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TRACER STUDY OF AIT GRADUATES 2003 - 2008. Punya Prasad Regmi Consultant / Researcher. PRESENTATION HIGHLIGHTS. Tracer Studies in AIT Tracer Study of AIT Graduates (2003 to mid 2008) Research Methodology Results and Discussions Key Findings and Recommendations. TRACE STUDIES IN AIT.
TRACER STUDY OF AIT GRADUATES2003 - 2008 Punya Prasad Regmi Consultant / Researcher
PRESENTATION HIGHLIGHTS • Tracer Studies in AIT • Tracer Study of AIT Graduates (2003 to mid 2008) • Research Methodology • Results and Discussions • Key Findings and Recommendations
TRACE STUDIES IN AIT • Enquiry into the Whereabouts of AIT Graduates (unpublished survey, 1971). • Questionnaire to the AIT Graduates (unpublished survey, 1973). • Alumni Tracer Study and Employer Survey (covering the years of graduation from 1961 until 1976; published in 1978). • Revised Tracer Study on Alumni from 1976 -1979 and Alumni Directory 1961 - 1979 (published in 1980). • Tracer Study and Directory of Alumni for the Period 1961 - 1981 (published in 1982). • Tracer Study 1961 - 1984 Alumni (published in 1985). • AIT Alumni 1961 - 1987 Tracer Study (published in 1990). • 1990 Alumni Tracer Study (published in 1991) • AIT Alumni 1961 - 1990 Employer Study. Interim Report on Preliminary Findings (published in 1992). • AIT Women Graduates Tracer Study, 1961 - 1990 (Asian Women and Technological Careers, 1992). • AIT Alumni Tracer Study (published 1993). • Tracer Study of AIT Alumnae and Alumni with German Scholarship or Fellowship, 1972 - 1999 (published in 2002). • Tracer Study: Urban Environmental Management Graduates, 1998 - 2005 (published in 2006). • Tracer Study of AIT Graduates, 2003 - Mid 2008 (published in 2009).
TRACER STUDY OF AIT GRADUATES 2009 • Two Separate Reports • Overall Graduates • Graduates with Norwegian Scholarship • Objectives • To find out the effectiveness and relevance of AIT degree as a resource and credential for employment/job placement upon graduation from AIT; employment opportunities for graduates – for both men and women, • To find out the relevance of AIT courses/curricula and research to the current job function and professional development in respective fields, and furthering academic/scientific pursuits, • To find out the professional status and ranks of the AIT graduates in their respective employments, • To assess the level of networking among AIT graduates and recommendations to strengthen the existing network among them, • To assess the gender awareness of AIT graduates in their respective professions, and • To assess the contribution of AIT graduates in the development of their home countries and of the region; including contribution to poverty alleviation and to fulfill AIT’s mission.
ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE - TRACER STUDY OF AIT GRADUATES 2009 • Pre-introduction (title page, foreword, preface, acknowledgement, executive summary, table of contents, list of abbreviations) • Main body [ 1. Introduction, 2. Research Design,3. AIT Graduates, 4. Graduates before Studies at AIT, 5. Studies at AIT, 6. Feedback on Teaching, Research and Services, 7. Career Decision and Employments, 8. Relevancies and Effectiveness, 9. Developmental Activities and Networking, 10. Partnerships and Suggestions, 11. Perspectives of Employers and Peers on AIT Graduates, and 12. Key Findings and Recommendations] • Appendices (appendix tables, coordination schema, questionnaires, and list of respondents)
TARGET AND RESPONDENT GRADUATES • Conducted in 2008/09 targeting recent past graduates (2005 to mid 2008) • Target Population: 3996 ( 2491 males and 1505 females) from 60 countries and territories • Respondent Graduates: 1121 (676 males and 445 Females) or 28.05% of the Target Population. • 600 (54%) - sent email • 426 (38%) - submitted through online • 95 (8%) - sent by post / hand delivery
AIT Graduates by Countries from where Completed Questionnaire Received
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY • Approach • Census survey of AIT graduates (2003 -2008) • Survey of Employers • Survey of Peers • Survey Organization • Updating Contact Details (PS, MC, NC, FP) • Coordination Schema • Developing Questionnaires (three sets) • Data Collection • Mail Questionnaire ( by Post, Email, Online) • Personal Interview (by Researcher, Project staff, Focal person, Research assistant • Country Visits by Researcher (Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Myanmar) • Requesting and Reminding Time to Time • Data entry and Analysis (Defining variables, Defining variable labels, Defining values, Data cleaning, Data Validating and Analysis in SPSS) • Report Writing (Two Separate Reports)
Individual main function at work: Out of 816 respondents, 41 % reported project implementation, management (28%), teaching (22%), research analysis / policy inputs (21%) and knowledge and information dissemination (19%).
Job Position before AIT by Gender Job Position before AIT by Economic Categories
Salary before AIT by Gender, Economic Categories, and Region (US$/Month)
Figure 5.1: Target Graduates by Schools and Graduation Year 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Graduation Year SERD SOM SAT SET SCE Studies at AIT
Feedback on Teaching in AIT Reasons of the poor and very poor ratings: weak practical aspects, inadequate facilities, less cooperating and less helping in thesis supervision, high course fee but poor learning materials, high politics among instructors, and heterogeneity in the background of the students and diversity in teaching that had to be compromised.
Type of Individual Main Function at Work Compared with the last job before AIT, an upward shift was found for management (28 to 36 percent) and for research analysis / policy inputs (21 percent to 27 percent).
Salary Level by Graduation Year ANOVA Results for the AIT Graduation Year (6 Categories) and Salaries
Job Position and Salary Income by Gender Wilcoxon Signed Ranks and Pearson Chi-Square Tests for Job Ranks and Gender
Job Relevancy of AIT Studies in Current Involvement Employment History and Job Relevancy of AIT Studies
Contributed Development Projects / Research Studies Altogether 289 respondent AIT graduates provided the list of 757 development projects / research studies in which they had significantly contributed after graduation from AIT.
Involvement of AIT Graduates in Professional and Social Networks • Altogether 243 respondents, the highest proportion (45%) of them indicated as the member of AITAA national chapters and related organizations, 33 percent for professional organizations, 16 percent for international/regional organizations, and 7 percent for local non-governmental organizations.
Suggestions Suggestions for Generating More Resources and Financial Viability Suggestions for the Future Direction of AIT Suggestions for Strengthening Relation / Partnerships with Alumni