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Verification procedure u pdate to draft- ietf -stir-passport-divert

This document outlines verification procedures for STIR PASSporT diverts, providing examples and cases where verification may pass or fail depending on certain conditions.

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Verification procedure u pdate to draft- ietf -stir-passport-divert

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  1. Verification procedure update to draft-ietf-stir-passport-divert David Hancock (Comcast)

  2. draft-ietf-stir-passport-divert-04 verification procedure (1) Verification Service Example-1: TN-a calls TN-b fwdTN-c fwd TN-d (To TN preserved) Request-URI TN-d ppt : div orig: TN-a dest: TN-d iat : t+2 div : TN-c SHAKEN follows RFC 8224 verification procedures, which mandates that “dest” TN must match canonicalized value of To TN INVITE TN-d PAID:TN-a; To: TN-b; Date: t Identity: div PASSporT { … "opt": div PASSporT {… "opt": shaken PASSporT{… } } } ppt : div orig: TN-a dest: TN-c iat : t+1 div : TN-b "div" PASSporTchain of authority ppt : shaken orig: TN-a dest: TN-b iat : t To TN = shaken "dest" claim ✓ verification passed

  3. draft-ietf-stir-passport-divert-04 verification procedure (2) Verification Service Example-2: TN-a calls TN-b fwdTN-c fwd TN-d (To TN not preserved) Request-URI TN-d ppt : div orig: TN-a dest: TN-d iat : t+2 div : TN-c INVITE TN-d PAID:TN-a; To: TN-d; Date: t Identity: div PASSporT { … "opt": div PASSporT {… "opt": shaken PASSporT{… } } } Verification fails if To header updated en-route ppt : div orig: TN-a dest: TN-c iat : t+1 div : TN-b "div" PASSporTchain of authority ppt : shaken orig: TN-a dest: TN-b iat : t To TN ≠ shaken “dest” claim✕ verification failed

  4. Updated verification procedure for draft-ietf-stir-passport-divert Verification Service Example: TN-a calls TN-b fwdTN-c fwd TN-d (To TN not preserved) Request-URI TN-d ppt : div orig: TN-a dest: TN-d iat : t+2 div : TN-c Update When a “div” PASSporT is present, the To header plays no role in verification. When no “div” PASSporT present, RFC 8224 verification procedures still apply INVITE TN-d PAID:TN-a; To: TN-d; Date: t Identity: div PASSporT { … "opt": div PASSporT {… "opt": shaken PASSporT{… } } } ppt : div orig: TN-a dest: TN-c iat : t+1 div : TN-b "div" PASSporTchain of authority ppt : shaken orig: TN-a dest: TN-b iat : t verification passed

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