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Variation of Geomagnetic Responses to the Solar Wind Input: Long-Term Change and Half-Year Increase

This study investigates the long-term change and half-year increase in geomagnetic responses to solar wind inputs. It also explores the variation in the auroral location and the implications for space weather forecast.

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Variation of Geomagnetic Responses to the Solar Wind Input: Long-Term Change and Half-Year Increase

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  1. Long-term change, Half-year increase during declining phases, and 2009 specialty at fixed latitudes Variation of geomagnetic responses to the solar wind input: M. Yamauchi and B. Olsthoorn IRF, Kiruna, Sweden Acknowledgement: Dst, Kp, AL, SYM/ASY, PC and sunspot numbers (RI) are provided by World Data Center for Geomagnetism, Kyoto University, Japan, GFZ, Adolf-Schmidt-Observatory Niemegk, Germany, and the Royal Observatory of Belgium, Brussels. Including these indices, all data are obtained from NASA-GSFC/SPDF through OMNIWeb (http://omniweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/ow.html).

  2. Long term (50 years) change in AE response to solar wind condition (hourly value), which cannot be explained by difference in recent history of activity (solar cycle phase). • Study of 2009 singularity suggested latitudinal-shift of ionospheric current. • Aurora location during growth phase seems to moved north after 2006. • Magnetic North Pole is quickly actually moving north, that might shift the “substantial” AE latitude Motivation

  3. (1) for Long Trend • Possibility 1: Due to shift of the auroral oval location • High-risk latitude for hazardous ground currents may change • Possibility 2: Actual change in the energy coupling efficiency • Prediction must be renewed every solar cycle • (2) for Solar Cycle Phase Difference • These possible causes (1 & 2) could also be also phase-dependent • Risk of hazard can also be phase-dependent Implication to Space Weather Forecast

  4. Consequence of shift of auroral latitude

  5. AE cannot be used for Sun-Earth coupling efficiency ? Shift of auroral latitude

  6. AE cannot be used for Sun-Earth coupling efficiency ? AE can be used to monitor the auroral location by combining with ASY_D and PC ⇒ High-risk latitude for hazardous ground current may change Shift of auroral latitude

  7. Using 5-min NASA/OMNI solar wind data, we calculate ' = (4π/µ0)·VBtan2sin4(C/2), and dΦ/dt = (V2SW·Btan·sin4(θc/2))2/3 • Obtain average AE, PC, and SYM/ASY for given ’and dΦ/dt • Travel time the spacecraft to the Earth is considered. • Different “integrated inputs” (5-60 min before) are compared ⇒ the correlation is best for 60 min average. • Average the result every 3-month to separate "equinox” and solstice. • Compare with 3-months variation of ’ and dΦ/dt to remove anomaly due to “pre-condition” difference. Method

  8. Why not examine meridian chain (IMAGE, Greenland etc)? • ⇒ 1. Future work. • 2. We want to show that indices are useful for this purpose. • Why not to use ”wide latitudinal-range” indices such as ap? • ⇒ 1. Purpose is different. • 2. We want to show that AE is useful for this purpose. Why not

  9. Result / overview of“AL response” • Enhancement of ~ 0.5-year during declining phase? • Long-term decreasing trend with 2009 minimum?

  10. Due to “pre-condition” difference ? Cause of latitudinal shift of Aurora

  11. The singular period does not match with the declining phase peak of solar wind input

  12. Due to “pre-condition” difference ? • Not related to “pre-condition” (most likely) Cause of latitudinal shift of Aurora

  13. @ higher latitude (similar)

  14. @ lower latitude (different)

  15. (1) Phase difference • divide into 4 phases • take relative values against average • Result: 50% more • weak-moderate conditions • not storm time Valid range of ’and dΦ/dt ? ’ dΦ/dt

  16. @ higher/lower latitudes Result: PC/AU are similar SYM-H is unclear, ASY-D not at all

  17. ’ dΦ/dt (2) Long-term (cycle-to-cycle) trend • divide into different cylcles (#21 and #24 are not complete, though) • take relative values against average • Result: decreasing trend over 4 cycles

  18. @ higher/lower latitudes Result: AU/SYM-H are similar PC similar only clycle #24, ASY-D not at all

  19. Interpreting by latitudinal shift of quiet-time aurora singular period = returning to AE stations

  20. (1) For quiet to moderate solar wind input (|AL| < 400 nT activity on average), the AL, AU, and PC responses to the same solar wind input increased for about 3-12 months during 1983, 1994, 2003, and 2016, immediately-after the early declining-phase massive CME period. Some increase for SYM-H, but not for ASY-D (enhance rather post-maximum). ⇒ Consistent with equatorward shift of the quiet-time polar cap and most likely not related to the pre-condition difference. (2) AL and AU responses to the same solar wind input continuously decreased over 30 years (at least until 2009). Summary • Future work: • Same analyses using meridian chain (IMAGE, Greenland) midnight data? • Identify auroral location using all-sky camera network

  21. End / extra slides

  22. Result / overview (why we take equinox) same result for dΦ/dt as ' solstice: more AE/SYM stations in the northern hemisphere

  23. Same for hourly value (since 1965) Result: smaller during 2005-2014 (x~ cycle #24) than before (Yamauchi, 2015)

  24. singular year = returning to (d) from (e) Consequence of shift of Quiet-time auroral latitude

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