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Introduction to Microbiology Biology 260 Winter Quarter 2013 MW 1:30-2:55 p.m. (Lecture) AND TTH 1:30-3:25 p.m. (laboratory) COURSE CONTRACT: OVERALL COURSE DESCRIPTION, OUTCOMES, POLICY STATEMENT, SYLLABI, AND GRADING RUBRICS. Instructor Information. Instructor: Dr. Debra Lancaster (Debbie)
Introduction to MicrobiologyBiology 260Winter Quarter 2013MW 1:30-2:55 p.m. (Lecture) AND TTH 1:30-3:25 p.m. (laboratory)COURSE CONTRACT: OVERALL COURSE DESCRIPTION, OUTCOMES, POLICY STATEMENT, SYLLABI, AND GRADING RUBRICS
Instructor Information Instructor: Dr. Debra Lancaster (Debbie) Office#: 214 Kulshan Hall Office phone: 383-3531 (please feel free to leave a message) Email: dlancast@whatcom.ctc.edu
More Instructor Information Office hours: • M 3:05-3:55 p.m. • T 12:00-1:00 p.m. • TH 11:30-12:30 p.m. • F 1:35-2:35 p.m. • Others by appointment Other Classes and other times I am not available: • MWF 9:30-10:55 a.m. • For Environmental Science • MWF 11:00-11:25 a.m. • Down time between classes • MWF 11:30-1:25 p.m. • For Non-Major’s Biology • M-F 4:00-5:00 p.m • For college meetings
Required materials: Black, J. G. 2012. Microbiology: principles and explorations 8th ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, NJ, USA. Lancaster, D. L. and M. L. Bennett. 2012. Microbiology laboratory manual. Whatcom Community College. Bellingham, WA, USA Notes and Power points on webpage
ATTENDANCE AND PARTICIPATIONPart I • Success = keeping up with the material, & assignments. And of course making good grades. • Regular attendance is expected (lecture and lab). • Two or fewer absences =10 bonus points. • Students will be responsible for missed classes. • Most laboratory exercises cannot be made upresulting in loss of points • Laboratory work will be completed in pairs (and rarely in a trio). A fair and equal amount of participation is expected of each student or student will lose points.
ATTENDANCE AND PARTICIPATIONPart II • Students who miss a regular exam (one of the first three exams) have a choice of dropping that exam or taking a makeup exam. Makeup exams are 100% essay and can only be taken if the student contacts me PRIOR to the beginning of the regular exam. • Any makeup exam must be taken in the testing center on the student’s own time and within two business days of the date the exam was given. • Any student who misses the Final exam must take the makeup by close of business day 22 March 2013.
ATTENDANCE AND PARTICIPATIONPart III • Students are expected to follow all Laboratory Safety Rules (Lancaster and Bennett, 2012) and must be prepared for the laboratory exercises prior to beginning any work. Students who are not prepared will not be allowed to participate in that day’s laboratory exercise(s) and will have points deducted from the lab summary associated with the lab exercise.
DISRUPTIVE OR UNPROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOR I place a great deal of importance on professional behavior in both the classroom and the laboratory. Most Microbiology students are planning on professional careers and consequently they should already conduct themselves in a manner consistent with that of a professional. The use of cell phones in the classroom is disruptive to others and thus is not professional conduct. If there is a family or work situation that requires a student have his/her phone available, please turn off the ringer and exit the classroom if it is necessary to speak with someone. In addition, being more than five minutes late or leaving early are sources of disruption in the classroom and thus should be avoided if possible (if this is not possible, then please enter or leave quietly).
DISABILITIES SUPPORT SERVICES • Special support services (e.g., notes takers, testing accommodations) can be provided to qualified students. • Any student who requires special consideration due to a limiting disability should contact the Disabilities Support Services Office at (360) 383-3045. • Whatcom Community College also offers Counseling and Veteran’s Support Services. The contact number for both of these services is (360) 383-3080.
CHALLENGING NATURE OF COURSE • My philosophy of teaching is that you should be challenged. • Lots of new terminology and information included in this course. • Students should keep up with study guide and not count on cramming for exams. • In order for students to do well in this course, they need to come to lecture prepared (by reading over the notes provided on the instructor’s website), take notes (even though notes are provided on the website), study the notes, read any assigned passages in the textbook, read any other assigned papers or articles, complete any other assigned work, actively participate in the laboratory exercises, and ask me about information that needs clarification
EXAMS I • Three “regular” exams and a comprehensive final will make up 60% of the grade for this course. • The lowest of the three “regular” exams will be dropped. • Students who are satisfied with their first two exam grades may opt out of taking the third exam, but students who skip an exam will be responsible for that information on the final. • Exams (except makeups) will consist of 24 multiple choice, 13 true/false, 13 matching, 15 fill in the blank, and 70 points worth of short essay questions.
EXAMS II • Once work has begun on an exam, students will not be allowed to leave the room. • In order to facilitate learning, I shall provide study guides prior to each exam. At least 90% of the test questions will come from the study guides. • I shall also include bonus questions on each exam. Please note that these bonus questions may or may not be limited to microbiology or biology, but may very well be related to other current events. My sources are primarily newspapers (local and national), television news (local and national), and news from the radio (local and national).
FINAL EXAM • Thefinal exam will contain some comprehensive questions that will constitute approximately 20-25% of the exam. • The final exam will be worth 200 points (the same as the “regular” exams). • The final is scheduled for 20 March 2013. No one will be allowed to take the exam before that date.
Writing Assignments I require writing assignments (lecture and laboratory) because I believe that it is important for you to: (1) gain knowledge of the subject that you choose to cover, (2) improve your written communication skills, and (3) learn skills associated with following directions. All writing assignments must be turned in as Hard Copies. There are limitations on the acceptance of late work Writing Assignments include – • One paper relating Global Climate Change to a Microbe • Nine Laboratory Summaries • Two Formal Laboratory Papers (over Unknown #1 and Unknown #2 labs) Specific directions or grading rubrics for each writing assignment are included at the end of the policy statement. Please use the general information presented here and the specific instructions provided for each assignment.
LABORATORY SUMMARY FORMAT • Headings are required • Title: • Purpose(s): Adequately summarize the purpose or purposes of the laboratory exercise using complete sentences • Methods: Simply write a complete sentence properly referencing the lab manual. • Results: If the class filled out a Table, place it in this section, or if not describe the results, make sure that any scientific names are correctly written • Discussion or Conclusions: Summarize the importance of the lab and its results using complete sentences. Address any questions (in complete sentences) that are found in the lab manual at the end of the lab exercise • Literature Cited • See Policy Statement Page 10 for more detail
GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE AND MICROBE PAPERGRADING RUBRIC • Title: • Introductory Information about Global Climate Change (10 points) • Information about Microbe (and if it causes a disease, information about the disease) (10 points) • More information about relationship of microbe (disease) to changing Global Climate (10 points) • Concluding Remarks (5) points) • Literature cited (4 points) • Literature citations in text (6 points) • Miscellaneous (5 points) • Total Points (50 points) • See Policy Statement Page 11 for more detail
Unknowns • Unknown #1 • Students will identify a pure culture unknown and then write a formal laboratory report (see Policy Statement Page 12). Paper may be single authored or co-authored with lab partner(s) • Unknown #2 • Students will identify a mixed culture unknown and then write a formal laboratory report (see Policy Statement Page 13). Paper may be single authored or co-authored with lab partner(s)
WITHDRAWING FROM THE CLASS OR INCOMPLETES • If you choose to drop this course, it is your responsibility to complete the required paperwork. • If you stop coming to class, then I will record your letter grade that you have earned (NOTE: I will not record a V). • See WCC’s public website for dates for withdrawing from a course without a W or withdrawing from a course with a W. • I will allow you to take an incomplete in this course if you meet the criteria (see policy statement) • As a consequence of my policies on incompletes and vanish grades, you should look carefully at your progress prior to the last published date to drop and if you feel you will not be able to complete the course or if you will not be able to earn the grade that you desire, then you should seriously consider dropping the course.
“CONTRACTUAL NATURE” OF THESE POLICIES • This Policy Statement is our Contract • This is important because students will know exactly what to expect from me and know exactly what I expect from each student. • If you have any questions, ask me for clarification. • You should understand these policies and consult them periodically (e.g., when you are preparing a paper for this class).
GRADE CALCUATION • Lecture: • The two highest scores from the three exams (200 points. each) 400 • The comprehensive final 200 • One paper relating Global Warming to Microbiology 50 • Presentation 30 • Laboratory: • Laboratory Summaries (nine @ 10 points each) 90 • Two formal laboratory reports (100 points each) 200 • Quick Reference Table 10 • Professional points 20 • Total possible points 1,000 • Bonus points will be added to or penalty points will be subtracted from your total.
Important Dates Exams • Exam I 23 January • Exam II 11 February • Exam III 27 February • Final 20 March Papers • Optional Draft GCC & Microbe 1 February • GCC & Microbe 8 Feb. • Unknown 1 Draft 22 Feb. • Unknown 1 1 March • Unknown 2 Draft 8 March • Unknown 2 & Extra Credit 15 March
Fill out Signature Page Followed by Safety Lecture by Michelle Bennett