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Are you either a staff member or student at AUT?. YesPlease go to the next slide.. NoIf you wish to access AUT staff or students for research purposes, you need approval.Please go to section N of the Ethics Knowledge Base for more information and the EA9 form.. Will your research involve animals?.
1. Getting Ethics Approval A step by step guide to whether you need ethics approval and what to do to get it.
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2. Are you either a staff member or student at AUT? Yes
Please go to the next slide. No
If you wish to access AUT staff or students for research purposes, you need approval.
Please go to section N of the Ethics Knowledge Base for more information and the EA9 form.
3. Will your research involve animals? Yes
You will need approval from an Animal Ethics Committee.
Contact The University of Aucklands Animal Ethics Committee by email at aec-secretary@auckland.ac.nz for further advice and forms No
Please go to the next slide. 17/12/2008
4. Does your research use or create human gametes, human embryos or hybrid embryos? Yes
You need to apply to the Ethics Committee on Assisted Reproductive Technology No
Please go to the next slide.
5. Will other people be participating in your research? Yes
You may need ethics approval; please go to the next slide. No
You will not need ethics approval. 12/17/2008
6. What does the Health Research Council say? Does your research require ethical review under chapter three of the Operational Standard? Yes
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Your research may not need to be reviewed by an ethics committee. If in doubt, contact the Ethics Coordinator.
7. For whom are you doing the research? Will your research be carried out under the auspices of an institution with an accredited institutional ethics committee (e.g. AUT)? Yes
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You will need to apply to a New Zealand Health and Disability Ethics Committee.
8. What do the Referral Guidelines say? According to the Health Research Council Ethics Committees Referral Guidelines, must an Institutional Ethics Committee refer your research to a Health and Disability Ethics Committee? Yes
Apply to a New Zealand Health and Disability Ethics Committee.
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Apply to the Institutional Ethics Committee (e.g. AUTEC).
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9. Do you have approval from another Ethics Committee? If you have approval from another Ethics committee and you are either a staff member or a student of AUT, then you need to provide AUTEC with:
A completed EA5 form (see section F of the Ethics Knowledge Base);
The approval letter from and application to the other Ethics Committee;
All documentation being given to participants.
10. Is your research exempt? Does your research meet the exemption criteria in section 6 of AUTECs Applying for Ethics Approval: Guidelines and Procedures
You do not need ethics approval.
Please go to the next slide. 12/17/2008
11. Is your research part of an undergraduate class project? Is your research of the category described in section 8.2 of AUTECs Applying for Ethics Approval: Guidelines and Procedures? Yes
Your lecturer should have delegated authority to give ethics approval in terms of their class research project approval;
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12. How do you get a class research project approval? If you are a lecturer and your class research project meets the criteria of section 8.2 of AUTECs Applying for Ethics Approval: Guidelines and Procedures, then submit:
A completed EA6 application Form (see section F of the Ethics Knowledge Base);
The relevant course handbook and assignment guides with all information about the research being given to your students, including an Information Sheet exemplar and Consent Form exemplar.
13. Applying to AUTEC Complete an EA1 Application Form
Submit a signed, printed, single-sided copy of the EA1, the research instruments, the Information Sheets, Consent Forms, Confidentiality Agreeements, and advertisements etc. to the Ethics Coordinator
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14. Further Information(click on the links) The AUT Ethics Knowledge Base - a comprehensive online resource;
The AUT Ethics Coordinator; Health Research Council;
New Zealand Health and Disability Ethics Committees;
Regional Health and Disability Ethics Committee Forms
15. Acknowledgement Some of the information in this PowerPoint guide is sourced from the Health and Disability Ethics Committees Ethics Review, Issue 5, December 2005.