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Home Page Logo, Mission, Address, Phone, Fax, email *1. Looking for Volunteer Opportunities

VC Preliminary web site flow design presentation 3/8/00. Key: * means it is a hot button, it will take you to another page ^ means you are accessing info from the database - or no symbol means that the info will be on that page

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Home Page Logo, Mission, Address, Phone, Fax, email *1. Looking for Volunteer Opportunities

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  1. VC Preliminary web site flow design presentation 3/8/00 Key: * means it is a hot button, it will take you to another page ^ means you are accessing info from the database - or no symbol means that the info will be on that page A dashed line around a box means that it is referenced from several locations All pages will have a “table of contents” on the left side Bold and blue type indicates dynamic information that will be changed frequently ************************************************ We want our web site to be a vehicle to transform interest in volunteering into action. Potential volunteers should be engaged and able to find the opportunities they are looking for quickly and easily. ************************************************ Home Page Logo, Mission, Address, Phone, Fax, email *1. Looking for Volunteer Opportunities *2. Looking for Volunteers *3. General Info & Resources *4. What’s New

  2. Home Page 1. Looking for Volunteer Opportunities General Info on Volunteering *“Star Volunteers” - if you have already registered, skip ahead to search for vol. opps. Are you: *18 or under looking for service opportunities (Youth) -A group of 2 or more volunteering together *Family *Corporation *School *Other *An individual over 18 *Interested in a more specialized program geared to (TVS) those with psychiatric disabilities *Interested in being on a Board of directors (BoardNet) To Youth referral To TVS Page

  3. Home Page Home Page Looking for Volunteer Opps. * 18 or under looking for service opps. Youth -Why Volunteer?? (general volunteer information, success stories…) *Search for a Volunteer Opportunity Already registered Volunteer by yourself With an adult (family) With a group (group) *Youth Service Program General Information (link to information page) *Youth Service Team (link) *Wanna copy of the Youth Opportunity “Reach Out” Guide (link to info page) *Youth Service e-zine, written by and for youth in San Mateo County (link to e-zine) *Event Calendar (have list of upcoming training etc.) *More Resources for YOU! (link to Resources and Networking) *Tip Sheets for Youth Leaders (link to Be A LEADER) -Contact Information (email address for questions to youth referral specialist) *If you are an educator (link to Education Initiative) Goes to display of results

  4. Home Page Looking for Volunteer Opps. *Individuals over 18 *Group of 2 or more Individuals -General Info about volunteering -Success stories *Search for volunteer opps. Enter name and password, if already registered, it displays profile, If not, it asks registration questions. Goes to display of results Groups -General info about volunteering - success stories *Search for volunteer opps. The registration form will ask different questions ie. number in group Goes to display of results

  5. From Individual, Group, Youth pages Registration -Select a password -Fill in registration, search criteria -Tips for searching Results of Search (this display will be the same for youth, indiv, group) -There will be a list of jobs and the agencies, click on the job to View detailed info (w/o contact info), click on agency to see info About the agency, link to agency website, email them -Save the selections you want to your shopping cart *new search *finished searching,, print selected opps * view shopping cart, running list of selected opps. Final List Print Out - Do you plan to contact these agencies? Y/N -Do you want to be contaccted (via email) if other jobs come in that match your criteria? -Do you want to be listed in our skills bank? -Can we release your name and # to the agencies you have selected? -Thanks for Volunteering -Tips for volunteering. -Remember your password is ______.

  6. Transitional Volunteer Services -Brief description of program, tailored to volunteers -Why volunteer -Examples of types of vol. Opps. Available through TVS -Success Stories -How to get started *Intake Form *Special info for Mental Health professionals (this button takes you to the same page as agency info) Looking for volunteer Opps. Transitional Volunteer Services -Program description (tailored toward agencies) -Info for Mental Health Professionals -benefits for your clients -program criteria *Intake form -Volunteer Service Center -Criteria *Submit work order request *contact Suzanne Hinton (email) From “Services To agencies, bulkmail, and “Gen’l Info, TVS” Volunteer Service Center Work order request Mental Health Professional Intake Form -Explanation of process/directions for filling out form with VC-RWC address -Intake form (This form is to be printed out, it cannot be submitted on-line)

  7. From youth pages Youth Service Team -Description of program -How to apply to be on the YST -Schedule of upcoming activities -Stories from the YST -Contact Information BE A LEADER (Tips on how YOU can be a Service Leader) -How to start a club in your school -How to host a service project at your school (food drive etc.) -How to work with the media -How to make adults your allies in service -Youth Service Leader Awards Program (link to description and forms) *Resources and Networking information (link) Education Initiative: Service Learning Coaches -Description of services, -How teachers/schools can access the program (sign up form—or email link) -Calendar of upcoming training opportunities (youth calendar, maybe org calendar) -Links to helpful service learning sites for educators (link to Resource and Networking) -Contact Information Agency Initiative: Youth Service Capacity Building Institute -Description of services -How to participate in Institute (sign up form or email link) -Calendar of upcoming training (youth calendar, maybe org calendar) -Agency Success stories -Links to helpful sites for agencies (link to Resource and Networking) -Contact information

  8. From youth pages Resources and Networking Opportunities Service Learning Regional Lead (description and listserve membership sign up) -Youth Service e-zine for youth (e-zine and information about how to submit an article to the e-zine) -Tips for Youth Leaders (link) -Educator and Nonprofit resources -Statistics/Research about Youth Service -GREAT Youth Service Links: Top web sites for youth service as selected by San Mateo County youth (conference list) -National Calendar of Youth Service Events (combine all calendars and add regional, statewide and national events, conferences etc.) -Youth Service Program Contact Information

  9. 1. Looking for Volunteer Opportunities General Info on Volunteering *“Star Volunteers” - if you have already registered, skip ahead to search for vol. opps. Are you: *18 or under looking for service opportunities (Youth) -A group of 2 or more volunteering together *Family *Corporation *School *Other *An individual over 18 *Interested in a more specialized program geared to (TVS) those with psychiatric disabilities *Interested in being on a Board of directors (BoardNet) BoardNet -Mission -Vision *Contact Us (email) This may all be on one page. BoardNet -Services to Individuals -Services to Agencies *Register for workshops Goes to workshop registration BoardNet -Links to resources -Examples of Board opps, successful matches, etc. *Q/A, hot topics, Bd. Issues page

  10. Home Page 2. Services to Agencies -blurb about VC services to agencies *Resources (library, links to other websites) -Workshops and Trainings *sign up for a workshop or training -List/update your volunteer needs (already registered) ^enter agency name and password (password search? Call to get password) -Register as a new agency (must contact VC directly) *Bulk mail services *Board of Directors services (goes to BoardNet page) *How to engage youth in service To Youth Services Program Registered Agencies ^Update agency info (if new vol. Contact- email re orientation) ^View your volunteer requests (show active and inactive) -Update -Inactivate -Add new request ^Search skills bank for specialized volunteers ^Get a list of volunteers referred to your agency in the past 3 months (list total # of referrals and names of those who authorized it.) Workshops and Trainings (including BoardNet) -Calendar -Register On-line -How to pay From BoardNet Also shown on What’s New slide

  11. Home Page 3. General Info and Resources -VC Programs - R&R -Agency Relations -Corporate Services -Disaster -Youth -BoardNet -TVS -Events/Fundraising -Staff *Resource Library -Volunteerism - success stories *Workshops -Annual Report -Human Race -Donations To Youth Service Program Workshops and Trainings (including BoardNet) -Calendar -Register On-line -How to pay

  12. General Info and Resources Services to Agencies Youth Service Program: (Mission statement—brochure information) *Youth Referral (link to youth volunteer opp page) *Youth Service Team (brief description and link) *Education Initiative: Service Learning Coaches (brief description and link) *Agency Initiative: Youth Service Capacity Building Institute (description and link) -Other Activities *Resources and Networking Opportunities (brief description and link) *Tip Sheets for Youth Leaders! (link to BE A LEADER) *Youth Opportunity “Reach Out” Guide (brief description, how to order a copy) *Youth Service Conference (brief description, registration/information form) *San Mateo County Youth Service Leader Awards (brief description, nomination/information form)

  13. Home Page 4. What’s New (This page will be updated so that current events and info are highlighted here) -VC events: Human Race, VIV, VRL, Youth Conf. *Workshops and Trainings -Hot topic/issue -Volunter of the Month, Agency in press -Fun facts -Announcements -Paid Jobs with the VC -special event vol. Opps, holidays... Workshops and Trainings (including BoardNet) -Calendar -Register On-line -How to pay Also shown on Agency services slide

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