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Leg Problems : Outline

Leg Problems : Outline. Gross Anatomy Achilles Problems Compartment Syndromes Shin Splints (MTSS). LEG PROBLEMS CON’T. Stress Fractures Signs, Symptoms and Treatments Prevention programs. GAIT CYCLE.  25% stance. Pronation. Supination.

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Leg Problems : Outline

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Leg Problems : Outline • Gross Anatomy • Achilles Problems • Compartment Syndromes • Shin Splints (MTSS)

  2. LEG PROBLEMS CON’T • Stress Fractures • Signs, Symptoms and Treatments • Prevention programs

  3. GAIT CYCLE  25% stance

  4. Pronation Supination

  5. Pronation: is the impact absorption phase of gait. We either pronate too much, not enough or just right.

  6. As weight is transferred from the outside of the foot to the inside of the foot, the leg internally rotates. As weight shifts from inside to out, external rotation of the leg occurs.

  7. Reminder – Muscles of the leg.

  8. Flex. Hallucis Longus Achilles Tendon Flex. Digitorum Longus P. Longus Tib. Posterior P. Brevis P. Tertius Tib. Anterior Ext. Digitorum Longus Ext. Hallucis Longus

  9. COMPARTMENT SYNDROMES Traumatic and Exertional

  10. Volume demands in Compartment. Pressure in comp. Muscle swells and dumps fluid. Compromise of capillary profusion.

  11. Muscles are attempting in work in a hypoxic environment. Not only is this difficult, it is painful and muscles continue to swell in a hypoxic environment.

  12. Nerves are the first structures to show signs of hypoxia


  14. Compartment Evaluation • Test strength x 10 • Stretch muscle • Palpate for firmness • Examine skin.

  15. Anterior Left Leg

  16. Anterior Compartment Area of Sensory Deprivation

  17. LATERAL Left Leg

  18. Deep Posterior Pain on palpation middle to lower third of postero-medial tibia. Sensory deprivation to plantar foot.

  19. Measuring Compartment Pressures

  20. It is not how high the pressure is during running; it is how long it takes to return to normal. Bad Ideal 20 Insertion

  21. GENERAL TREATMENT GUIDELINES Stretching, gradual motion before activity. Icing after activity. Stretching, stretching Modification of activity


  23. PERIOSTITIS: an inflammation of the outer covering of the bone. FASCIITIS: and inflammation of the fascial covering of the muscle.

  24. Shin Splints and M.T.S.S…..History of excessive weight bearing (jumping,running, or standing for prolonged periods of time, in combination with improper shoes.

  25. Shin Splints and M.T.S.S. Associated with varus alignment (bowlegs) of the lower extremity and excessive pronation. Improper footwear may be a factor.

  26. GENERAL TREATMENT • Icing • Stretching • Strengthening • Motion Control of foot.

  27. SHIN SPLINTS Tibialis Posterior is eccentrically working to slow down the internal rotation of the leg on the foot during pronation of the foot. Muscle thought to pull away from bone.

  28. MEDIAL TIBIAL STRESS SYNDROME Soleus muscle slows down the internal rotation of the tibia on the foot during pronation. Pain in lower medial third.

  29. Postero-medial Tibia

  30. ACHILLES TENDON Gastrocnemius, Soleus, Plantaris Tendon and Paratenon


  32. Grade I No discomfort prior to activity. No limitations. Stiffness after activity.

  33. Grade II Discomfort before activity. Pain during activity. Pain and tightness after. Nodules

  34. Grade III Pain and stiffness before activity. Pain limits quality and quantity of activity. Very painful after.


  36. Achilles Tendon Rehab



  39. Stretching of Achilles. Squeezing lump out of tendon. Curtail injurious activity and substitute other fitness activities. Heel lifts in shoes.

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