incomplete Dominance • Hh (heterozygote) where the functioning allele makes less protein • Example: in snapdragon flowers, red is dominant, but less protein pigment is made w/ Rr; the flower is pink (Rr) = pink

  14. Incomplete Dominance Practice • In the budgerigars bird (“budgie”), olive feather color is dominant (GG), dark green is heterozygous (Gg), and light green is recessive (gg). • Cross an olive bird and a light green bird. • Cross two heterozygous birds

  15. Codominance • When both alleles (forms of a gene) are expressed • Blood type is an example of codominance • Blood type A is codominant with B • Blood type O is recessive to A and B

  16. Codominance Practice • Cross a person with type O blood (oo) with a person who has type A blood (Ao). • What are the possible genotypes and phenotypes of their children? G: 2 Ao: 2 oo P: 2: type A blood : 2 type o blood

  17. Sex-Lined Traits • gene carried only on the X chromosome • there is no corresponding gene on the y chromosome • Cross a non-colorblind male (XBY) with a “carrier” female (XBXb)

  18. Law of Independent Assortment The distribution of alleles for one trait does not affect the distribution for of alleles for other traits

  19. Law of Independent Assortment

  20. Law of Independent Assortment

  21. Law of Independent Assortment

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