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E.5 – IRFEN. Progetto LIFE NAT/IT/000093 «ECORICE» Le risaie del vercellese: programma integrato per la riqualificazione ambientale e la gestione sostenibile dell’agroecosistema risicolo. International networking. C. Lenti, Foto Archivio P.F.Po vc-al. Con il patrocinio di:.
E.5 – IRFEN Progetto LIFE NAT/IT/000093 «ECORICE» Le risaie del vercellese: programma integrato per la riqualificazione ambientale e la gestione sostenibile dell’agroecosistema risicolo International networking C. Lenti, Foto Archivio P.F.Po vc-al Con il patrocinio di: Francesco Pellicciari MINISTERO DELLE POLITICHE AGRICOLE ALIMENTARI E FORESTALI International WORKSHOP – 21/6/2013 Vercelli MINISTERO DELL’AMBIENTE E DELLA TUTELA DEL TERRITORIO E DEL MARE
International Networking: Why • LIFE+ ECO-RICE project wasrequestedby EC tocarry out a networkingaction • All across Europe, rice farming is playing a main role with regards to several habitats and species protected by the Birds and Habitats Directives, mainly referring to water related habitats and species • Isthereroomtoachieveaddedvalue at EU levelbyactingas a network? E.5 International Networking International WORKSHOP – 21/06/2013 Francesco Pellicciari
International Networking: Whatis • An attemptto start up a EU level network ofsubjectsinvolvedwith management ofricefarming and biodiversityconservation • The action target istodefine a sharedactionplantovalorize the relationshipbetweenricefarming and biodiversityconservationwithin Natura 2000 areas • An opportunityto test the viabilityof future collaborationbetweendifferentlocal EU “systems” workingtogethertoimprove the roleoffarmers in biodiversityconservation • Mainissues: • define clear conservation objectives at the wider scale possible; • to work with the best scientific evidence available; • to learn from best management practice involving experts, and farmers amongst them, in design; • to define regionally adapted measures E.5 International Networking International WORKSHOP – 21/06/2013 Francesco Pellicciari
International Networking: What have we done Set up the staff Searchfor “partners”: connection with EU-RICE project Met some stakeholders: Ribatejo (P), Albufera (E), Axios (H), Maritzadistrict (BG) Presentedourlocalcriticalities’ matrix main topics, proposed for discussion by Provincia di Vercelli, concerned water cycle management, treatment of rice antagonist, stubble management, agricultural landscape elements, canal and embankment management and exotic species management. Discussedit E.5 International Networking International WORKSHOP – 21/06/2013 Francesco Pellicciari
International Networking: What we got ResultsofGuglielminameeting • Guestspresented the localfeaturesoftheirareas • EU Rice-fields are hosting several water birds(herons, ducks, waders) and habitats • ricefarmingpracticediffersquitesignificantly Whatwelearnt • Itisalmostimpossibletoadopt the same “guidelines” at the EU level • Rice farmingistrulyconnectedwith the conservationofseveral habitat and speciesof EU interest • An EU common actionwouldbetterstart asgeneral and focus on certain “processes” • Weneededinformations on a wider set ofsubjectstodefine the contexts(that’s whyweaskedyoutofill the data sheets) Didtheymakesensetoyou? E.5 International Networking International WORKSHOP – 21/06/2013 Francesco Pellicciari
International Networking: What we wish for our future Expectedresultsofthisaction • Wewouldliketo end up thisactionwith a common actionplan. • Thisismeanttoidentifyobjectives and linesofactionworthofbeingpursuedbyan EU network (forexample: howto monitor biodiversity in agro-ecosystem, howto design measuresforconservation, howtoincrease the farm competitivenessthroughbiodiversityconservation…) • Suchdocumentwillbe sent to ECas a project deliverable. Future stepstoward EU cooperation • Such a documentcouldbe the basisfor future collaborationbetweenpartners: wemetby a Citizenship project (EU-RICE), startedto talk through a LIFEone (ECO-RICE). • Wewouldliketobecomefriends and getbettertogether:maybean INTERREG 2014-2020? E.5 International Networking International WORKSHOP – 21/06/2013 Francesco Pellicciari
International Networking: today's work Building up a shared vision • Ourmethodology • 4 focus areas • Agriculture (whatfarmers can do toimprovebiodiversity? whattheywant in turn?) • Environment (what’s the state of the art of science? indicators, monitoring, environmental/landscapetypologiestopursue); • Governance (howisitpossibletoimprove the design & implementationof public policies?) • RuralDevelopment (howbiodiversitycould play asanaddedvalue?) • Thelogicalframework : Priorities>Expectedresults>Actions E.5 International Networking International WORKSHOP – 21/06/2013 Francesco Pellicciari
International Networking: today's work Building up a sharedvision • The tools: wewill work withposters and post-it (7-words),tryingtoconnectprioritieswithactions • The schedule: • Contextanalysis (Pavia University & Guestcontributions) 100 mins • Check up 60 mins • Lunch break • Discussion 120 mins • Conclusionsby Project Manager/Pavia Univ. 30 mins Nextmonths: • Draftof a document • Osservationsby network partners • Draftof the sharedactionplan E.5 International Networking International WORKSHOP – 21/06/2013 Francesco Pellicciari