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22/02/2005. Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1. 2. prEN 81-31 Background. The draft of this standard has been completedWG1 is asked to evaluate the work done and give permission to initiate the Public Inquiry PhaseThis presentation highlights:the general structure of the standard the overall boundaries of the productThe specific requirements, where different from those for lifts The documentation to be provided together with the machine hardwareThe verifications and tests to be carried out V29
1. prEN 81-31Accessible Goods Only Lifts Presentation to
CEN / TC 10 / WG 1
L. Faletto
2. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 2
3. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 3 prEN 81-31 Background The Goods Only lifts Accessible for the operations of loading and unloading, are equipments for the transportation of goods, that fall under the Machinery Directive
They shall be actuated by the drives covered by EN 81-1 and EN 81-2 standards:
Traction & Drum
Other drives might be added in future by including the requirements in a specific Annex
4. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 4 prEN 81-31 Structure The structure of the draft is according to CEN Guide 414 :
0 Introduction
0.1 General
0.2 Principles
0.3 Assumptions
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms, definitions, units and symbols
4 List of significant hazards
5 Safety requirements and/or protective measures
6 Verification of the safety requirements and/or protective measures
6.1 Verification and tests
7 Information for use
7.1 Notices, markings and operating instructions
7.2 Vendor information for use
5. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 5 prEN 81-31 Structure Annex A (n) List of the electric safety devices
Annex B (n) Unlocking triangle
Annex C (n) Technical dossier
Annex D (n) Examinations and tests before putting into service
Annex E (i) Periodical examinations and tests, examinations and tests after an important modification or after an accident
Annex F (n) Safety components - Test procedures for verification of conformity
Annex G (n) Driving systems taken into account
Annex H (i) Walls and landing doors facing a LCU entrance
Annex I (n) Calculations of rams, cylinder and pipes
Annex J (i) Information to the user/owner
Annex K (n) Electronic components - Failure exclusion
Annex L (n) Headrooms and pits
Annex ZA (i) Clauses addressing other provisions
6. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 6 prEN 81-31 Assumptions Negotiations have been made, between the parties involved and decisions have been taken at least particularly about:
The intended use of the AGO lift and its limits;
Environmental conditions, including surrounding lighting;
Compliance of the civil engineering with the requirements of this standard for those parts of the installation, which belong to the building and are not provided by the manufacturer;
The location of the AGO lift to be such that users using the AGO lift have means conveniently available to them, to access the different landing levels served, either a staircase or a means for the transportation of persons, within a reasonable distance.
Design of the load bearing elements includes provisions for taking into account possible overloading.
7. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 7 prEN 81-31 Assumptions For horizontal forces,
Usual 300N and 1000N
Higher values to be taken into account where powered or hand powered means for loading and unloading are intended to be used
A mechanical device built according to good practice and the requirements of the standard will not deteriorate to a point of creating hazard without the possibility of detection as long as regular and periodical examinations, tests and maintenance are carried out according to the instruction manual delivered with the installation.
AGO lifts are used only by authorised and instructed users:
key operated control buttons,
key card operated control or similar devices or
the AGO lifts in an area where only trained persons have access
8. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 8 prEN 81-31 Scope This standard applies for new electric AGO lifts:
with traction, positive or hydraulic drive
permanently installed in restricted areas
and/or only used by authorised and instructed persons,
serving fixed and permanent landing levels,
with a LCU made of a single load carrying area,
designed for the transportation of goods only,
moving along a fixed path (e.g. scissor lifts, lifts with guide rails, etc.)
and inclined not more than 15° to the vertical,
with rated speed not exceeding 1 m/s.
9. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 9 prEN 81-31 Scope Two types of AGO lifts are addressed:
Type A, where the intended use is bound to the following three simultaneous conditions:
Maximum levels served: 4;
Maximum rated speed: 0,30 m/s;
Maximum travelling height: 12 m;
Type B, where one of the conditions mentioned above is not fulfilled.
This standard is not applicable to AGO lifts:
with more than one machine
where loading and unloading is automated or the LCU floor is fitted with mobile devices for loading and unloading;
intended to carry bulk loads (e.g. loose sand, gravel);
making use of:
translucent material for the walls of the well and machinery spaces, for the LCU and for the landing doors
Programmable Electronic Systems (PESSRAL).
10. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 10 prEN 81-31 Definitions - accessibility
for the purpose of this standard, a goods only lift is regarded as accessible where one of the following conditions is satisfied:
Floor area of the LCU is greater than 1,0 m2;
Depth of the LCU is greater than 1,0 m;
Height of the LCU is greater than 1,2 m.
In case of a platform, it is considered accessible when the height of the landing doors is more than 1,20 m.
- platform
a LCU including the floor, and which may have wall(s) and entrance(s)
- restricted area
area in which only trained and/or authorized persons may have access
11. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 11 prEN 81-31 Specific requirements Where the AGO lift is located in a restricted area and the well is not required to contribute against the spread of fire, the well enclosure can be perforated and:
It shall comply with EN 294, Table 2;
It shall not be possible to interfere with the operation of the lift by reaching lift equipment within the well.
The well shall be totally enclosed by imperforate walls, floor and ceiling in the following cases:
Type B AGO lifts;
Type A AGO lifts not placed in a restricted area;
In sections of the building where the well is required to contribute against the spread of fire
12. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 12 prEN 81-31 Specific requirements Top clearances (LCU no roof in its ultimate position):
The free vertical distance between the lowest parts of the ceiling of the well and:
The highest pieces of equipment fixed on the LCU enclosure, except for those below, shall be at least 0,30 m;
The highest part of the guide shoes, of the rope attachments and of the header or parts of vertically sliding doors and of an upward travelling part of the machinery assembly (ram head, etc.) shall be at least 0,10 m;
The clearance above the LCU floor shall be at least 0,10 m more than the highest landing door, with a minimum of 1,80 m.
13. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 13 prEN 81-31 Specific requirements Top clearances
14. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 14 prEN 81-31 Specific requirements Top clearances (LCU with roof in its ultimate position):
no inspection control station on the LCU roof
a stop switch on the LCU roof and
minimum clearance 0,10 m;
inspection control station on the LCU roof
requirements of EN 81-1&2 apply and free spaces shall be provided, either:
Obtained by means of well dimensions, or
Achieved with the application of the requirements listed in Annex L.1 or L.2 as applicable (derived from prEN 81-21)
Type B AGO lifts shall comply with the requirements of EN 81-1&2 or prEN 81-21
For AGO lifts with positive drive and a speed less than 0,3 m/s the guided travel of the car from the top floor until it strikes the upper fixed stop(s) shall be at least 0,20 m.
15. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 15 prEN 81-31 Specific requirements Pit clearances
presence of people in the pit shall be detected (such as a manually operated safety switch accessible from outside of the well pit) and
For maintenance purposes, mechanical means, electrically checked with a safety switch, shall be provided to limit the travel of the LCU as fixed stops, to assure a clearance of min 2,0 m height between the floor of the pit and the lowest part of the LCU or its supporting structure;
This means can be the same as the one used to prevent the LCU from leaving the landing.
If the effort required to position the mechanical means exceeds 200 N or the lower effort applicable according to EN 1005, Part 3, its actuation has to be powered;
The operation of the mechanical means shall cause the illumination of an indicating light under the LCU and visible from the pit
16. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 16 prEN 81-31 Specific requirements Lighting of the well
At least a socket outlet shall be provided in the well for lighting by means of portable lamp
If the LCU is intended to be used as a working platform for maintenance and service operation, there shall be a lighting in the well giving a minimum light intensity of 50 lux at the working places
17. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 17 prEN 81-31 Specific requirements Access to machinery
The clear dimensions of openings shall allow the possible replacement of the AGO lift components. This might include the dismantling of machine room enclosure panels.
The dimensions shall be at least 0,60 m x 0,60 m, or other openings can be adapted to suit replacement of components.
The clear height for moving shall be at least 1,80 m
The clear height in the working areas shall be at least 2,0 m
Non accessible machinery spaces
Where maintenance is to be carried out from outside of the machinery spaces, the distance from the sill of doors or traps to any components requiring maintenance, adjustment or inspection shall not exceed 0,60 m.
Suitable provisions shall be taken where the maximum forces to be exerted during maintenance exceed the values given in EN 1005, Part 3.
18. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 18 prEN 81-31 Specific requirements Landings
Height of openings
The clear height of the openings at landings shall be more than 1,20 m.
When the clear height is less than 1,80 m, loading and unloading of the LCU is intended to be carried out from outside of the well, e.g. by use of containers or pallets.
"LCU here" indication
An indication of the presence of the LCU at the landing shall be given by means of:
An illuminated signal, which can only light up when the LCU is about to stop or has stopped at the particular landing. The signal shall remain illuminated whilst the LCU remains there, or
One or more transparent door vision panels and the LCU shall be continuously electrically illuminated
19. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 19 prEN 81-31 Specific requirements Doors
Doors of AGO lifts, including their frame, shall be imperforate
Landing doors made of glass shall not be used
Automatic power operated doors shall not be used
The door locking device is regarded as a safety component. Annex F.1 gives a method to test the locking device.
Each landing door with a locking device shall be fitted with an emergency unlocking device
In case of type B AGO lifts with reduced headroom only the lowest and highest landing doors shall be provided with the manual unlocking device
20. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 20 prEN 81-31 Specific requirements Load carrying unit
The LCU structure can range from a platform with protection means up to a fully enclosed car.
The rated load shall be linked to the weight of the goods to be transported.
The rated load shall not be less than 300 kg.
To prevent an overloading of the LCU by goods, the relation between the rated load and available area of the LCU shall not be less than 200 kg/m˛.
Where the rated load exceeds 1000 kg, an overload device shall be provided.
In addition, design calculations for the LCU shall take into account not only the load carried but also the weight of handling devices, which may enter the LCU
21. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 21 prEN 81-31 Specific requirements LCU Enclosure
to prevent the risk of persons falling off the LCU at its sides there shall be provided a guarding consisting of:
a handrail at 1,10 m height, a toe guard of 0,15 m height and an intermediate bar or
a well enclosure, provided the distance between the outer edge of the LCU and the continuous surface of the well enclosure does not exceed 35 mm.
a complete LCU wall
to prevent movable goods from falling outside of the LCU during travel, devices, e.g. walls, ceiling, retainers, barriers, roller blinds, doors, etc., shall be provided. They shall be part of the LCU and appropriate in strength and design to the goods to be transported.
22. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 22 prEN 81-31 Specific requirements The entrances to the LCU and its interior clear height shall be at least 1,80 m except if loading and unloading do not require the LCU to be entered, e.g. by use of container or pallet.
Where the LCU is not fitted with a ceiling,
the minimum clear height = the minimum clear height of the landing doors
the maximum clear height = related to the goods to be transported
The load carrying unit shall be continuously illuminated with a light intensity of at least 50 lux at floor level when the landing door is open.
The lighting of the landing can contribute to the lighting of the load carrying unit if it is always available when the lift is used
23. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 23 prEN 81-31 Specific requirements Equipment on top of the load carrying unit
If the load carrying unit, including its roof, is intended to be used as a working platform for maintenance and service operations, the following shall be provided:
Stopping device
Socket outlet at the working area;
A lighting in the well giving a minimum light intensity of 50 lux at the working places;
An inspection control station box if the maintenance operations are intended to be carried out with movement of the load carrying unit.
This provision shall always apply to type B AGO lifts.
24. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 24 prEN 81-31 Specific requirements Rope/chain and sheave, pulley, drum ratios to rope diameter
The ratio between the minimum breaking load, in Newton, of one suspension rope/chain and the maximum force, in Newton, in this rope/chain, when the load carrying unit is stationery at the lowest landing with its rated load, shall be at least 8;
The ratio between the pitch diameter of sheaves, pulleys or drums and the nominal diameter of the suspension ropes shall be at least 30.
25. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 25 prEN 81-31 Specific requirements Means to prevent uncontrolled movement of the LCU
from those positions where it needs to be accessed
26. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 26 prEN 81-31 Specific requirements Means against uncontrolled movements
27. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 27 prEN 81-31 Specific requirements Detecting device for uncontrolled movement from stopped position
A device which detects that a LCU is moving away uncontrolled from a stopped position shall be provided.
This device shall have detected the uncontrolled movement of the LCU when the LCU has moved away up to a maximum of 0,10 m in either direction from the stopped position.
After detection of the uncontrolled movement, this device shall operate the mechanical safety device either mechanically or by means of an electric safety circuit
28. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 28 prEN 81-31 Specific requirements Mechanical safety device for stopping uncontrolled movement of the load carrying unit
A mechanical safety device shall be provided to stop uncontrolled movement of the load carrying unit.
It shall cause the LCU to stop within a distance of 0,20 m maximum;
It shall not be tripped by devices that are operated electrically, hydraulically or pneumatically;
The following devices are considered as complying with such requirements:
Safety gears;
Clamping devices;
Pawl devices.
29. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 29 prEN 81-31 Specific requirements Overspeed detection device
Tripping speed of the overspeed detection device for the LCU and/or the counterweight safety gear shall occur at least at 115 % of the rated speed and shall not exceed:
150% of the rated speed, or
0,80 m/s
whichever is the higher;
The overspeed detection device is regarded as a safety component. Annex F.4 gives a method for testing the rope driven overspeed detection device.
Rupture valve
Restrictor, also one-way-restrictor
Protection for traction sheaves, pulleys and sprockets
Guarding of machinery
30. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 30 prEN 81-31 Specific requirements General provisions concerning guiding system
To limit to 10 mm horizontal movements of the LCU in the landings during loading and unloading;
To resist to loads and forces during intended use of the AGO lift and caused by the application of the safety devices with a minimum safety factor of 3 to the breaking load Rm of the material or with a safety factor of 2,5 against buckling.
Loads, stresses and deflections
Stresses shall be limited taking into account the distribution of the rated load in the LCU according to the intended use as negotiated
EN 81-1, annex G (G.2, G.3 and G.4) gives a method for determining the distribution of the load.
Guiding of the LCU, counterweight/balancing weight
The guiding means shall be made from drawn steel, or the rubbing surfaces shall be machined, if the speed exceeds 0,40 m/s.
31. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 31 prEN 81-31 Specific requirements Fixed stops and buffers for LCU and counterweight, balancing weight
For type B AGO lifts with rated speed higher than 0,30 m/s the fixed stop shall be a buffer.
Final limit switches
Lift machine
Use may be made of belts for coupling the motor or motors to the component on which the electro-mechanical brake operates. In this case a minimum of two belts shall be used.
Where electric positive and traction drives are not equipped with overspeed detection device and safety gear, at least one supplementary belt shall be provided
32. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 32 prEN 81-31 Specific requirements Electric installations and appliances
Degree of protection
In the machinery and pulley spaces protection against direct contact shall be provided by means of casings providing a degree of protection of at least IP 2X.
Main switches
Electric wiring
Protection against electric faults; controls; priorities
Control of re-levelling with landing doors open
Control of inspection operation
33. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 33 prEN 81-31 Specific requirements Control of normal operation
by the aid of buttons or similar devices, such as touch control, magnetic cards, etc. placed in boxes, such that no live parts are accessible to the user.
No control shall be possible from the inside of the load carrying unit.
A landing doors open or an opening of any landing doors shall respectively not permit or cancel any registration of calls.
Control devices shall be protected against unauthorised use. In areas such as public areas, shopping areas, restaurants, hotels, condominiums, etc., where unauthorised or non trained persons have free access or can access to the controls, they shall be fitted with key switches, key cards, locked access cabinet, removable hand held controls, etc. (see 0.2.4 and 0.3.14).
Stopping devices
34. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 34 prEN 81-31 Verification and tests Verification of the safety requirements and/or protective measures
Verification and tests
The technical dossier (see Annex C) prepared and kept by the manufacturer shall contain the necessary information to show that the constituent parts are correctly designed and the installation is in conformity with this standard.
Verification of design
Table 9 indicates the methods by which the safety requirements and measures described in clause 5 shall be verified by the manufacturer for each new model of AGO lift, together with a reference to the corresponding subclauses in this standard.
All verification records shall be kept by the manufacturer.
35. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 35 prEN 81-31 Verification and tests Verification tests before putting into service
Static and dynamic tests to ensure that the AGO lift has been correctly manufactured and assembled in order to check that all the devices provided are present and operating correctly.
These tests may be carried out at the manufacturer's premises or those of his authorised representative or at the place of use.
Annex D gives the details of the procedures to be followed for carrying out the tests.
A test report shall be prepared with a brief description and the result of the tests made and recorded by the manufacturer/vendor.
36. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 36 prEN 81-31 Verification and tests In particular it shall be verified
Proper function of all limit switches;
Proper function of all controls;
Function of the overspeed safety device within specified limits, if provided;
Function of the safety gear, if provided;
Function of the pawl devices, if provided;
Function of the rupture valve/one way restrictor, if provided;
Triggering of overload detection device between 1,0 and 1,2 times rated load;
Proper value of counterweight/balancing weight mass to suit manufacturer's design;
Braking distance of brake system within specified limits;
Proper function of landing doors locks;
Functional test of the alarm device;
Dynamic test:
With overload detection device: 1,2 times rated load;
Without overload detection device: 1,3 times rated load;
Electrical tests as specified in EN 60204-32.
37. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 37 prEN 81-31 Verification and tests Periodical examinations
Periodical examinations and tests on AGO lifts shall be carried out after they are put into service to verify that they are in good condition.
Annex E.1 gives some guidance for carrying out these periodical examinations and tests.
Examinations and tests after important modifications or accidents
Guidance shall be given about examinations and tests to be carried out after important modifications or accidents to ascertain that AGO lifts continue to conform to this standard.
Annex E.2 gives some guidance for carrying out these examinations and tests.
38. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 38 prEN 81-31 Information for use Notices, markings and operating instructions
Information for use of the machine shall be provided in accordance with clause 6 of EN ISO 12100-2:2003 Rating plate
The manufacturer shall provide the following information on one or more durable labels fixed in a prominent place on the AGO lift:
name and address of the manufacturer or his representative;
type designation;
serial number;
year of construction;
rated load [kg];
lifting height;
wire rope data, where applicable;
rated speed.
39. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 39 prEN 81-31 Information for use Inside the load carrying unit it shall be displayed:
The rated load of the goods only lift in kilograms together with a warning indicating:
A warning notice, clearly visible, stating:
where the the goods might move inside the LCU during transport
At landings
The control devices shall be clearly identified by reference to their function; e.g. -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, etc.;
Instructions to ensure safe usage of the goods only lift shall be placed near the landing control station, saying at least:
The use of the AGO lift is restricted to authorised person only;
After using the goods only lift, it is necessary to close manually operated doors and manually controlled power operated doors
40. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 40 prEN 81-31 Information for use Safety components
Overspeed detection device
Locking devices
Safety gear
Ascending LCU overspeed protection means
Rupture valve/One-way restrictor
On the safety components a data plate shall be fixed indicating:
The name of the manufacturer of the component;
The relevant adjustment (tripping speed or tripping flow, as applicable);
Data identifying the type of safety component.
41. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 41 prEN 81-31 Information for use Vendor information for use
It shall be provided an instruction manual according to EN 13015
Contents of the instruction manual
General information
Manufacturer's name and address or that of his authorised representative;
Year and country of manufacture ;
Model designation and serial number;
General description of the AGO lift, including:
The intended use and its limits,
Restrictions to use,
The intended specific health/safety requirements as consequence of the negotiations
Information about use in special environments, e.g. potentially explosive atmosphere.
42. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 42 prEN 81-31 Information for use Capacity and design information
Rated load;
Rated speed;
Environmental restrictions as temperature range;
Sound pressure level (dB(A))
Dimensions and weights
Power supply data
Safety devices
Type of safety devices, e.g. overspeed detection device, safety gear, pawl devices, final limit switches, landing door locks, etc.);
Additional safety equipment for erection, dismantling and maintenance.
Instructions for erection and dismantling
Instructions for tests before putting into service
Instructions for operating and usage
Breakdown procedures
43. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 43 prEN 81-31 Information for use Regular inspection and maintenance
the items to be checked and their suitability for use
which parts of the lift can be replaced, which are subject to wear, their identification means and the criteria for replacement,
Minimum documents that need to be provided
Drawings and documents necessary to install the AGO lift;
Drawings and diagrams necessary for putting into service
Drawings and diagrams necessary for maintenance, inspection, checking of correct operation, repair.
The logbook of an AGO lift shall be drawn up at the latest at the time the installation is put into service.
44. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 44 prEN 81-31 Annexes Annex A (normative)List of the electric safety devices
Annex B (normative)Unlocking triangle
Annex C (normative)Technical dossier
Annex D (normative)Examinations and tests before putting into service
Annex E (informative)Periodical examinations and tests, examinations and tests after an important modification or after an accident
Annex F (Normative)Safety components - Test procedures for verification of conformity
45. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 45 prEN 81-31 Annexes Annex G (normative)Driving systems taken into account in this standard
G.1 Traction and positive drive
G.2 Hydraulic drive
Annex H (informative)Construction of walls of AGO lift well and landing doors facing a LCU entrance
Annex I (normative)Calculations of rams, cylinder and pipes
Annex J (informative)Information to the user/owner of an AGO lift
J.1 Means of access to machinery space entrance of the AGO lift
J.2 Maintenance work carried out from a step of a ladder
J.3 Lighting and socket outlets
J.4 Local lighting of openings at landings
46. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 46 prEN 81-31 Annexes Annex K (normative)Electronic components - Failure exclusion
Annex L (normative)Headrooms and pits
(To be revised according to the latest requirements of prEN 81-21)
L.1 Top clearances for traction drive AGO lifts
L.2 Top clearances for electric lifts with Positive Drive and Hydraulic lifts
L.3 Clearances in the pit for electric and hydraulic lifts
Annex ZA (informative)Clauses of this European Standard addressing essentialrequirements or other provisions of EU Directives
Bibliography (to be completed)
47. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 47 prEN 81-31 Annexes Annex H (informative)
Construction of walls of AGO lift well and landing doors facing a LCU entrance
48. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 48 prEN 81-31 Q & A Are there
49. 22/02/2005 Presentation to CEN TC10/WG1 49 prEN 81-31 Thank you for your kind attention