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Enhancing Policy Development: Preparing for Post-2020 Impact Assessment

Learn about new Better Regulation Guidelines and the post-2020 Impact Assessment preparation by the European Commission's Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy. Explore the process, structure, and key issues for consideration in impact assessment, alongside building evidence for informed decision-making. Discussions on thematic and geographical scope, effectiveness, efficiency, assurance, architecture, budget, and the role of grants versus financial instruments. Engage in shaping EU policies and priorities through wider public consultation and increased transparency in EU decision-making.

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Enhancing Policy Development: Preparing for Post-2020 Impact Assessment

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  1. Preparations for post-2020 Impact AssessmentEuropean Commission Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy Unit DGA1.01 - Policy Development, Strategic Development, Relations with the Council Brussels, 5 November 2015

  2. Outline of the presentation • New Better Regulation Guidelines • Post-2020 Impact Assessment • Overview of DG REGIO's policy development work

  3. Better Regulation Guidelines (May 2015) • Post-2020 Impact Assessment and proposals to be prepared in line with new Commission's Better Regulation Guidelines; • Objective: greater transparency of EU decision-making, wider public consultation, improved impact assessment; • Better Regulation Guidelines cover not only impact assessment but also policy planning, preparation of proposals, monitoring, evaluation; • Impact Assessment Board replaced by Regulatory Scrutiny Board, more independent (1/2 of members external to EC); • Better Regulation Guidelines accompanied by detailed Better Regulation Toolbox

  4. Steps in preparation of post-2020 Impact Assessment (1) • IA work carried out by an inter-service group in the Commission: SG, REGIO, EMPL… • First step: preparation of the Inception Impact Assessment (similar to "roadmap") • Inception IA published on the Commission's website, • In parallel, 2017 cohesion report and public consultation (exact timing tbc); • Analysis of feedback summarised in consultation report.

  5. Inception Impact Assessment Contents: • Context, issue, subsidiarity check, policy objectives • "Option mapping"- overview of envisaged options • Data collection and consultations • Information on impact assessment process, • Preliminary assessment of expected impacts Inception IA published on http://ec.europa.eu/smart-regulation/roadmaps/

  6. Steps in preparation of post-2020 Impact Assessment (2) • Drafting IA report, • Submission of draft IA report to the Regulatory Scrutiny Board (RSB) for quality review, • Revising draft IA report in line with RSB recommendations, • Validation of impact assessment by RSB necessary to launch inter-service consultation on the legislative proposal; • Final IA report published and sent to the Parliament and Council together with the legislative proposal; • Parliament and Council committed to analyse any substantive amendments they propose; inter-institutional agreement under preparation

  7. Structure of post-2020 Impact Assessment (1) • What is the problem? Who is affected, its scale, causes (problem drivers) and consequences; 2) Why should the EU act? EU competence to act; subsidiarity principle; • What should be achieved? General, specific and operational objectives • What are the options to achieve the objectives? Identification of a wide range of policy alternatives, screening them, retention of best options

  8. Structure of post-2020 Impact Assessment (2) • Assessment of impacts of the retained policy options Identification of potential impact of policy options; selection of the significant impacts; analysing the most significant impacts. Quantitative analysis (modelling, administrative costs) and quantitative analysis. Economic, social and environmental impacts are analysed. • Comparing the optionswith regard to their effectiveness, efficiency and coherence; choice of the preferred options, • Monitoring and evaluation of the impacts including the definition of a set of indicators - to track whether the policy measures actually deliver the intended results.

  9. Preparation of the Impact Assessment- key issues for consideration • EU added value of the policy; its contribution to EU objectives and Commission priorities; • Thematic and geographical scope of the policy; • Effectiveness (result orientation, measuring performance, conditionalities, role of institutions etc.) • Greater efficiency (simplification, lower administrative burden; harmonisation; alternative delivery modes) • Reinforced assurance (control, audit, error rates) • Architecture and budget (link to MFF preparation) • Role of grants vs. financial instruments

  10. Building evidence base for the Impact Assessment • Results of 2007-2013 programmes: ex post evaluations, econometric analysis, audit results • Lessons from preparation and negotiations of 2014-2020 programmes and from their implementation on the ground: - internal analysis (thematic concentration, results orientation, uptake of territorial approaches, linkages with CSRs, administrative capacity etc.); - studies to assess uptake and impact of new elements in 2014-2020 programmes and to explore alternative solutions; - feedback from Member States, regions, academics and other stakeholders

  11. Preparations for the Impact Assessment: the debate • Conferences/workshops to foster debate between academics and policy makers – in cooperation with ERSA and RSA; • Stimulation of research of particular interest for policy development; • Exchanges with the Council, Parliament, CoR; • High Level Group on Simplification; • Structured Dialogue with ESIF partners at EU level; • Public consultation on future Cohesion Policy.

  12. Thank you for your attention!DG REGIO studies: http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/en/information/publications/studiesEuropean Commission Impact Assessment: http://ec.europa.eu/smart-regulation/impact/

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