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MMDE5012. Interactive Media Practice Seminar 2 Week 2. Baker eBook Framework. http://www.bakerframework.com/. Introduction to Baker. Baker is an ebook framework that enables you to publish interactive books/magazines or ePubs on iPads and iPhones using simple HTML5 and CSS3 standards.

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  1. MMDE5012 • Interactive Media Practice Seminar 2 • Week 2

  2. Baker eBook Framework • http://www.bakerframework.com/

  3. Introduction to Baker • Baker is an ebook framework that enables you to publish interactive books/magazines or ePubs on iPads and iPhones using simple HTML5 and CSS3 standards. • This is great, because it uses the skills you already know! • You can develop pages as you normally would using a text/code editor (Dreamweaver, etc) and a browser (a webkit browser e.g. Chrome or Safari). Ideally you will also test it in Mobile Safari. • You can include all of HTML5’s elements e.g. video, audio and even HTML5 transitions and animations.

  4. The Hpub Format • Baker uses a format called HPub 1.0. • A HPub publication is like an HTML5 microsite. • This means you are able to see/test your site in Safari / Mobile Safari. • To prepare a publication, simply create a single HTML file for each page in your ePub. • These files then need to be named sequentially (either numerically or alphabetically). • The exception to this is an ‘index.html’ which is employed by Baker when a user double-taps the screen (it appears as a quick reference index menu at the bottom of the screen).

  5. The Baker File Package • Once you have developed your HTML pages, the files are then placed in a root directory (it is important to note all files/assets must be inside this root folder). You can also include sub-directories like ‘images’, ‘audio’, ‘video’ etc. • Along with your HTML files you also need to include a file called ‘book.json’. This file is known as the manifest, and includes all of the parameters required for Baker to display your file correctly. • FYI : JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format that is easy for humans to read and write while also being easy for machines to parse and generate. • There are also a few more advanced customisations that can be carried out, but essentially that is everything you need to create your publication!

  6. book.json Example

  7. Baker ePub Folder Structure

  8. The WorkFlow

  9. Step1: Designing your ePub • To design for the Baker Framework you just have to build HTML5 pages with a fixed width of 768px. • You can also employ a few media queries if you want to design for a more responsive environment (e.g. for both iPhones and iPads). • That’s all. Use your favorite tools, test it on the iPad using Safari, and refine as much as you want. • P.S. Don’t forget about retina graphics @2X high pixel density devices.

  10. Step 2: Put it all in a folder • Order all of your HTML files sequentially and put them along with associated files and sub-directories in a root folder. • Include your book.json file (with all the relevant details). • Add ‘Book Cover.html’, ‘Book Index.html’ and ‘index.html’ into the file (if desired).

  11. Step 3: Newsstand vs Standalone • There are two types of Baker ePubs: Newsstand and Standalone. • Newsstand mode: This is for periodical magazines and publications. • Standalone mode: This is for single/one-off ePubs.

  12. Step 3: continued • To publish in Standalone mode, follow the tutorial here: https://github.com/bakerframework/baker/wiki/Tutorial-for-Standalone-App

  13. Step 4: Compile and Test • Once your standalone app is ready you can test it in the iOSsimulator (in Xcode).

  14. Exercise • Download the example Baker Package and examine the folders contents. • Download the Baker Framework. • Open ‘Baker.xcodeproj’ in Xcode. • Follow the standalone app tutorial. • Test it in the iOS simulator.

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