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Dive into the definitions, synonyms, and antonyms of 8 key words like "abstain" and "refute." Learn how to use them in sentences to boost your language skills.
Words Merge Overt Pallid Refute Travesty • Abstain • Accentuate • Blasphemy • Catalog • Incarcerate Study the definitions, synonyms, & antonyms, and know how to use them in a sentence.
Abstain • (v) to choose not to vote for or against something; to not do or have something especially alcohol or sex, usually for religious or health reasons. • I chose to abstain from voting because both of the candidates are my friends. • Synonyms: refrain, withdraw, withhold • Antonym: indulge • Also: abstinence
Accentuate • (v) to make something more noticeable • The red ribbons accentuate the details on the wrapping paper. • Synonyms: emphasize, highlight, stress • Antonym: play down • Also: accentuating
Blasphemy • (n) something you say or do that is insulting to people’s religious beliefs • She interrupted her uncle and told him cursing is blasphemous to God. • Synonyms: irreverence, sacrilege • Antonym: piety • Also: blasphemous
Catalog • (n) a list or record, like items for sale or courses at a university, systematically arranged and often including descriptive material • The archaeologist cataloged the artifacts so they could be easily found when he returned to the museum. • Synonyms: set, collection, list • Also: cataloged
Incarcerate • (v) to put or keep someone in prison • The prisoner is incarcerated because he was found guilty of larceny. • Synonyms: imprison, jail, detain • Antonym: free • Also: incarceration
Merge • (v) to combine, or to join things together to form one thing • The red and blue liquids merged into one purple mess. • Synonyms: unite, unify, fuse • Antonym: separate • Also: merging
Overt • (adj) actions done publicly, without trying to hide anything • His comments were overtly crude so we walked away. • Synonyms: obvious, unconcealed, explicit • Antonyms: hidden, covert • Also: overtly
Pallid • (adj) very pale, especially in a way that looks weak or unhealthy; not very interesting • The invalid was very pallid and looked as though she hadn’t seen the sun for years. • Synonyms: white, pasty • Antonyms: dark, rosy • Also: pale
Refute • (v) to prove that a statement or idea is not correct; to say that a statement is wrong or unfair • It frustrated me that every time I made a point, he refuted it. • Synonyms: disprove, rebut, contest • Antonym: prove • Also: refuted
Travesty • (n) used in order to say that something is extremely bad and is not what it claims to be • It’s a travesty that the CEO embezzled his employees’ retirement money. • Synonyms: mockery, sham, farce • Antonyms: bona fide • Also: travesties
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