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Paraguay 2018

#FiscalTransparency. Paraguay 2018. Rafael Palau General Director Information and Communication Technologies Planning Secretary for Economic and Social Development @rafapalauh. Jakarta, INDONESIA September 13-14 2016. Approved by Presidential Decree 2794 on 16/12/2014.

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Paraguay 2018

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  1. #FiscalTransparency Paraguay 2018 Rafael Palau General Director Information and Communication Technologies Planning Secretary for Economic and Social Development @rafapalauh Jakarta, INDONESIA September 13-14 2016

  2. Approved by Presidential Decree 2794 on 16/12/2014

  3. National Budget 2017 Aligned to National Development Plan 2030

  4. OGP Principles Transparency Participation Accountability

  5. July, 2014 2nd Open Government Action Plan

  6. 2nd Open Government Action Plan Public Access to Information Law

  7. 2nd Open Government Action Plan 50 Municipal Development Councils

  8. 2nd Open Government Action Plan Citizen Participation and Social Dialog Channels

  9. 2nd Open Government Action Plan Open Data Policy and Civil Society Empowerment

  10. 2nd Open Government Action Plan Citizen Budget Empowerment

  11. 2nd Open Government Action Plan Monitoring DashBoard for Main National Programs

  12. 3rd Open Government Action Plan 2016-2018 Launched nov/2015

  13. 3rd Open Government Action Plan Co-Creation Process Design Implementation Evaluation

  14. 3rd Open Government Action Plan 47 National Agencies

  15. 3th Open Government Action Plan 62 Civil Society Organizations

  16. Nation-wide National Development Plan Paraguay 2030 www.stp.gov.py/pnd World-wide Open Government Agenda as support platform for UN SDG 2030 http://www.opengovguide.com/development-goals

  17. POVERTY REDUCTION By 2030, eradicate extreme poverty HEALTH By 2030, increase life expectancy to 79 years EDUCATION By 2030, increase preschool attendance to 70 percent ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES By 2030, increase protected biomass land coverage TRANSPARENCY, PUBLIC ACCESS TO INFORMATION AND OPEN DATA Increase online access to public information and e-government transactions

  18. 3th Open Government Action Plan 63goals, 10 commitments

  19. Under the hook Components

  20. Under the hook Information Gathering

  21. Under the hook Context and Indicators

  22. Open data Tracking system performance

  23. Open data Tracking system performance

  24. Open data Tracking system performance

  25. Open data Tracking ODI

  26. Open fiscal data Next Step • Open Data about Linking National Strategy with Operational plans, including Indicators and Goals databases. • Rethinking the open data plan including more open consultation based on content already disclosure. (RFC) • Implement Open Fiscal Data Package and compare adoption of the tool vs other national tools. (RFC) • Work with the narrative and citizen language included on our portals • Implement continuous improvement plan based on UX metrics over the open budget portal • Work with the 4 Dimensions Scope Accessibility, Reliability and Feedback in order to get into the Country Scores over 40 score points on all dimensions. (RFC)

  27. GIFT How to Collaborate • Provide and maintain a Developer environment for collaborative ICT work • Sharing open source technology in-house developed with GIFT network • Implement the open fiscal data package to find opportunities to collaborate and improve with the ICT group

  28. Find Us TerimaKasih Thank you Gracias Aguije @STP_Paraguay @paraguayabierto

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