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Workshop 1.4: ESPON Database

Workshop 1.4: ESPON Database. ESPON Internal Seminar 29-30 November 2011 Kraków,Poland ESPON M4D Project - LIG (Grenoble Computer Science Lab) Partner Jérôme Gensel , Benoit Le Rubrus, Anton Telechev, Marlène Villanova-Oliver. Outline. ESPON Data Base v1: Status

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Workshop 1.4: ESPON Database

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  1. Workshop 1.4: ESPON Database ESPON Internal Seminar 29-30 November 2011 Kraków,Poland ESPON M4D Project - LIG (Grenoble Computer Science Lab) Partner Jérôme Gensel, Benoit Le Rubrus, Anton Telechev, Marlène Villanova-Oliver

  2. Outline ESPON Data Base v1: Status On the way to ESPON Data Base v2 First Results Agenda 2

  3. Outline ESPON Data Base v1: Status On the way to ESPON Data Base v2 First Results Agenda 3

  4. The ESPON DB Workflow Filling the metadata and uploading data ESPON DB file repository ESPON Projects INPUT DATA Data checking, correction and harmonization  ESPON Database External World   Data and metadata search Data and metadata exportation 4

  5. Access to the ESPON DB v1 ESPON Web Site -> Scientific tools http://www.espon.eu/main/Menu_ScientificTools/ESPON2013Database/ 5

  6. Access to the ESPON DB v1 ESPON Web Site -> Scientific tools -> Application http://database.espon.eu 6

  7. Access to the ESPON Data Sets 7

  8. Access to Regional (NUTS) Data 3 steps • Query • Select • Download 8

  9. Query Regional (NUTS) Data Query 9

  10. Query Regional (NUTS) Data Select 10

  11. Query Regional (NUTS) Data 3. Download 11

  12. Query Regional (NUTS) Data 3. Download 12

  13. Access to Other Data 2 steps • List all • Download one 13

  14. List then Download Local Data List all 14

  15. Download Local Data Download one 15

  16. To Sum Up Query, Select, Then Download List Then Download 16

  17. Difficult Questions What is available? What can I expect as results? How to get the result of such a question: What is the population of Kraków region? 17

  18. Some Metadata Shortcomings Missing Keywords The 0/1 Theme Problematic No Precise Codification for Indicators Names No Precise Indication for Units of Measure No Full INSPIRE Compliance 18

  19. Outline ESPON Data Base v1: Status On the way to ESPON Data Base v2 First Results Agenda 19

  20. Three (Main) Requirements INSPIRE Compliance Integration of New Geographical Objects User Friendliness 20

  21. Three (Main) Requirements INSPIRE Compliance Integration of New Geographical Objects User Friendliness 21

  22. Why New Metadata Specifications? • When producing a dataset and its metadata, a data provider is required to follow some rules about the information layout… • These rules help us to process (parse and syntactically check) these data and metadata files automatically • To overcome the limitations (incomplete, lack of explicitness, not always used…) of the existing Metadata Specifications 22

  23. Why New Metadata Specifications? • Create a “legal” reference frame for data exchange • Explain each detail of data/metadata structures for data providers • Prepare a solid basis for the creation of automatic database integration tools • Create a public and official interface for data exchange for any interested party 23

  24. Evolution of the Specifications • The core is the same as before, with several evolutions: • Compatibility with INSPIRE Directive has been reached • New fields and properties have been added • to describe more precisely data • to improve automatic checking 24

  25. Evolution of the Specifications • The New Specifications cover: • the rules for data layout • the rules for metadata layout • the rules for statistical units integration (new!) • They hold in a 150 page document… • … Available also in HTML 25

  26. New Model: a Brief Introduction • The Abstract Metadata Model is very simple • It is almost the same as before, except: • Many elements have new fixed names • A new element Spatial Binding • to ensure compatibility with INSPIRE • to check the spatial references 26

  27. New Model: a Brief Introduction • Each element or property described by the Specifications is now represented homogeneously

  28. Example: the Indicator Identification Element V 1 28

  29. Example: the Indicator Identification Element INSPIRE COMPLIANT V 1 V 2 29

  30. Specifications Metadata v2 The Metadata v2 Specifications Reference Document: http://database.espon.eu/metaspecif (on-line in December 2011) 30

  31. Metadata v2 Excel File Guidelines/examples: please consult the Chapter 3 of the “Metadata v2 Specifications” 31

  32. Some Metadata Shortcomings Missing Keywords The 0/1 Theme Problematic No Precise Codification for Indicators Names No Precise Indication for Units of Measure No Full INSPIRE Compliance SOLVED 32

  33. New Metadata Specifications… Consequences • Metadata v1 Editor is now disabled… • We will upgrade the existing metadata to comply with the new specifications From now on… • Please, use our Excel temporary Solution …Until June 2012 • Metadata v2 Editor Delivery 33

  34. Three (Main) Requirements INSPIRE Compliance Integration of New Geographical Objects User Friendliness 34

  35. ESPON Data Base Schema • Needs to be Updated • To store the New Metadata • Needs to be Extended • To store New Geographical Objects and Nomenclatures • WUTS (World NUTS 0) • Urban Objects (UMZ, FUA…) 35

  36. Three (Main) Requirements INSPIRE Compliance Integration of New Geographical Objects User Friendliness 36

  37. Research Criteria Usefulness Results of ESPON Database Survey – March 2011 37

  38. Query Interface v2 (Prototype) What? Where? When? 38

  39. The Spatial View Where? 39

  40. Where? At European Scale 40

  41. Where? At Urban Scale 41

  42. Where? At Global Scale 42

  43. The Thematic View What? 43

  44. Search by Indicator Name 44

  45. Search by Theme 45

  46. Indicators of the Selected Theme 46

  47. The Temporal View When? 47

  48. Temporal Selector 48

  49. Outline ESPON Data Base v1: Status On the way to ESPON Data Base v2 First Results Agenda 49

  50. Work Done since June 2011 • A Critical Analysis of the ESPON DB v1 • Lessons Learned and Experience from the Phase 1 • Remarks of the ESPON CU • Metadata Specifications • Nomenclature Integration Specifications • Database Schema upgrade 50

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