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Building Presentations

Primary colors. EB Orange 246/137/51. EB Green 52/70/13. EB Gray 161/161/161. EB Yellow 255/200/40. Light tint. Building Presentations. 250/196/153. 153/162/134. My Thoughts and Learning. Geoffrey King | Sales Engineer, APAC | J une 4 th 2010. 208/208/208. 255/227/147. Dark tint.

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Building Presentations

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Primary colors EB Orange 246/137/51 EB Green 52/70/13 EB Gray 161/161/161 EB Yellow 255/200/40 Light tint Building Presentations 250/196/153 153/162/134 My Thoughts and Learning Geoffrey King | Sales Engineer, APAC | June 4th 2010 208/208/208 255/227/147 Dark tint 123/69/26 26/35/7 81/8181 128/100/20

  2. Agenda • Death by Presentation! • Key Death Causes • Summary

  3. all text is lower case there are 300 million powerpoint users in the world* * Estimate

  4. all text is lower case they do 30 million presentations each day* * Estimate

  5. all text is lower case about a million presentations are going on right now* * Estimate

  6. all text is lower case 50% of them are unbearable* * Conservative Estimate

  7. Sine Waves are a separate element placed on top of picture and groups MANY people are killing each other with bad presentations. NOW. ALL LARGE TEXT Make sure the Character spacing is set to “tight” or “very tight” And make sure ALL lowercase Logo with white text place on top

  8. Sine Waves are a separate element placed on top of picture and groups ALL LARGE TEXT Make sure the Character spacing is set to “tight” or “very tight” And make sure ALL lowercase they are all dead! well, almost. Logo with white text place on top

  9. Death Circle Chart Design 3

  10. Why are they doing it? Indifference (In)experience Preparation Practice

  11. Sine Waves are a separate element placed on top of picture and groups Animation if needed Is “Grow/Shrink - Fast” indifference Logo with white text place on top

  12. Some presenters just don’t care Animation if needed Is “Fade - very fast” Why do you present? • Last minute replacement? • To pass the information? • Carolyn told you to? • Or to make meaning? your audience can sense it 44pt bold all text is lower case

  13. Sine Waves are a separate element placed on top of picture and groups this is passion ALL LARGE TEXT Make sure the Character spacing is set to “tight” or “very tight” And make sure ALL lowercase Logo with white text place on top

  14. Sine Waves are a separate element placed on top of picture and groups ALL LARGE TEXT Make sure the Character spacing is set to “tight” or “very tight” And make sure ALL lowercase this is passion Logo with white text place on top

  15. Sine Waves are a separate element placed on top of picture and groups this is passion ALL LARGE TEXT Make sure the Character spacing is set to “tight” or “very tight” And make sure ALL lowercase Logo with white text place on top

  16. Sine Waves are a separate element placed on top of picture and groups ALL LARGE TEXT Make sure the Character spacing is set to “tight” or “very tight” And make sure ALL lowercase this is not Logo with white text place on top

  17. Sine Waves are a separate element placed on top of picture and groups Animation if needed Is “Grow/Shrink - Fast” (In)experience Logo with white text place on top

  18. In your lack of experience or knowledge Animation if needed Is “Fade - very fast” • Trying to prove yourself? • Covering too much material? • Too good for this? what will happen to your audience? 44pt bold all text is lower case

  19. preparation Sine Waves are a separate element placed on top of picture and groups Animation if needed Is “Grow/Shrink - Fast” Logo with white text place on top

  20. In your rush you may skip steps such as Animation if needed Is “Fade - very fast” • Considering your audience • Structuring your presentation • Simplifying your content • Time management • Design

  21. Sine Waves are a separate element placed on top of picture and groups ALL LARGE TEXT Make sure the Character spacing is set to “tight” or “very tight” And make sure ALL lowercase consider your audience Logo with white text place on top

  22. Sine Waves are a separate element placed on top of picture and groups the building blocks: Structure ALL LARGE TEXT Make sure the Character spacing is set to “tight” or “very tight” And make sure ALL lowercase Logo with white text place on top

  23. } Memorable opening 45Minutes 1 More details... 2 More details... 3 More details... 1 argument 2 argument 3 argument 1 More details... 2 More details... 3 More details... 1 More details... 2 More details... 3 More details... Memorable closing

  24. Way-finding Animation if needed Is “Fade - very fast” • Agenda slide • Handout • Executive summary • Slide numbering • Progress bar • Bumper / transition slides

  25. Sine Waves are a separate element placed on top of picture and groups ALL LARGE TEXT Make sure the Character spacing is set to “tight” or “very tight” And make sure ALL lowercase Simplify! Logo with white text place on top

  26. Sine Waves are a separate element placed on top of picture and groups ALL LARGE TEXT Make sure the Character spacing is set to “tight” or “very tight” And make sure ALL lowercase kewl? Logo with white text place on top

  27. Sine Waves are a separate element placed on top of picture and groups ALL LARGE TEXT Make sure the Character spacing is set to “tight” or “very tight” And make sure ALL lowercase yeah rock on, I get it. ALL Logo with white text place on top

  28. Sine Waves are a separate element placed on top of picture and groups ALL LARGE TEXT Make sure the Character spacing is set to “tight” or “very tight” And make sure ALL lowercase I’m going to sleep. ZZZ Logo with white text place on top

  29. Sine Waves are a separate element placed on top of picture and groups ALL LARGE TEXT Make sure the Character spacing is set to “tight” or “very tight” And make sure ALL lowercase Logo with white text place on top

  30. Key problems • Visual ideas • Create key points • Impress • Prompter • Handouts • Data dumps • They use slides as: • But PowerPoint helps to:

  31. time management Sine Waves are a separate element placed on top of picture and groups ALL LARGE TEXT Make sure the Character spacing is set to “tight” or “very tight” And make sure ALL lowercase Logo with white text place on top

  32. You have bad time management so you Animation if needed Is “Fade - very fast” • Left presentation building to last minute • Lack of rehearsal • Spent too long on some slides while presenting The more time and effort you put in, the more they get out 44pt bold all text is lower case

  33. Sine Waves are a separate element placed on top of picture and groups design ALL LARGE TEXT Make sure the Character spacing is set to “tight” or “very tight” And make sure ALL lowercase Logo with white text place on top

  34. Simple design rules: consistency Animation if needed Is “Fade - very fast” • Keep the number of bullet points low • Don’t use more than three fonts • Follow Eyeblaster’s template colours & style • Images (photos ideal) • Formatting • Content

  35. Eyeblaster template tips Theme Colours Animation & Layout Tips Inserting Charts Full Theme Colours

  36. Sine Waves are a separate element placed on top of picture and groups Animation if needed Is “Grow/Shrink - Fast” practice Logo with white text place on top

  37. Practice makes perfect Animation if needed Is “Fade - very fast” • Never works first time • Feedback. Go get some. • No audience? Present to the furniture • Check the room and equipment

  38. Questions to ask yourself Animation if needed Is “Fade - very fast” • Budgeted adequate time to prepare and rehearse? • Invested time in editing and simplifying your presentation? • Learned at least one new thing to improve your next slides? • Are you excited about your next presentation • Personalised the slides to reflect your unique style and perspective? • Adequately tailored to your next audience?

  39. summary Sine Waves are a separate element placed on top of picture and groups Passion Experience Preparation Practice Animation if needed Is “Grow/Shrink - Fast” Logo with white text place on top

  40. Thank you Feel free to ask any questions How did we do?

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