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Market Visit – Protocol 1. Image of the Market. Location : GK II, New Delhi. Media Market. Pic 1. Pic 2. Mention scale / type of products in media shop. Mention scale / type of products in media shop. Pic 4. Pic 3. Mention scale / type of products in media shop.
Market Visit – Protocol 1 Image of the Market Location : GK II, New Delhi
Media Market Pic 1 Pic 2 Mention scale / type of products in media shop Mention scale / type of products in media shop Pic 4 Pic 3 Mention scale / type of products in media shop Mention scale / type of products in media shop
Media Consumption Pic 1 Pic 2 Name of Technology Price: INR 1 lakh approx. Name of Technology Price: INR 1 lakh approx. Pic 4 Pic 3 Name of Technology Price: INR 1 lakh approx. Name of Technology Price: INR 1 lakh approx.
Usage Patterns • Name of Media Technology 1 • Primary usage (Most users primarily use mobile phone for calling) • Alternative usage (They also use it as a camera) • Innovative usage (Some users have also invented new use for the mobile phone by using it as a search light. This allows them to navigate through the dark ) • Name of Media Technology 2 • Primary usage • Alternative usage • Innovative usage • Name of Media Technology 3 • Primary usage • Alternative usage • Innovative usage • Name of Media Technology 4 • Primary usage • Alternative usage • Innovative usage
Trajectory of Media Acquisition Technology 1 Technology 4 Technology 2 Technology 3
Technology Ownership • First hand ownership • Many (list percentage if possible) users prefer first hand ownership of media technology • List advantages for example- First hand devices are valued more than second hand and act as a status symbol • First hand devices are of better quality and are more reliable • Second hand ownership • Some (list percentage if possible) users prefer second hand ownership of media technology • List advantages for example- Second hand devices are much cheaper and more affordable than first hand devices
Aspirational Media Technologies Unique Usage Stories- talk to several people how do they use technology…interesting trajectory of growth from shared usage to their own different tales of adoption … image rich slide Majority of SEC A (list segmentation if possible) users aspire for (list technology) because (list reason)
Integration of Media Technologies • Explain various benefits of integration of such technologies • Multimodal usage of technology is enabled by the vendor through (list examples) Picture of Technology 1 Name of Technology 1 Picture of Technology 2 Name of Technology 2
Key Findings • Analysis reflecting similarities and contrasts list down pointers • Technologies that people are purchasing the most and why? • Usage • Aspirational Media Technologies and segmentation (SEC A, B, & C) • Integration of Technologies • First hand versus second hand ownership (Pros and cons)
Please include additional slides to capture the depth of the narratives in any part of this template as may be required. The basic outline remains as above. Repeat it for the varied number of vendors your group talks to.