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Masonic Presidents. Famous Masons. American Masonic History. Masonic Symbols. Masonic Miscellany. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 500. 500. 500. 500. 500.
Masonic Presidents Famous Masons American Masonic History Masonic Symbols Masonic Miscellany 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
This President was one of two US Presidents to be Grand Master of their Jurisdiction. He was Grand Master of Tennessee.
This President was made a Master Mason in 1909. Two years later in 1911 he helped form a new Masonic Lodge and was it's first Worshipful Master. He served as Secretary of the Lodge from 1912 to 1916 when he was again elected as Master.
This President's four sons all became Master Masons. One in 1933, two in 1935 and the last was raised 1953.
This President enjoyed attending lodge and meeting on the level with his brothers. He especially enjoyed attending his Lodge when the Worshipful Master was the gardener of the estate which adjoined his.
This President's administration was so popular he did not have an opponent in 1820, which has happened at only one other time, when Washington was elected. He was made an Entered Apprentice Mason at the age of 17.
This Grand Master of Masons in Massachusetts was famous for a midnight ride at the beginning of the American Revolution.
This Brother was the third Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court and served in that office with great integrity for 34 years. He was also Grand Master of Virginia.
This Mason served in the army, studied law, passed the bar and became a District Attorney. He defended the American Indian, was elected to Congress, elected Governor of Tennessee, and was Commander-in-Chief of Texas Army in 1836. He was then elected President of the Republic of Texas, and probably saved the life of fellow Freemason, the defeated Santa Anna from the angry Texans.
This Mason undertook the assignment to organize the teachings of the Old Charges into a modern form of Constitutions in 1723 and then revised them in 1738.
This Mason traveled throughout England, recording and comitting to memory the various forms of ritualistic work used by the many Masonic Lodges. In 1772 he published “Illustrations of Masonry”, a series of lectures which perfected the Masonic ritual used at the time.
This Mason modified the work of William Preston in 1797 to fit the circumstances of American Lodges. His work became the standard ritualistic work of all but four American Grand Lodges.
Who was Thomas Smith Webb?(referred to as the “Webb Work” in the Constitution of the Grand lodge of Iowa.)
During this year representatives from four Masonic Lodges in the Iowa Territory met in convention to form the Grand Lodge of Iowa?
On November 20, 1840 this Lodge received a dispensation from the Grand Lodge of Missouri to form the first Lodge in the Iowa Territory.
This lodge chartered in 1863 was the last to receive the name of the town in which it was situated.
This Lodge is the only Iowa Lodge to reuse the name of a dead lodge.
What is Capital Lodge No. 110? (Capital Lodge No. 101 was transferred to the Grand Lodge of Nebraska on its formation in 1857.)
This symbol represents a method of control of an initiate, and is removed when love and care replace the need for physical control.
This is a symbol of obligation and a reminder to him who gives it to remember his promises. It is universally used as a salute to the Master.
This column denotes wisdom and is represented by the Worshipful Master.
This symbol is emblematic of the chief supporter of the Craft who fell before his work was completed. It denotes sudden death.
This is an old Anglo-Saxon word meaning to cover or conceal.
The minimum age requirement for a candidate to petition an Iowa Lodge for membership.
The document given to members of a lodge under dispensation, who have demonstrated their fitness to work as Masons.
These are the final words of the Regius Poem and mean "So may it be."
Except for the purpose of Masonic burials, or other ceremonies pertaining to the dead, a subordinate lodge shall not be opened on this day.
During an excavation of a bridge over the river Shannon in Ireland this item was found under the eastern corner of the northern land pier (northeastern corner). Upon it is inscribed: “Upon the level, by the square / I will strive to live, With love and care. 1507”