1. José Emilio Pacheco (1939 - )
By: Lindsay M.
3. Literature Accomplishments Assistant editor of Revista de la Universidad de Mexico (Magazine of the University of Mexico) from 1959-1960
Associate editor of La Cultura en Mexico (The Culture in Mexico)
Later taught literature at the University of Essex in the United Kingdom Early Publications
First book of poetry, Los Elementos de la Noche (The Elements of Night) 1963
Novel, El Viento Distente (The Distant Wind) 1963
Translated works by many including Albert Einstein
4. Other Poetry Collections El Reposo del Fuego (The Resting Place of Fire) 1966
Irás y no Volverás (And So You Go, Never to Come Back) 1973
Islas a la Deriva (In the Drift of the Islands) 1976 Desde Entones (Since Then) 1980
Los Trabajos del Mar (The Laborers of the Sea) 1983
An Ark for the Next Millenium: Poems (illustrated by Francisco Toledo and translated by Margaret Sayers Peden) 1993
5. Literary Awards No Me Preguntas Cómo Pasa el Tiempo (Don’t Ask Me How the Time Goes By) won the Mexican National Poetry Prize in 1969
El Silencio de la Luna (The Silence of the Moon) was awarded the Premio José Asunción Silva for the best book in Spanish to appear in any country between 1990 and 1995
6. Poetry Example – Mar Eterno (Eternal Sea) Español
Digamos que no tiene comienzo el mar
Empieza donde lo hallas por vez primera
Y te sale al encuentro por todas partes English
Like sky let’s say it has no origin
Wherever you find it first the sea begins
And going out it meets you everywhere
7. Bibliography Poetry Exhibits “José Emilio Pacheco” http://www.poets.org/poets/poets.cfm?prmID=763
José Emilio Pacheco “Mar Eterno” http://www.columbia.edu/~gmo9/poetry/pacheco/pacheco.html
José Emilio Pacheco “Eternal Sea” http://www.columbia.edu/~gmo9/poetry/pacheco/pacheco2.html
Premio Otorgado el Año “José Emilio Pacheco” www.consulmex.qc.ca/mexicohoy/mhoy9/page3.html
Grupo de Trabajo Quebec México “José Emilio Pacheco” www.utalca.cl/jdonoso/html/premio/2001/contenido.htm