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Biblical Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah

…. Ezra Teaches The Law. Nehemiah Builds The Walls. Biblical Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah. A Renewed Remnant. Internal Problems Arise Neh 5 Nehemiah’s focus on the enemy required tremendous focus & determination Facing an external threat was difficult

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Biblical Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah

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  1. Ezra Teaches The Law Nehemiah Builds The Walls Biblical Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah A Renewed Remnant

  2. Internal Problems Arise Neh 5 • Nehemiah’s focus on the enemy required tremendous focus & determination • Facing an external threat was difficult • If that wasn’t bad enough…now he had to deal with an internal situation that was just as threatening & discouraging

  3. Internal Problems Arise Neh 5 • Everyone was having to contend with a famine v. 3b • It created bad situations between brethren • Some were apparently more adversely affected than others • There was an “outcry” against some Jewish nobles & rulers v. 1

  4. Internal Problems Arise Neh 5 • Effects of the famine… • It forced some to mortgage their own lands and houses just to buy food v. 3a • Some had to borrow money just to pay the king’s tax on their fields v. 4 • Others sold themselves into indentured slavery to repay v. 5a cp. Ex 21:1-11

  5. Internal Problems Arise Neh 5 • Effects of the famine… • They complained “Our flesh is like the flesh of our brothers…our children are like their children”v. 5a • We are equal to them re: the covenant • Yet, they were helpless because now their lenders owned their land v. 5b

  6. Internal Problems Arise Neh 5 • Nehemiah’s reaction vv. 6-11 • He became angry v. 6 • He “…consulted with himself” v. 7a • He thought it over…he “counted to 10” • Acting out of anger rarely ever produces the right results Jas 1:19-20

  7. Internal Problems Arise Neh 5 • Nehemiah’s reaction vv. 6-11 • Thoughtquestion…how good might Susa have looked to him right now? • Remember Artaxerxes’ question 2:6 • Given all the outside opposition…and now this with his own brethren…what might you have been tempted to do?

  8. Internal Problems Arise Neh 5 • Nehemiah’s reaction vv. 6-11 • How did the Law address this? Ex 22:25 Lev 25:35-43 Deut 23:19-20 • Could Jews lend brethren money? YES • What restriction(s) governed such actions? • Interest could not be charged • Pledges could not be kept • Indentured slaves had to be released

  9. Internal Problems Arise Neh 5 • Nehemiah’s reaction vv. 6-11 • What kind of work had Ezra done among the remnant? Ezra 7:6a, 10, 25 • What do these present actions say about their obedience to all that Ezra had taught them?

  10. Internal Problems Arise Neh 5 • Nehemiah’s reaction vv. 6-11 • He also held a public assembly vv. 7b-11 • He rebuked the nobles and the rulers for their usury v. 7b • He accused them of undoing all the good previously done re: freeing the remnant from surrounding nations v. 8a

  11. Internal Problems Arise Neh 5 • Nehemiah’s reaction vv. 6-11 • He also held a public assembly vv. 7b-11 • The initial response…SILENCE • What defense could the nobles & rulers have given? cp. 1 Kings 18:21 Rom 1:20

  12. Internal Problems Arise Neh 5 • Nehemiah’s reaction vv. 6-11 • He also held a public assembly vv. 7b-11 • They had forgotten Jerusalem was still a “reproach among the nations” v. 9 • This behavior was not going to help their image among the surrounding nations

  13. Internal Problems Arise Neh 5 • Nehemiah’s reaction vv. 6-11 • He also held a public assembly vv. 7b-11 • He admitted he had lent money also v. 10 • Implication…he had not charged interest • How could he rebuke them for the same unlawful behavior if he was also guilty? • The problem wasn’t lending…it was interest

  14. Internal Problems Arise Neh 5 • Nehemiah’s reaction vv. 6-11 • He also held a public assembly vv. 7b-11 • He ordered a return of all possessions to those who had borrowed as well as the refunding of all interest collected v. 11 • The remnant nobles & rulers agreed this was the right thing to do v. 12a

  15. Internal Problems Arise Neh 5 • Nehemiah’s other actions vv. 12b-13 • He wanted more than just their promise… he put them under oath v. 12b • He also publicly shook out his garment as a sign to what God would do to them if they did not do what was right v. 13

  16. Internal Problems Arise Neh 5 • Nehemiah’s example vv. 14-18 • His governorship was exemplary • Apparently, he began serving as governor upon leaving Susa v. 14 cp. 2:1 • He didn’t just lead by issuing orders… he led by setting the proper example

  17. Internal Problems Arise Neh 5 • Nehemiah’s example vv. 14-18 • In 12 years as governor, he never took advantage of the food allowance • This would have placed a burden upon the people vv. 15, 18b • He still provided for over 150 people daily… apparently at his own expense vv. 17-18a

  18. Internal Problems Arise Neh 5 • Nehemiah’s example vv. 14-18 • In 12 years as governor, he never took advantage of the food allowance • He never lost sight of the important work for which he had left Susa…building the walls v. 16

  19. Internal Problems Arise Neh 5 • Nehemiah’s prayer v. 19 • His consistency 1:5-11a 2:4 4:4-5, 9 • A concern for how his actions would be viewed by those he led

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