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Johan Mattsson. Post Desktop user-interfaces iWand, evaluation, iStuff, iLounge, iROS & USE. iWand -explicit augmentation of users behaviour. Selective augmentation of gestures as a way of interaction and introducing a peripheral knowledge of others actions
Johan Mattsson Post Desktop user-interfaces iWand, evaluation, iStuff, iLounge, iROS & USE
iWand-explicit augmentation of users behaviour • Selective augmentation of gestures as a way of interaction and introducing a peripheral knowledge of others actions • Laser pointing device with a wireless connection to the room network, a iWand • iWand-targets that reacts when a iWand-beam sweeps over them and sends a message back to the iWand using IR • The received message is used as a key to services available in the room • This magic wand, uses a laser-beam to trace targets of a spell, it could be any object “magic item” associated with an attached and configured iWand-target
Related work • UbiControl, uses a laser-pointer attached to a 802.11 enabled PDA to interact with custom devices • Modulated id or the IP of the pointer where modulated on the laser beam • Solar panel targets connected to a server and associated with custom devices receives the IP • The server opens a communication to the PDA • The server transmits a UI for the associated custom device to the PDA • Video tracked laser-pointing interaction have been implemented and evaluated in a number of settings
iWand targets Freestanding active targets activated by the modulated beam Beaconing an IR id, e.g. an URL/IP while pointed on Enables non-pre-configuration of the iWands Location configuration of needed local targets Extended IR range and angels iWand Modulated laser distinguishable from 0 or 50/60 Hz daylight and lamps IR receiver Wireless network / communication Currently based on an IPAQ with 802.11-lan and an attached laser-pointer. Lunches the received beaconed URL in a browser when targets are hit Implementation
Usage concepts, spells • Service Launcher Spell • Runs an service related to the targeted item e.g. a iCrafter or any other remote control application • Information Spell • Provides information on the targeted item, e.g. help or museum guiding systems • Diapering Computers -Link Spell • Links targeted devices, e.g. select a targeted input device for a particular screen, could be a selection tool for point-write or multi-browse • Interaction Spell • Interact using the iWand by capturing specific gestures
My expectation on interactive post-desktop user interfaces • Support for many users to interact simultaneously and switch among tasks and resources, e.g. enhance both public and private work • Support for creative computer aided user-collaboration rather than machine-machine communication • Intuitive interaction tools to share computer resources and room equipment in a easily overviewed manner
Evaluation ideas for iWand Elaborating my post-desktop expectations turned out as this three dimensions for comparing of collaborative interaction techniques • Intuitive interaction tools to share computer resources and room equipment in a easily overviewed manner as Collaborative performance • Support for many users to interact simultaneously and switch among tasks and resources as Transparency between personal and shared interaction • Support for creative computer aided user-collaboration rather than machine-machine communication as Peripheral awareness and interaction
Collaborative performance • The users involvement • The groups common performance • Turn taking or the ease of switching chair-user How well a group of users collaborates using specific artifacts in terms of time and accuracy
Transparency between personal and shared interaction • Fluent target switch-over • Easy task recovery • Target knowledge How to easily perform interaction with several devices/targets in the means of flow and minimal confusion
Peripheral awareness and interaction • Intrusions of personal work by surrounding interactions • Knowledge of why and by who interaction or feedback are initiated • Ability to interfere or give an opinion on co-workers showing a intention on performing an discussable tasks Important issues while in regular face-to-face setting, how are they supported and ported into a interactive co-located collaborative workspace, also considered as the inter-personal or social protocol
Interactive Fizz Buzz • Highly collaborative game • Simple well-defined comparable goal/task • Personal/shared switch-over by letting participants take notes on their sessions • Peripheral awareness and interference by proposing users to interrupt when predicting a fail choice
Data analysis • Comparisons of the results for interactive fizz buzz setups with the iWand, traditional desktop-interaction and other iStuff • Collaborative performance maps to the number of correct target-selections over a specified time • Interaction transparency maps to how well the notes are made in proportion to the collaborative performance • Peripheral awareness could be mapped to how many of the proposed interferences that are taken into account
Future iWand directions Beyond the touch screen a smoother and more slimed physical design could be made • Accelerometers could provide a more precise notion of gestures as a main input • An embedded RFID reader could made a nearby tagged display to share their display to the iWand, e.g. physical multi-browse selection • The RFID reader could also be used to make the iWand a tool for linking a close mouse to a big shared display, configuring point-write
Ubiquitous Service Environments Questions considering a more dynamic service oriented view on the environment: • What happens if a group of users brings some personal & sharable services ? • How does services adapt to new groups and environment constraints ? • How do we model the users, environments services and devices ? USE-iROS: supporting adhoc configurations of iroom groups anywhere
Sensors and implicit interaction patterns • Applying sensors & sensor data into iLounge • Modelling pattern of events & sensor data, e.g. as a extension of the patch-panel • Interactive events deduced from context models How to implement and apply such services in iLounge and partially as a dynamic service environment