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Experienced Associate Recruiting Calling and Getting the First Appointment

Experienced Associate Recruiting Calling and Getting the First Appointment. Bill Spadea, VP Career Development. The Basics about the Call Delegating the Call Internally at the Office Weichert Recruiting Center Centralized Email Campaign. Presentation Topics - Overview.

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Experienced Associate Recruiting Calling and Getting the First Appointment

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Experienced Associate RecruitingCalling and Getting the First Appointment Bill Spadea, VP Career Development

  2. The Basics about the Call Delegating the Call Internally at the Office Weichert Recruiting Center Centralized Email Campaign Presentation Topics - Overview

  3. Already licensed and working They’ve got contacts and a reputation Adds to your office revenue faster than new-to-the-business hires Creates a strong, balanced sales team Why Experienced Associates?

  4. How do YOU build a list? Local MLS Brand X Newspaper advertising Agent and Company Websites Available for purchase through various companies – usually email address lists First, You Need a List to Call

  5. You Need to Pick up the Phone

  6. It's OK, nobody likes this! Sales-conditioning mentality of "I had to suffer to succeed in sales, so you need to, too!" Many fear cold calling because of exposure only to traditional selling approaches, which triggers rejection. introduce yourself, explain what you do, suggest a benefit to the potential client...and then close your eyes and pray that they won't reply with "Sorry, not interested" or "Sorry, I'm busy." Feeling rejected is reason enough to make you dislike, fear, and avoid cold calling. Cold Calls • Don’t over-think it!

  7. Don’t be negative! Drop your perceptions toward traditional cold calling techniques – no scripts! Act natural! Use words and phrases that you use with friends and colleagues. Put yourself in their shoes! Approach potential prospects not from your perspective, but from theirs. Being in the Right Frame of Mind

  8. Your tone of voice is very telling: It’s not what you say, but how you say it. Body language even comes through the phone. Have a mirror in front of you when making these calls. Try standing up when you call your leads. It’s a different energy level: Try it! Dial with a Smile! Are you smiling during your calls?

  9. PI- Pitch, Inflection C - Clarity T - Tone of Voice U - Understanding RE - Rate, Energy PICTURE yourself on the phone

  10. Do’s and Don’ts Do make a list of priorities for your day and schedule your calls. Don’t save all the calls for one two hour marathon! Do make at least 3 calls at one time. Don’t stop after one success. Do start calling on Monday! Making Time to Call

  11. Preparation • Have a reason to call • Gather Information - Use the information you collect to build a relationship. • Recent listings/sales on MLS “Congratulations on your listing…” • Agent/company web site “I came across your website…” • Feedback from your associates “Susan told me we should really get together…”

  12. Reasons to Make the First Call

  13. Close for the Appointment

  14. Additional Dialogue Here’s some dialogue that has worked for other managers: • “I’d like to buy you a cup of coffee.” • “I’ve been managing in the area for 2 years and we’ve never had the opportunity to meet – let me buy you a cup of coffee just to get to know each other.” • “I’m calling to recruit you! (Cue laughter.) Actually, I do know of your great reputation in the business and would like to spend some time getting to know you. I’m free tomorrow morning – I’ll buy you breakfast, are you free at 8 or 9?”

  15. By the Numbers… 200 Calls 54 contacts 8 appointments 1 hire Making calls every day will get you closer to your goal of building your office.

  16. Action Plan – Commit to Success! • Create a list of prospective experienced associates to recruit. • Make 5-10 calls a dayto those prospects. • Use suggested dialogue to secure the first meeting. • Schedule face-to-face meetings with 2 experienced agents per week. • Make a commitment right now – block 30 minutes in your calendar for Monday – then call me after you’ve made your first appointment.

  17. ‘Brand X’ Recruiting Email Campaign Sample Emails and Process

  18. Sample Emails

  19. Samples (cont.)

  20. Getting Started Contact Jessica (Weisnet) Latta via email at jweisnet@weichertrealtors.net. Attach an Excel spreadsheet with names and email addresses of the associates you want to recruit (phone number is optional). Choose the template you would like to use. Provide the contact information for the person to handle responses at the local office level (name, title, phone number, email address). Recruiting Email Process

  21. Step by Step Process Desired template will be selected and specified contact information will be loaded into the email. Blast email will be sent to all email addresses listed on the spreadsheet. Responses will be directed to the local office contact. Progress report of statistics will be emailed to the office 3 days after sending out the blast email (# sent successfully, # opened, # read, and a list of who opened and read the email). Recruiting Email Process (cont.)

  22. Access more recruiting tools in your Managers’ Best Practices through Weichert University on www.WeichertOne.com. Managers’ Best Practices

  23. My commitment to you: my line is always open! Office (973) 397-3556 Cell (973) 885-3859 Bills@weichert.com

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