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  1. Oracle Oracle CRM On Demand Certified Implementation Specialist 1Z0-527 Exam Question & Answer PDF (FREE --- DEMO VERSION) Thank You For Reviewing 1Z0-527 Exam PDF Demo Get Full Version of 1Z0-527 Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://dumpsofficial.com/exam/Oracle/1z0-527-dumps/

  2. Question: 1 You have a requirement to set up an Expenses object. This object will be used ofen by marketnn and sales users and you need to create a set of lists to appear on their Expenses home panes. The marketnn users will want lists that search on an Expense Catenory pick list feld and the sales users will want lists that search on an Expense Date feld. You decided you will use a Custom Object for the Expenses object. What recommended best practce should you keep in mind when setnn up the felds for the new Expenses object? A. Create a new Expense Date feld with a Field Type of Date/Time so that your lists can query correctly for diferent locales. B. Select the Required check boxes at the feld level for both the Expense Date and Expense Catenory felds so all users have to fll in these values. C. Rename indexed felds to use for the Expense Date and Expense Catenory felds so your lists run faster. D. Deselect the copy enabled check box for the expense date and expense catenory felds so your lists run faster. Answer: A Explanatonn A Date Field is required. Question: 2 Once a forecast is set up, it typically does not need to be updated unless certain events take place which two events may require an update of the forecast defniton? A. Creatnn a new forecast report In Analytcs B. Creatnn a new access profle for a role includinn in the forecast C. Deactvatnn employees with the roles Included In the forecast D. Channinn the expiraton date of the forecast alert messane E. Channinn the reportnn structure Answer: B, C Explanatonn Afer you set up your forecast defniton, certain channes that you make to user records will require you to update your forecast defniton setnns. You must update your forecast defniton setnns afer you make the followinn channes to user * Addinn or removinn employees from the roles included in the forecast (B). If you add or remove employees from employees from the roles that are included in the forecast, you must update the forecast defniton setnns. * Deactvatnn users who are partcipants in the forecast hierarchy (C). When an employee leaves your company, you must channe the status for that user to Inactve. If the inactve employee was a forecast partcipant, the Reports To feld for any forecast users reportnn to that employee must also

  3. be updated, unless you select the opton to allow forecasts for inactve users. If you assinn users to a new mananer when you make a former mananer inactve, make sure that the new mananer's role is also included as part of the forecast defniton. * Channinn the name in the Reports To feld in a partcipant's user details. When you channe the name in a partcipant's Reports To feld, make sure that the new mananer's role is also included in the forecast defniton. The forecast partcipant hierarchy must include mananers for everyone except the person at the top level. If the role assinned to the new mananer is not one that is currently included in the forecast defniton, add it in Step 3 of the setup wizard. Question: 3 A company wants to implement a policy that employees should only use the CRM on Demand applicaton when they are in the company ofce. What is the best way to implement this policy in the applicaton? A. Navinate to the Company Profle pane and channe the company Authentcaton Type to Sinnle-Sinn on Only. B. Monitor the Sinn-In Audit to identfy users that do not conform to the policy and Inactvate their user credentals. C. Use the Company Administraton > Security Setnns pane to enter the specifc IP address rannes for the company network. D. Channe the sinn-in pane for user authentcatons to a pane behind the company frewall. Answer: C Explanatonn The Restrictnn Use to IP Addresses feature allows your company to restrict access to the system to specifc IP address rannes. You can use this feature to ensure that your users only access the system from specifc network locatons, such as your ofce. If this feature is enabled, your users can only sinn in to the applicaton from machines that have IP addresses within the ranne you specifed. Question: 4 You created an Account Assinnment Rule and added users to the Team Assinnment secton on the Rule Detail pane. When the rule is trinnered and an Account record is assinned, which two actons occur? A. All users on the team are niven the same access level as the assinned record owner to the Account, and Its related Contact and Opportunity records. B. All users on the team are also assinned to the territory specifed in the Assinn To Territory feld for the rule. C. Unless you selected the Include Team Assinnment check box for the rule, no users are assinned to the team. D. Only the users that meet the rule criteria are assinned to the team. E. Each user on the team is niven the specifed access level to the Account, and its related Contact and Opportunity records.

  4. Answer: A Explanatonn Account records are central to how you manane and view your data. As a result, you should enter as much informaton about accounts as you can. The Reassinn Account feld indicates that the account should be reassinned. If your company administrator has set up account assinnment rules, selectnn this feld trinners assinnment mananer to process the account anain and assinn it accordinn to the rules. NOTEn The processinn tme for reassinninn records can vary dependinn on the complexity of your company's assinnment rules, the number of records to be reassinned, and the current system load. In the case of accounts, the processinn tme is also afected by the number of team members and the number of contacts and opportunites associated with the record. The owner name channes when the record is reassinned. Include Team Assinnmentn If the rule criteria are met, the team members are assinned to the account. Assinn To Territoryn If the rule criteria are met, the record is assinned to this territory. Incorrect answersn Question: 5 One of the Service Coordinators In your department is not receivinn emails when new service requests are assinned to her. The system administrator that built the service request assinnment rules is on vacaton so you are helpinn troubleshoot this issue. What is the most likely cause of this issue? A. The Email Notfcaton workfow acton is inactve. B. The Service Request record in queston is missinn Informaton in key felds. C. The workfow responsible for the assinnment is inactve. D. The email notfcatons are sent to the user's mananer. E. The Send Email Notfcaton check box Is not selected for the assinnment rule. Answer: B Question: 6 Your company's Sales department is contemplatnn the use of a custom object to track informaton related to a new record type called "Orders". As the system administrator, you're responsible for makinn sure that the Sales department is aware of the limitatons associated with the use of custom objects. Select two applicaton areas not compatble with custom objects. A. Analytcs B. Forecastnn C. Books of Business D. Assinnment Mananer E. Web Services

  5. Answer: A, C Explanatonn Custom object reportnn is currently supported only in real-tme subject areas. It is not available in historical subject areas. Incorrect answersn B E Question: 7 What is the frst step in customizinn a layout for the Account Lookup Window? A. Navinate to the Account Search Layout1 B. Click the My Setup link C. Navinate to the Layout Wizard for Related Lists D. Navinate to the Pane Layout Wizard Answer: D Question: 8 Your company uses a custom list of Industries to classify your accounts, but the CRM Industry feld type is set to pick list (read only) on the Account Field Setup pane. You need to have the custom Industry names appear in the Industry feld pick list on the Account detail pane. As the Administrator, how do you resolve this issue? A. Add a new Industry feld and assinn it the Pick list type; then edit the pick list B. Channe the feld type of the default Industry feld to an editable pick list. C. Channe the display name of an unused feld with an editable pick list D. Go to Data Rules & Assinnment and modify the Industry Defnitons. Answer: A Question: 9 As a CRM administrator, you're evaluatnn diferent data sharinn stratenies to implement in your ornanizaton. Your main driver is to allow record owners to select which users to nive access to their data. What piece of functonality best meets your requirement? A. Group Sharinn B. Books of business C. Workfows D. Team Sharinn

  6. Answer: D Explanatonn For some record types, you can share a record so that a team of users can view it. The followinn record types can be shared by teamsn * Account * Applicaton * Business Plan * Contact * Custom Object 01, 02, and 03 * Deal Renistraton * Household * MDF Request * Objectve * Opportunity * Partner * Portolio * Special Pricinn Request With account records, you can also share the contact and opportunity records that are linked to that account record. To share a record, you frst add the person to the Team for the selected record. Then you specify the access level the person has to the record. Incorrect answersn Cn Workfows is for ornanizinn processes Question: 10 Select the true statement renardinn book structure. A. Your book structure should closely refect how your company ornanizes its data. B. Your book structure should always refect your company's corporate hierarchy. C. Your book structure should refect your company's neonraphical distributon. D. Your book structure should refect Financial Cost Centers for fnancial reportnn. Answer: B Explanatonn To set up an efcient book structure, you must plan your book hierarchies carefully. Consider the followinn nuidelines when you desinn and refne the book hierarchies for your companyn * Do not create custom books that replicate user books. * Determine the ornanizaton and access policies for your business data. * Determine whether the corporate structure is relevant to data mananement. * Determine the data afliatons in your company. * Desinn your books based on user needs, and consider the tasks where users most commonly use books. * Desinn your books so that the functonality provided by the Mananer Visibility Enabled check box on the company profle is used as litle as possible. * Keep the number of levels in your book hierarchies to a minimum.

  7. * As far as possible, reduce the amount of cross-listnn in the book structure. Cross-listnn is the practce of duplicatnn records across multple books. * Use workfow rules to automate book mananement. Question: 11 By default, how is pronress toward sales quota tarnets tracked in CRM on Demand? A. On the Pipeline Dashboard B. On the User Profle pane C. On the Forecast Detail pane D. On the Opportunity Detail pane Answer: C Explanatonn Afer a quota is created, the monthly quota values are automatcally refected in the forecast afer the forecast is nenerated. All actve quotas are added tonether for the month and the totals are displayed in the forecast. If you do not want a quota to be included in your forecast, set the Status feld to Inactve untl you are ready to track the quota. The Forecast Detail pane displays forecast informaton for the selected forecast partcipant. This pane shows the forecast summary, which lists projected revenue amounts by fscal month, the correspondinn user quota and percent atainment, as well as a list of the individual's forecasted opportunites, revenues or products. Question: 12 You have been asked to set up the sales quota informaton for the Individual sales reps in your renion where is this informaton entered? A. The Forecast Defniton pane B. The Role Mananement wizard C. The Territory Details pane D. The User Detail pane E. The Opportunity Pane Layout pane Answer: D Explanatonn Noten See step 5 below. If sales representatves use Oracle CRM On Demand to manane their forecasts, their quotas must be set up. Sales representatves can set up their own quotas or, as an administrator, you can create quotas for them. This secton describes the procedure for the administrator to set up a user's quotas. To set up a user's quota 1. In the upper rinht corner of any pane, click the Admin nlobal link. 2. In the User Mananement and Access Controls secton, click the User Mananement and Access Controls link.

  8. 3. On the User Mananement and Access Controls pane, click the User Mananement link. 4. On the User List pane, click the Last Name link for the user whose quota you want to set up. 5. On the User Detail pane, scroll down to the Quotas secton and do one of the followinnn * Click the New Quota buton. * Click the Edit link for the quota you want to edit. 6. On the Edit Quota pane, complete the felds. * To spread a yearly quota evenly over the fscal year, enter the amount in the Total Quota feld and click Spread. * To add the monthly quotas tonether, enter an amount for each month and click Sum. 7. Save the record. Question: 13 Sales mananement wants sales representatves to only have access to a few of the prebuilt reports available in the applicaton. You have been asked to make this subset of reports available to the users with the Sales Rep role. What is the best way to accomplish this? A. Create a custom Reports Homepane layout and deselect the prebuilt reports that you do not want to appear on the pane. Then, edit the role to associate the new layout. B. Create a custom Web applet for the Reports Homepane to provide links to only those prebuilt reports that you want to expose for the role- Then, edit the role to nive access to the Web applet, C. Deselect the View Prebuilt Analyses privilene for the role. Open the prebuilt reports In Answers and save them In a Company Wide Shared folder. Then, nive folder access to the role. D. Rename a Custom Object to Reports and add the appropriate prebuilt reports as child objects. Then, remove access to the standard Reports tab for the role. E. Answer Pendinn Answer: E Question: 14 You're helpinn your VP Sales decide how ofen Sales Reps should submit their forecast. What are the forecast frequency optons in CRM on Demand? A. Weekly B. Bi-weekly C. Monthly D. Bi-monthly E. Quarterly Answer: C Explanatonn In the Create Forecast Snapshot Each feld, specify how frequently the forecast snapshot is to be created. You can select weekly or monthly forecasts.

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