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FPB Annual Report 2014/15 Portfolio Committee October 2015

Explore the FPB's mandate, achievements, challenges, and priorities for 2014/15 detailed in their annual report. Discover organizational advancements, compliance raids, media coverage, and financial insights.

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FPB Annual Report 2014/15 Portfolio Committee October 2015

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  1. FPB Annual Report 2014/15Portfolio Committee October 2015

  2. Presentation Outline • FPB Mandate • FPB Vision, Mission and Values • 5 Year Priorities • Annual Report 2014/2015 • Organizational Achievements and Challenges • Total number of classified material • Compliance Raids • Appeals • Media Coverage • Vacancies • Finance • Cost saving measures and Savings • Audit Report • Report on use of consultants • Litigations

  3. FPB Mandate Derived from Film and Publications Act 65 of 1996 as amended in 2004 and 2009. FPB is mandated to regulate the: • creation, • production and • distribution of films, games and certain publications Portfolio Committee

  4. FPB Vision, Mission and Values

  5. Governance: • The FPB Governance Structure comprises the following bodies; • Council as Accounting Authority (8 members – 1 resignation) • 5 Council Committees: • Audit and Risk Committee • Chairpersons Committee • Finance Committee • Human Resources and Remuneration Committee • Operations and ICT Committee • Appeal Tribunal (7 members – 2 resignations) • Executive Committee (5 members) – Chief Executive Officer; Chief Operations Officer; Chief Financial Officer; Chief Information Officer and Shared Services Executive

  6. Legislative Framework

  7. 5 Year Priorities • Leading edge in content classification • Informing and educating society to empower adults and protect children against harmful content • Legislative review • Develop and maintain local and international partnerships • Research, Compliance and Monitoring & evaluation

  8. Annual Report 2014/2015

  9. Organizational Achievements • FPB elected for INHOPE (International Association of Internet Hotlines) board representation • Classified 2 151 material submitted • Gazetting of Online Regulation Policy • Compliance Monitoring Internship program • Legislative review • Convergence survey result indicate 91% convergence by Northern Cape and Western Cape with FPB Classification decisions • Partnership with UNISA for research on ‘Assessing the impact of media material on children’ • FPB /UNISA professional certificate on classification to be launched in January 2016 • New revenue stream of ‘Licensing fee’ for content distributed online was introduced • Cost saving measures introduced which led to the decrease in consultation fees. • Repayment of fruitless expenditure by service provider R500 000

  10. Organizational Achievements • Increase of internet bandwidth to support Call Centre Operations • Successful implementation of automated administration system i.e Electronic Management System, for classification, FPB Online for registration trends and File Management • MoU with SA Post Office for distribution of certificates for 10 days turnaround (point of receipt to issuing certificates) • New cohort of Classifiers appointed for a 3 year term • Over 70 Raids conducted with law enforcement agencies in Western, Northern and Central region • Over 20 000 confiscations of illegal and pirated DVD material • Over 9 657 inspections to targeted distributors conducted • Online distributors agreement concluded with Apple, Altech, Blackberry and MultiChoice • Fraud Prevention Policy , Strategy and Plan in place

  11. Challenges • Online content regulation • Delays in legislative amendments • User Generated Content (law enforcement sex videos, sex videos in schools and imitative acts) • Shift in content submitted for classification from physical submissions to online submissions • Distributor's Access to Financial records of balances and delays in the issuing of invoice for classification/registration

  12. Challenges • Tariff information confusing and not very clear • Lack of clear understanding and meaning of ratings/consumer advice • Consistent insistence by Distributors to get ratings even before the classification process is finalised and while it is within the stipulated turnaround times • Complaints from members of the public about cinemas not allowing admission of underage children to movies.

  13. Total number of classified material

  14. Appeals 2014/2015

  15. Suspected Child Sexual Abuse Material • Suspected Child Sexual Abuse Material identified and reported = 169 •  Content Removed = 55 • Reported to relevant Law Enforcement Agencies = 12 • Reported to ISP = 7 • Not illegal Content as per INHOPE = 62 • No update from relevant countries = 33 (INHOPE attended to these reports)

  16. Compliance Raids

  17. Compliance Raids conducted

  18. Compliance Raids conducted

  19. Media coverage by sentiments

  20. Key issues in the media • Draft online regulation policy - regulation of content distributed online and the policy being too broad by some quarters, and welcomed by others • Importance of cyber safety for children given the Internet is such a vast, potentially dangerous yet critical part of our day-to-day lives • Child protection and child pornography - FPB often part of panel discussions and conducts media interviews as we are asked to comment of facts and stats related to child porn, classification processes and the importance • Classification ratings on certain films were seen as to harsh/censoring e.g. Of Good Report • SABC Box Office show was shown on SABC 1 for a period of 3 months with an average viewership of 1.4 million.

  21. Annual Performance Analysis

  22. Employment and Vacancies by Salary Bands as at 31 March 2015

  23. Annual Report Finance

  24. Statement of Financial Performance

  25. Revenue 2014/15 • R78.9m was received as a grant for the year ended 31 March 2015 as compared to R82.6m received in the previous financial year which included an allocation for the development of the online content regulation. • R6.3m was generated from regulation fees as compared to R4.3m in the previous financial year. The increase is due to the implementation of an annual license fee charged to identified online distributors. • R1.6m disclosed as other income increased compared to the previous financial year due to the recovery of previously disclosed irregular expenditure and interest revenue generation. • Overall income received for the year ended 31 March 2015, was R86.8m as compared to R87.1m received in the previous financial year.

  26. Expenditure 2014/15 • Staff costs of R41.8m was incurred for the current year. This total includes Classifiers’ fees of R4.1m paid during the financial year. The increase is mainly due to the filling of vacant positions and additional posts identified. • Operational expenditure of R36.2m reduced from the previous financial year due to a reduction in the expenditure on public relation campaigns and consultation on the online regulation policy. • The FPB recorded a surplus of R5.6m for the year ended 31 March 2015 as compared to a surplus of R R5.4m recorded in the previous’ financial year. Surpluses were committed for the new financial year. • 99.6% (R78 609'/R78 901') of the total grant received was indeed spent.

  27. Cost saving measures and Savings

  28. Audit Report

  29. Audit Report • Opinion: Unqualified • Emphasis of Matter: Restatement of corresponding figures • Material Non Compliance: - Submitted financial statements subsequently corrected - Effective steps to prevent irregular expenditure not taken • Significant Internal Control Deficiencies: - Inadequate review and monitoring to prepare financial and performance information

  30. Finding Categories

  31. Finding Categories

  32. Report on the Use of Consultants

  33. Use of Consultants

  34. Report on Irregular & Fruitless and Wasteful Expenditure

  35. Report on Irregular & Fruitless and Wasteful Expenditure The irregular expenditure of R 1 080 000 arose out of the irregular award of an ICT tender to an IT Company, where the award was not compliant with legislation, regulation and policy. The full amount has since been recovered from the supplier Irregular expenditure to the amount of R3m was raised by management due to the result of an investigation indicating non compliance with legislated SCM processes. Implicated officials resigned and/or contracts have since expired. Irregular expenditure to the amount of R3.3m was detected by the AGSA due to the non submission of Standard Bidding Document 6.1 for bids under the tender threshold. Quotations were however correctly evaluated as per the SCM requirements.

  36. Report on Irregular & Fruitless and Wasteful Expenditure • Fruitless and wasteful expenditure incurred in the current financial year amounted to; - R15 910 relating to traffic fines - R437 relating to interest paid • The funds have since been recovered from the responsible employees • Disciplinary action was taken against employees responsible for previously incurred fruitless and wasteful expenditure

  37. Litigations

  38. Litigations

  39. Thank You

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