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Middle School Options. Opciones En Las Escuelas Secundarias . Objectives. Plan for a great middle school transition Plan para una transición de escuela intermedia gran Understand your child’s middle school’s options Entender las opciones de la escuela de su hijo medio de
Middle School Options Opciones En Las Escuelas Secundarias
Objectives Plan for a greatmiddleschooltransitionPlan paraunatransición de escuelaintermediagran Understandyourchild’smiddleschool’soptionsEntender las opciones de la escuela de su hijo medio de Apply for ChoicesSolicitar “Choices” Objectivos
TheImportance of MiddleSchool Failing one class in middle school means a 50% risk that you may not graduate High School Reprobar una clase en la escuela secundaria significa un riesgo de 50% de que el estudiante no se va a graduar de la escuela prepatoria La importancia de Escuelas
TheImportance of MiddleSchool 12% of students entering 9th grade enroll in a California public university12% - Estudiantes entrando al grado 9 se inscriben en una universidad publica de California La importancia de Escuelas
TheImportance of MiddleSchool 71% reportthey do nothave a caringrelationship w/ teacher71% reportan que no tienen una influencia comprensiva con algun maestro/a La importancia de Escuelas
Types of Schools Charters Magnets • Gifted MagnetsMagnets de talentoso • Open MagnetsMagentsabiertos Zoned Schools Tipos de Escuelas
Foshay Learning Center 3751 South Harvard Blvd., 90018, (323) 373-2700 Expo-Park Library Foshay
Expo-Park Library Foshay .3 mile
Foshay Learning Center Zoned School, K-12 8th Grade: • English Language/Del idiomaInglès– 35% • Math/Matemáticas –16% “Neighborhood Academic Initiative” 3751 South Harvard Blvd., 90018, (323) 373-2700
USC Neighborhood Academy What is it? / Quées? Commitment / Compromiso Benefits / Beneficios
Barack Obama Global Preparation Academy 1700 West 46th St., 90062, (323) 421-1700 Expo-Park Library Adventures Ahead Barack
Expo-Park Library 1 mile Obama
Barack Obama Global Preparation Academy Zoned School, 6-8 8th Grade: • English Language/Del idiomaInglès– 16% • Math/Matemáticas–4.5% Asdjfla;k 1700 West 46th St., 90062, (323) 421-1700
Charter Schools FREE tuitionMatriculagratuita No pre-requirementsSin requisitos Every school has a different application deadlineTienequesolicitarporseparado Not all Charters are equalNo todas las cartas son iguales Escuelas Charters
Synergy Kinetic Academy 104 W. 47th Pl., 90037, (323) 388-9889 Expo-Park Library Synergy
Expo-Park Library 3 miles Synergy
Synergy Kinetic Academy Charter School, 6-8 8th Grade: • English Language/Del idiomaInglès– 58% • Math/Matemáticas–57% Applications come out in Feb, get one at Adventures AheadAplicacionesvienen en febrero, conseguiruno en aventuraspordelante Lastyear: 250 people, 140 spots (6th grade) El año pasado: 250 personas, 140 oportunidades (grado 6) 104 W. 47th Pl., 90037, (323) 388-9889
Camino Nuevo CharterAcademy Harvard 635 South Harvard Blvd., 90005, (213) 736-5542 Expo-Park Library Camino Nuevo
3.5 miles Expo-Park Library Camino Nuevo
Camino Nuevo CharterAcademy Harvard Charter School, K-8 8th Grade: • English Language/Del idiomaInglès– 73% • Math/Matemáticas–93% Willhave a lottery, no known dateTendrá una lotería, sin fecha conocida Easiesttoget in K and 5thEl más fácil de conseguir en K y 5 635 South Harvard Blvd., 90005, (213) 736-5542
KIPP Academy of Opportunity 7019 South Van Ness Avenue, 90047, (323) 778-0125 Expo-Park Library KIPP
Expo-Park Library KIPP 3.2 miles
KIPP Academy of Opportunity Charter School, 5-8 8th Grade: • English Language/Del idiomaInglès– 48% • Math/Matemáticas – 25% Graduate 8th grade, KIPP will: • Helpwithcollegeapplications • Tutor child in highschool and college Graduado de 8 º grado, KIPP se: • Ayuda con solicitudes para la universidad • Tutor del niño en la escuela secundaria y la universidad 7019 South Van Ness Avenue, 90047, (323) 778-0125
Richard MerkinMiddleAcademy 2023 Union Ave., 90007, (213) 748-0141 Expo-Park Library Richard Merkin
Expo-Park Library 3 miles Richard Merkin
Richard MerkinMiddleAcademy Charter, 6-8 8th Grade: • English Language/Del idiomaInglès– 47% • Math/Matemáticas– 55% Lots of extracurricular activities, including sports Gran cantidad de actividadesextracurriculares, comodeportes 2023 Union Ave., 90007, (213) 748-0141
LarchmontCharter 668 S. Catalina St., 90005, (213) 384-0040 Expo-Park Library Larchmont
3 miles Expo-Park Library Larchmont
LarchmontCharter Charter School, 6-8 8th Grade: • None / Nada Lottery in FebruaryLotería en febrero 668 S. Catalina St., 90005, (213) 384-0040
View Park Preparatory Accelerated Charter Middle 5749 South Crenshaw Blvd., 90043, (323) 290-6970 Expo-Park Library View Park
Expo-Park Library View Park 3 miles
View Park Preparatory Accelerated Charter Middle Charter School, 6-8 8th Grade: • English Language/Del idiomaInglès– 66% • Math/Matemáticas–32% Socratic seminarsSpanish Sports (Basketball, football, rugby) Deportes (Spanish) 5749 South Crenshaw Blvd., 90043, (323) 290-6970
Magnet Schools Two types of Magnets / Dos tips de Magnets • Open / Abiertos • Gifted / Talento FREE transportation and tuitionTransportacion y matriculación GRATIS VERY competitiveMuycompetitivos “Points”“Puntos" Escuelas Magnets
The Points System Magnet schools accept students with the most points firstEscuelas Magnet aceptar a los estudiantes con máspuntosprimero El Sistema de Puntos
The Points System Two types of points • Permanent points • School, siblings, neighborhood • Waitinglistpoints • Earn points every year you are rejected Hay dos tipos de puntos • Puntospermanente • Escuela, hermanos, vecinos • Puntos de la lista de espera • Ganapuntoscadaañoque son rechazados El Sistema de Puntos
The Points System ApplyeveryyeartogainwaitinglistpointsAplicar todos los años de espera para obtener puntos de la lista El Sistema de Puntos
The Choices Brochure K-4th: Apply to get points / Aplicarparaobtenerpuntos 5th: Apply to LACES / Aplicar a los LACES Opciones de folleto
The Choices Brochure NCLB PSC / NCLB PSC • Mack and Foshay are in program improvement Mack y Foshay en la mejora del programa • ChoosefromhighperformingschoolsElección de escuelas de alto rendimiento • Transportation providedTransporte siempre • Open EnrollmentInscripciónAbierta Opciones de folleto
How to Apply Deadline: December 15thFecha límite: 15 de diciembre • Apply by mail: December 7thSolicitarloporcorreo: 07 de diciembre • Apply by computerAplicarporordenador • We can help on Mondays at the Lending LibraryPodemosayudar a los lunes CómoAplicar
32nd StreetMagnet 822 W 32nd Street, 90007, (213) 748-0126 Expo-Park Library 32nd Street
2.4 miles Expo-Park Library 32nd Street
32nd StreetMagnet Magnet, K-8 8th Grade: • English Language/Del idiomaInglès– 56% • Math/Matemáticas– 7% Performing arts focus / Realizarenfoqueartes USC resources / USC recursos Test scores / Resultados de los exámenes • Stagnant, declining / El estancamiento, disminución 822 W 32nd Street, 90007, (213) 748-0126
LACES (Los Angeles Center forEnrichedStudies) 5931 W. 18th St., Los Angeles, CA 90035, (323) 549-5900 Expo-Park Library LACES
6.5 miles Expo-Park Library LACES
LACES (Los Angeles Center forEnrichedStudies) Magnet, 6-12 8th Grade: • English Language/Del idiomaInglès– 85% • Math/Matemáticas– 68% 2000 students applied for 200 spots2000 se aplican a 200 puntos Special Programs: Bilingual Program, Gifted ProgramProgramesEspeciales: Bilingue, estudiantesdotados 5931 W. 18th St., Los Angeles, CA 90035, (323) 549-5900